
Chapter 848: Separate Ways - Part 3

"No, this is not you. This is not Yeon Hee that I know of," Min Soo kept shaking his head as he did not want to believe this. He then turned around and pointed his finger at Zhang Mengyao. Before he could say anything, the young man next to Zhang Mengyao disappeared and appeared again in front of him. Lu An grabbed the index finger and cracked it up. "ARGHHHHHHH!"

The other ten Haven members stood up and took out their weapons because their leader was attacked. By the time they were ready, Lu An was no longer in front of Min Soo as he had returned next to Zhang Mengyao. If not for Min Soo groaning in pain, they believed they might see things.

"No! Put your weapon back!" Yeon Hee panicked and rushed to the other members of Haven, urging them to put down their weapons. "Just leave this place and give up on me. I will never return to The Haven!"

Despite her urging, The ten members of Haven did not put down their weapons. When their lives were under constant threat, putting down their weapon was a foolish decision.

"Put down your weapon, or you all will fight me," Yeon Hee took out her sword and released her aura. The shadow started to spread from her feet, "I don\'t want to fight, let alone kill you for the account of our past. Leave, right now! Or you will face the whole Tang Empire!"

Among the ten members, there was a man that could maintain his composure. He was the Haven\'s vice-captain, Dong Joon. He put his spear back into his inventory and helped his captain get up. "It\'s enough, Min Soo. Let\'s leave for now," He met Yeon Hee\'s pleading gaze and quickly realized that the talk would go nowhere if they kept forcing the issue. If they wanted to bring Yeon Hee with them, they must do something else because the Tang Empire must have done something to her.

"You lied! You said you did not do anything to her!" Min Soo shouted at Zhang Mengyao. He was about to say more things, but Dong Joon whispered something to him. That whisper calmed Min Soo down as he stopped shouting.

Dong Joon then put his right hand on his left chest and bowed his head toward Zhang Mengyao, "We are sorry for causing commotion here, and thank you for willing to listen to us. We will take our leave now."

"Good decision," Zhang Mengyao nodded and stood up from the chair. She then glanced at Park Nam Hoon, "Escort them back," After saying that, she left the waiting room first with Yeon Hee and Lu An.

Lu An and Yeon Hee were in the same exclusive elevator with Zhang Mengyao, "I will meet Moonsong, and we will have a meeting with the Sub Regions in half an hour. You must come as the leader of the intelligence division." Zhang Mengyao said that before she left the elevator.

"Hmmm, half an hour…. What should I do in this half an hour," Lu An rubbed his chin. It was a bit of a hassle for him if he had to return to the office because his office was in another building. He then glanced at the downcast Yeon Hee, "A good leader will not let his people down. I know you will look and think about me as disgusting and hypocritical, but you are one of us now. This might not help you forget about your friends, but this will ease your mind a little bit."

Lu An pressed the twenty-one button, and the elevator door closed again, "I should not bring you here, but I will take the risk for you." When Yeon Hee heard that, she raised her head and looked at Lu An. She just came to the Tang Empire\'s main base and did not know the public elevator only had access to the twentieth floor. So she did not understand what he was talking about.

Yeon Hee said nothing and just followed her superior. When they reached the twentieth-one floor, she followed Lu An. She was surprised that this floor was more like a storage room. As she observed this strange floor, she heard a chopping noise. "It seems we come at the right time. Follow me." Lu An came to the source of the noise, and Yeon Hee followed him closely.

After walking a few steps, Yeon Hee realized that the twentieth-one floor was a kitchen and storage. It was more like designed for the cook, but she was sure this cook had a high status within the Tang Empire to have a whole floor as a personal kitchen. Then her nose smelled an aromatic smell of food. She felt hungry when she smelled the pleasant aroma.

"Good morning, Sister Elin. Good morning, Delia," Lu An waved his hand at the two girls who were cooking in the kitchen. Yeon furrowed her brow and observed the two girls, \'Foreigner?\' She did not expect to meet the foreigner in this place. The girl with natural purple hair and a girl with natural green hair moved around the kitchen as they returned the greeting with a smile.

\'No, there are no people with that kind of hair,\' Yeon Hee was confused as she thought of where the two girls came from. She never saw people with purple and green hair unless they dyed it, but the two girls\' hair color was natural. She could tell that within a glance.

"Come and sit. You are lucky to taste Sister Elin\'s cooking. You are the first outsider to taste her personal cooking," Lu An motioned Yeon Hee to sit next to him.

"So, who is this special guest we have here? Your girlfriend?" Elinova stopped what she was doing and came over. But then she furrowed her brow after scanning the woman from top to bottom. The girl had an attractive look, and her body was hot. She was sure this was Tang Shaoyang\'s type of girl, especially with that big chest even though it was a little smaller than hers and Delia\'s.

