
Chapter 185: The First Monster Family Meeting

Chapter 185: The First Monster Family Meeting

William Li then explained his plan to Su Yang in detail.

Before this, Han Yi was cast in a television series named “Eternal Love of Dreams”. Filming was wrapped up, and the series was currently in post-production.

The promotion for the series must be done before the premiere, and since Han Yi somehow managed to secure some attention, William wanted to use the change to create hype. As for the so-called collaboration, it was all about money.

From paying the netizens, getting the traffic, securing the spot on the trending search, and the articles on media sites, everything needed money.

Su Yang did not have any connections to all those, so he could only contribute money.

Fortunately, even though William might be smart, Su Yang was not an idiot either. He knew that William could seize this opportunity himself, but he was kind enough to make an offer to Su Yang, giving him the chance to have a share of the profit.

Even if Su Yang refused, William would still boost Han Yi to become a trending search but without the presence of “Find Me”.

Su Yang had always been a generous sponsor of events that required a tiny bit for a large return even if there were other motives behind it, so he agreed to join William without a second thought.

The two of them then started to talk about the details over the phone. In the end, Su Yang used two minutes of [Intermediate Verbal Canon] and [Charms of Talking] to get a discount.

The project had an investment amount of around 80,000 to 100,000 yuan, and Su Yang only had to pay 5,000. His reason was that the hype revolving around the television drama would only benefit the series itself and Han Yi whereas “Find Me” was just an appendage to the bigger picture.

William accepted his suggestion.

For the rest of the day, the gossip about Han Yi waking up at 6 a.m. and reading the script for “Eternal Love of Dreams” started to garner attention on Weibo, and it successfully attracted even more discussion.

Fans and passersby praised Han Yi for being professional enough to read the script early in the morning. Some even praised her for being a beauty and a hard worker at the same time; there was no reason for her not to succeed in this industry.

However, since it was a discussion, not everyone shared the same opinion about her.

[The older generation actors and actresses work 24 hours a day, yet a young star like her reading script at 6 in the morning is professional?]

[The cleaning workers wake up every day at 4 a.m. and clean our streets. Aren’t they professionals as well?]

Both the positive and negative comments were not important to Su Yang, William, Han Yi, and the crew and cast of “Eternal Love of Dreams”.

With discussion came popularity and attention. If the conversation was one-sided, the attention would fade quickly. Discussion with both positive and negative comments though slightly leaning towards Han Yi was what they wanted.

The topic gained a lot of attention when both sides got into a heated discussion. William added fuel to the fire and successfully pushed Han Yi’s name to the top five of the trending search for a whole day.

Since her name was up there for a whole day, online media companies followed the trend and started to come up with posts about her. William also paid some of them to embellish their words, so overall speaking, the news was mostly positive.

After a day, Han Yi gained more than 10,000 fans and the cast and crew of “Eternal Love of Dreams” also received some attention. Even the app behind all this, “Find Me”, received more than 300,000 downloads in a single day.

After all, be it Han Yi’s fans or not, those who had heard of the news or knew about what happened would search for the app and give it a try.

Among the 10 million people who noticed the news, there must be some who had some free time on hand and decided to test out the app. Therefore, the increment was considered normal.

“Find Me” was still a fresh app that people could live without. Its district-based functions and media updates were much more important than its social function.

Therefore, Su Yang pushed all the KOL and influencers on the front page and told Deeny to hurry up with the update. He hoped to retain at least a portion of the downloaded users.

At night, after he got home, he waited for Pool and Sanque before holding a meeting with the little monsters. He had added points that morning and also shared some of the benefits with them, so it was time to discuss their future plans.

After all, it was Su Yang’s house and they were his little monsters, so he had to be the father figure of the house.

Only when he could develop his career well could the little monsters have a better future.

The basis underlying the meeting was that there were four months left for the Silver Mission, and he was still lacking around 900,000 yuan. Su Yang believed that everyone should work together to complete this mission as soon as possible.

