
Chapter 223: Mortal Dust Devil!

Chapter 223: Mortal Dust Devil!

Suddenly, Yun Xiao's sword slashed through the War Princess's leather armor near her heart with a loud rip. A loud snap rang out, followed by two beams of white light illuminating the dark coffin, dazzlingly bright.

The War Princess couldn't hold back her scream. Her face drained of color as she clutched at her chest, glaring at Yun Xiao with a mix of grief and fury. "I am a noble devil! Even in death, you, a mere mortal, shall not defile me!"

"A noble devil?" Yun Xiao looked at her coldly.

"Devils feed on humans and demons; we are superior beings! To me, you are no different than a breeding pig!" the War Princess retorted with pride and contempt in her eyes.

Her thought was simple. If Yun Xiao dared to cross a line, she would rather commit suicide by bursting her own blood vessels than let her noble body be tainted by him. It was an insult that would disgrace her ancestors.

What would Yun Xiao do with her now? Her heart quivered with fear. Biting her red lips, she lowered her head, "I am now in your hands. I promise to help you expel the demon race, but if you touch a single hair on me, you and all the people of the Divine Continent will walk a path of no return."

She thought her submission would sway Yun Xiao to accept her generous offer. But Yun Xiao didn't even acknowledge her plea. He moved quickly, leaning towards the War Princess who, though defiant in words, recoiled in fear. Her arms, hastily raised, failed to cover the splendor laid bare before her.

However, Yun Xiao was only picking up a few Pouches of Holding from the ground. These pouches, black and red with devilish blood symbols, had sprung from the War Princess's possession. His earlier slash wasn't an attack but a ploy to retrieve these items.

Satisfied after inspecting the contents of most pouches, he stored them away. Then, from one remaining pouch, he retrieved a bead burning with black flames and asked, "What is this?"

"A Desolation Bead!" the War Princess exclaimed, her heart racing and her skin flushed red. This was a trait of devil cultivation, where any strong emotion—nervousness, excitement, anger—would cause the blood to circulate more rapidly, turning the skin a flushed, rosy hue, especially noticeable on the cheeks, as if she were drunk.

"This is more potent than the Desolation Armor in locking the power of Desolation," Yun Xiao noted, counting several Galaxy grade Desolate Essences in the Pouch of Holding.

Devils, like demons, forged their physical forms with Desolate Essence. However, their need for it wasn't as immense as that of demons.

"You really appeared at the perfect time," Yun Xiao said, satisfied. He tossed the pouch to his body double. Moon Fairy, without hesitation, began consuming the Desolation Bead, swallowing the Desolate Essences of water, fire, wind, and thunder born from heaven and earth.

"He's eating Desolation Bead raw? Isn't he afraid of destroying his internal organs?" The War Princess was stunned, witnessing a scene beyond her imagination. What kind of monsters were these two?

"Blue Star," Yun Xiao called to the coffin lid beneath him, "How effective is this Blood Base compared to creating a body double directly? What are the pros and cons?"

"Blood Base? Body double?" The War Princess's face turned even redder, not out of shyness but from a mix of anger and shock. She was astounded that Yun Xiao seemed entirely indifferent to her.

"Essentially different, but in practice, not much. A body double is simpler, less complex," Blue Star replied.

Yun Xiao looked at the tall, fiery devilish woman, shuddering at the thought of using such a body himself. "Tell me more about the Blood Base, and quickly, we're short on time."

"The essence of the Blood Base is using her body for cultivation, transforming her into your Blood Slave with the Mortal Dust Devil Seed. Once this Blood Base is successfully cultivated within her, you can extract it, along with her Seed of Creation, and incorporate it into your own body, integrating a second type of cultivation system within you," Blue Star explained rapidly.

Previously, Blue Star had mentioned that due to the heavy deficit in the Creator Immortal's body, it was impossible to directly reclaim this top-tier Seed of Creation and establish a heart and blood cultivation system.

"Using her body for cultivation?" Yun Xiao was perplexed, "I am me, she is her, how can I use her body for cultivation?"

"What are you talking about!" The War Princess, feeling neglected and chilled to the bone, blushed even deeper.