"She is my personal secretary. Can you keep it a secret from Brother Shaoyang that I bring her here, Sister Elin?" Lu An winked his right eye at Elinova.

Hearing that, Elinova was relieved because Lu An did not bring her up here because the girl was someone special to Tang Shaoyang. She smiled and replied while shaking her head, "You should persuade Origin to keep this secret instead of me. That guy will report this to your Brother Shaoyang for sure." Lu An\'s face paled when he heard as he forgot the AI. Origin would not compromise as it would report everything to Tang Shaoyang.

"Hello, I am Elinova. I am Head Cook of the Tang Empire," Elinova offered her hand for a handshake. The culture she learned from the earthlings. Delia then rushed over, "Hello, I am Delia, Sister Elin\'s bodyguard, and also her assistant. I am sorry, my hand is dirty." Delia waved her hand at Yeon Hee.

"Nice to meet you," Yeon Hee nodded, "I am So Yeon Hee."

"So, I bring her here to cheer her up. Can you do me a favor, Sister Elin?" After an unsuccessful attempt to have a discussion with Origin, Lu An gave up and looked toward Elinova. "In exchange, I will help you hunt any beasts. As a good leader, I can\'t let my subordinates get depressed."

"I don\'t know if I can help you, but I will take the offer," Elinova nodded and smiled, "A good food usually will help lift up your mood a quite bit, and it may be able to help her a little. Before we get to the main dish, what about getting a drink first?" She did not wait for Yeon Hee\'s response as she turned around and returned with a glass in her hand. "This drink can help you calm down a little bit, and people call it calming tea, but I name it Serenity. It\'s a little bitter, but its pleasant fragrance will help you to calm down."

Yeon Hee could not refuse it since Yeon Hee had brought the glass in front of her even though she was not a fan of tea. She took the glass and took a sip. Her eyes widened a little bit as she felt warmth flow in her throat. She thought the drink was it, but she was surprised by the incoming effect. There was a soothing sensation on his chest, calming her down. It was not over yet as the soothing sensation went up to her head. She felt her head was cool, which helped her calm down a lot.

The sadness for losing her friends was rooted inside her, but this Serenity helped her quite a bit. Not that her sadness lessened, but she now saw things with her clear mind. Despite the sadness, she did not regret taking this path. She snapped out from her thoughts as she saw Elinova\'s smiling face.

"Hehe, it seems Serenity helps your secretary, Lu An." Elinova left the countertop and headed toward Delia, who stood in front of the huge pot. "How is it, Delia. Is it ready?" Delia made an okay gesture with her right hand.

In the next moment, Yeon Hee was served with a bowl of soup and a plate of Naan bread, "This is my new cooking, Crab Soup Curry and Naan Bread. I just learned it, so I hope you like it." Elinova served the food with a smile.

\'Ah, the aromatic fragrant earlier is from this soup curry, but crab curry?\' Yeon Hee had never tried crab with curry before, so this was surely a new flavor for her.

"What about me, Sister Elin? I want that too," Lu An could not wait to eat the food when he looked at how tantalizing the food was.

"Stop nagging and be patient, can you?" Delia rolled her eyes and put Lu An\'s serving in front of him.

Yeon Hee looked at Lu An before looking back at Elinova, "Go ahead, try it." Elinova urged Yeon Hee to eat the food. The latter nodded her head and pulled the food closer to her. Naan was not something new to her as she had tried it before. She took the Naan with her hand and broke it apart before dipping it into the soup curry. Then she put the dipped Naan into her mouth. In the first chew, she closed her eyes and made a pleasant expression as she could not believe the food would taste this good. Her mouth did not stop chewing while her eyes remained closed.

After swallowing the food, she opened her eyes and met Elinova\'s happy face. She opened her mouth to give the food praise, but the words did not come out of her mouth as she did not know how to describe the taste. After a while, she came up with the words, "I don\'t know how to describe it, but this is the most delicious food I have ever tasted. Oh no, this is the second most delicious food."

"Hoo, so what\'s the first?" Elinova smiled as she was not offended by Yeon Hee\'s words.

"My Mom\'s cook, of course," Even though Yeon Hee praised her mother\'s cooking, she said it while eating Elin\'s cook. It was as if the food could send her flying with each bite in her mouth.

"The deal is done. I will tell you later what you must hunt for me, Lu An," Elinova had a satisfied smile when she saw Yeon Hee\'s expression. Since Yeon Hee was smiling and savoring her food happily, she had delivered the deal from her side.

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