After he briefed them about the situation, Deeny raised her hand. “I can change my Tiktok account type to company, so you can have whatever I make there, Master. I can make around 30,000 per month, so that comes up to around 120,000 in four months.”

‘Deeny is really a rich lass!’

Su Yang posed a big heart for her and said, “Great!”

Deeny smiled. “Master, what about the profit-sharing? How should we split it?”

A quick thought later, he said, “I’ll take 40, and you take 60.”

Surprised, Deeny said happily, “Thank you, Master!”

He then said, “But since you can’t register for another company on your own, I’m still the only one in the company though just in name. You are the one in charge of everything.”

Deeny nodded vigorously.

Sanque then slowly opened its eyes and looked at Su Yang. “Why are we only getting 30%?”

Ever since he had gotten the soap, Su Yang was no longer scared of Sanque. He twiddled with his fingers and said, “Look, I sponsored the start-up funds, I negotiated the shop for a discount, I got all the certificates and license, I drank your milk tea for storage, and the special item that stores the milk is mine, so what’s the problem in me getting 70%?”

Sanque kept quiet.

Su Yang continued, “Look at Deeny. She shot her own video and used her own funds that she made from the internet. The TikTok account belongs to her and even the place belongs to her virtual space. I basically did nothing other than being an actor, so I feel like I’d be asking too much if I took 40%. Am I right?”

Sanque nodded and said in a defeated tone, “I get it.” The ginseng then slowly closed its eyes.

Deeny giggled and curled her arms around Su Yang’s arm. “Master, I belong to you, so it doesn’t matter who gets the bigger share.”

Su Yang smiled as he stroked her head.

Pool said gently, “Lord Su Yang’s distribution of profit actually makes sense. Besides, we can sell around 600 cups of milk tea a day now, so we are earning 4,000 net profit, which equals to 12,000 a month. That will be 500,000 in four months.”

Su Yang was surprised when he heard the numbers from Pool. ‘Is the milk tea business that good? If that’s the case, I’ll be able to fill more than half of the remaining numbers!’

Right when the thought popped into his mind, Little Hus hopped over. “Su Yang, what can we do?”

Su Yang carried Little Hus and Gru and pinched Little Lady Knife by her waist before putting them beside Deeny. “You three will be under Deeny now. She’s starting a ‘Monster Family’ series and you guys are the main cast.”

During the conversation, the bat sculpture suddenly moved and Satantan came to live. It turned around with a sinister expression with its fangs bared.

Su Yang thought it was thirsty for blood, and just when he was about to do something, Satantan said meekly, “Is there anything that I can do to help?”

‘What? This...I didn’t expect this...’

Su Yang failed to respond to Satantan’s question at first. He then asked, “What can you do other than sucking blood?”

Satantan retracted its wings and said, “If I have enough blood, we can sell it.”

“Selling blood is illegal,” said Su Yang crossly.

“What about selling blood tofu?” said Satantan after a quick thought.

‘The thought of it sounds disgusting enough...’

Su Yang slapped the bat away because the bat was just there to disturb the others.

At the end of the meeting, he officially announced that everyone would be working together in the next four months to fulfill the Silver Mission and earn more Point Coins. That marked the end of the first family meeting.

Su Yang hardly came by any Random Missions recently, so he had to rely on the Point Coins that his company earned to buy points from the shop.

After the meeting, Deeny walked up to Su Yang with a smile. “Master, look at my new video!”

Su Yang looked at her. “You shot a new video today?”

Deeny nodded happily. “Yeah!”

He stopped whatever he was doing and tapped on the panel. ‘Hmm...it’s better than before but still lacks something special.’

A beep sounded in his mind at the thought of that.

[New Random Mission.]

‘Huh? I was just thinking how scarce Random Missions are recently and I’ve got one now? You are neither a love-seeking system nor a good-deed system! You are a system that just got a slap in your face!’

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