"The key lies in the Mortal Dust Devil Seed. You need to mix your lesser soul with your and her heart's blood, using another Ancestral God's devil technique, Mortal Dust Blood Calamity, to forge a Mortal Dust Devil Seed and implant it in her heart. So, although your lesser soul doesn't control her body, it controls her cultivation system. From then on, her heart, blood vessels, and circulatory system are actually under your control. This blood system, controlled by the Mortal Dust Devil Seed, is called the Blood Base," Blue Star continued.

Hearing this, the War Princess's lips trembled, and she shook her head in disbelief, "What fanciful nonsense you speak..."

Yet, as usual, no one paid her any attention!

"So, I still have to split off a part of my soul?" Yun Xiao asked, not even bothering to glance at her.

"Obviously! How else would you remotely control her, or use her body for cultivation? If it weren't for your stubborn masculinity, you could have just created a body double and controlled her directly. Why go through all this hassle?" Blue Star scoffed. "But creating a Blood Base has its perks. Once it's formed, you can extract her heart, blood vessels, and circulatory system, permanently merging them into one body with two systems."

"No!" The War Princess's heart pounded furiously, her teeth clenched in anger. "Shut up! What do you think I am?"

"So, she's not my body double, but I can control her will? Whatever I want her to do or say, she must?" Yun Xiao asked coldly.

"Exactly! Once the Mortal Dust Devil Seed is implanted, her power is essentially yours. Without your approval, she couldn’t even squash an ant. And with your lesser soul in her, she'll function just like a body double in everyday use. But if you pair up with her, you won't experience the dual pleasure of male and female," Blue Star explained earnestly.

"Damn it." Yun Xiao exclaimed. Dual pleasure…! Who even came up with these terms? Still, he'd gotten the gist of it.

"Decide quickly then, before she gets scared and offs herself, wasting the Seed of Creation." Blue Star chuckled.

"You could have kept that comment to yourself," Yun Xiao remarked.

At this, the War Princess was both furious and indignant, glaring at Yun Xiao. "Do you take me for a fool? Creating these unbelievable methods, you think you can intimidate me into serving you for life?"

"Do you want to kill yourself?" Yun Xiao asked her calmly.

"You!" The War Princess took a deep breath. "Yun Xiao, in truth, we don't have a deep hatred between us. Our common enemy is the demons. I suggest we join forces!"

"Okay." Right after agreeing, Yun Xiao suddenly thrust his sword, aiming straight for her heart!

The War Princess screamed in pain, looking down only to find... no wound. It wasn't fatal, but the pain was real.

Before she could react, Yun Xiao swiftly captured a drop of her heart's blood. He then pricked his own heart with a steel needle to draw a drop of his own. His body, not as robust as the devilish woman’s, couldn't handle a sword thrust—that would have been the end of him.

The drops of human heart and devil heart's blood mixed together!

To be precise, Yun Xiao, with his Creator Immortal physique, wasn’t exactly human; his soul was. His blood, though weaker, took command when mixed with the War Princess’s, enveloping and dissolving hers, and forged into a blood orb.

"Infuse a part of your soul and use the Mortal Dust Blood Calamity technique to forge the Mortal Dust Devil Seed," Blue Star instructed. The technique of the Mortal Dust Blood Calamity appeared on its coffin body.

Primordial Void Technique, Will of Divine Desolation, Mortal Dust Blood Calamity—the three great techniques of three Ancestral Gods!

But Yun Xiao’s cultivation methods surpassed even those of the Ancestral Gods, practicing the Yang Void, Upper Divine Desolation, and Great Blood Calamity, while the three Ancestral Gods practiced the Yin Void, Lower Divine Desolation, and Minor Blood Calamity.

A terrifying drop of black and red devil blood materialized in Yun Xiao’s palm as he infused a fragment of his soul, using the Mortal Dust Blood Calamity technique. On that blood drop appeared a face—Yun Xiao’s, but it was a dark, crimson, ferocious version of him.

"This Mortal Dust Devil power is even more sinister, domineering, dark, and brutal than that of Divine Desolation!" Yun Xiao instantly felt its intense power.

The Primordial Immortal Ancestor walked the Central Great Dao, encompassing all things. Divine Desolation embodied the wild, wicked, and fierce. Lastly, the Mortal Dust Devil represented the dark, bloody, and tyrannical.

