
Chapter 584 Completing The Territory

Chapter 584 Completing The Territory

"Giving you my everything," Tenma whispered, "Taking your everything, let us see between both of us, who wants it more."

A bright light erupted from Tenma's body as the last of his Essence was channeled into the body of the Demon.

Without holding anything back, Tenma faded to purple dust and the Demon staggered back in surprise, he touched his massive chest as if he was scanning inside of his body, before violently plunging his hand inside his chest, he pulled out his heart, inspected it and threw it aside, and pushed his hands again into his body.

A Demon Prince had seven hearts, and he was sure this wily god was dwelling inside one of them. The rage of Kohron was growing, for his flesh to be desecrated by a god left him with a feeling of being raped.

The Demon Prince enjoyed this sensation, but for now, it was going against his greater passion which was to revel in this delightful chaos created by his brother, and nothing would stand in his way.

"You foolish mortal get out of my body!" To a Demon Prince even a god could be considered a Mortal, for they only lived a single Era, their lifespan tied to their universe, and no matter how unfathomable long an Era might be, in the end, it would soon reach its destination… oblivion.

He applied force and began to pull after seizing another heart, yet his other hand suddenly struck out and seized his forearm stopping him from pulling it out, the face of Kohron grew dark with anger,

His body which was red like hot coal was beginning to slowly transform, as half of his body was turning purple, and even his great wings began to release purplish smoke.

Kohron nearly went mad in anger, no longer enjoying the sensation of being raped. In his arrogance, Kohron did not pay any heed to the word of the god, as he thought that Tenma was only going to hide inside his body and bide his time, but he was wrong, this god was more ambitious than he had credited him.

"How dare you attempt to possess me! Do you have any idea who I am?"

A mouth opened beside his eyes and spoke with the voice of Tenma,

"You are just one in the long line of tyrants I have faced in my lifetime, they all fell to my will, and you will do the same."

The Demon Prince's shoulders shook, as if in anger, but it turned out he was laughing,

"I admire your willpower Mortal, but you cannot stop the future that is about to happen, perhaps if you had more time then you would have succeeded, as the very nature of the Material Universe restricts my powers. Yet, even with all my limitations, you are not my match!"

Rowan's voice suddenly interrupted the Demon, "If that is the case, then I will give him more time,"

Kohron's eyes widened in surprise, and it remained that way for it was frozen in place.

There was a gasp of surprise and then fury, this emotion came from outside the void, as the tether binding the consciousness of the Demon Prince from outside the universe to his Shell here was severed.

Rowan could hear a fading echo in the universe announcing the Demon's shock and anger from being denied what it craved with all his being.

What remained inside this body could be considered to be a small part of the Demon Prince's consciousness.

Rowan had covered the Demon Prince inside his Primordial Sea of Darkness and he was frozen in place, it had been a simple thing to send a controlled burst of his Territory and cover the distracted Demon Prince.

Rowan's Territory was not only growing in size but in power, as every drop of newly added Primordial Sea was enhancing his entire Territory until it was difficult for him to imagine how powerful his Territory had become. Freezing the Demon Prince was a small demonstration of that power.

Rowan had chosen to do this because the interaction between the Demon Prince and the High god gave him certain inspiration, and he wanted to explore it. He was curious if Tenma would be able to possess the body of this Demon and what the implications of that might be.

This god was fascinating, of all the gods of the Cerulean Galaxy, only Tenma had caught his eye, Shario was just a brute, although she was and strong, it was all meaningless to him.

Tenma represented something more, and even if he failed to bring out any valuable result in this experiment, Rowan would have learned something new about the interaction of power.

Rowan hoped that this god would succeed for he had given Tenma enough advantages and separated the main consciousness of Kohron, and if he could not win against the remnants, then he deserved his fate of death.

In the end, Rowan might still end up killing him when he was done with him, but it all depended on how the future turned out to be. he was not bloodthirsty, only pragmatic, if the god was more useful alive than dead, he would stay that way, Rowan gained no pleasure in killing.

He focused back to his Mental Space, he had already crushed fifty thousand Soul Crystals and the Primordial Sea of Darkness was now becoming deep, it depths reaching for tens of thousands of miles and it was getting deeper with each seconds.

Three more gigantic portals were spewing out the black sea that made up his Territory, and they were still in full operation, and from the amount he was expecting from the Soul Cruystal he crushed, then it would take at least nine hours before his Territory would be completed, but he would still need another forty thousand Soul Points to push it to its limit.

It was a good thing that he still had enough. He slightly winced as he crushed forty thousand Soul Crystals and a fourth portal opened up overhead, this one was clearly larger than the other three, and Rowan silently folded his legs as his gigantic body floated in space, waiting for his Territory to be completed.

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