The Mortal Dust referred to the mortal world. He was the devil of the world, much like how the Creator Immortal was the creator of the world. So, in a sense, the third Ancestral God known as the Mortal Dust Devil, bore a name strikingly similar in theme to the Creator Immortal.

Blue Star explained that this Ancestral God ranked at the top among the Six Ancestral Gods in terms of combat prowess. He was born from the malevolent thoughts of the world. Especially as the realm expanded and life proliferated, the increasing evil thoughts skyrocketed the Mortal Dust Devil’s power. This was also one of the factors leading to the Creator Immortal's suffering.

"In short," Blue Star concluded, "other Ancestral Gods are somewhat bound to the Creator Immortal by karma, but the Mortal Dust Devil is pure, innate malevolence."

When Yun Xiao grasped the Mortal Dust Devil Seed, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and he became incredibly fierce.

"How is it?" Blue Star asked, smirking.

"In the depths of my heart, I feel an overwhelming rage and anger!" Yun Xiao replied.

"Good," Blue Star's voice carried a hint of sadness. "You created the world, and it should not mistreat you. You are the progenitor of the Dao and rightfully should reclaim what is yours. That is the natural order of things."

"Mortal Dust Devil..." Holding the ferocious Mortal Dust Devil Seed, Yun Xiao stood before the War Princess. "Do you want to kill yourself? Now's your chance," he asked, his eyes blood red.

"Don't think you can scare me!" the War Princess retorted, still disbelieving the possibility of cultivating with someone else's body. No sooner had she spoken than Yun Xiao grabbed her mouth and forced the Mortal Dust Devil Seed inside.

"Mmph!" The War Princess' complexion turned deathly pale, hands clutching her heart, no longer concerned about appearances. She writhed on the ground, legs curled up, body drenched in sweat and blood-red, shaking violently, and then unable to suppress it any longer, she let out a terrible scream.

"Now do you believe?" Yun Xiao watched her coldly.

"I'll die to show you!" These words from the War Princess meant she realized the truth in Yun Xiao and Blue Star's conversation!

Yun Xiao was somewhat surprised she was actually willing to commit suicide. But it was too late. Once the Mortal Dust Devil Seed took root in her heart and began to be controlled by his lesser soul, activating the Mortal Dust Blood Calamity that swept through her blood, her cultivation system was no longer under her control. She couldn't detonate her blood even if she wanted to!

"Blood, the essence of life, and the Mortal Dust Blood Calamity can forge Blood Calamity from blood and sacred power infused blood. Through repeated tribulations in the blood vessels, it enhances the power of the blood vessels, achieving the Mortal Dust Devil Blood!"

The Mortal Dust Devil Blood was not just the essence of life but also the power of the Blood Calamity! It resided within the War Princess, much like the Divine Desolation Physique in Moon Fairy. They could cultivate separately, but ultimately, everything would return to the original being, Yun Xiao.

During this phase, Yun Xiao could use their identities to accomplish many tasks.

"Even Moon Fairy, with no significant origins, can navigate among humans and demons, let alone the exalted status of this War Princess."

"Agh, ahhh! AHHHH…!" the War Princess cried. Yun Xiao's usurpation of her cultivation system was akin to initially stripping her blood vessels, circulatory system, and heart from her body. Naturally, she endured unspeakable agony. It was an experience she'd likely never forget.

Her body became a mere vessel. While benefiting from the Blood Calamity’s power, strengthening her physique, the moment Yun Xiao removed the Blood Base, all she'd be left with was a worthless corpse.

Moon Fairy couldn't create a Blood Foundation because the key to the Divine Desolation Physique was the body. But for the War Princess, it was the blood!

"First, forge her heart, arteries, and blood vessels into a preliminary Blood Base. Second, transform all her Early Awakened Emperor Realm sacred power infused blood into Mortal Dust Devil Blood. This way, even if she remains at the Early Awakened Emperor Realm, she'd possess at least double the combat power, similar to Moon Fairy. Her power would skyrocket. And with the Mortal Dust Devil Blood, the previous wounds on her vessels and heart will heal rapidly," Blue Star explained.

Yun Xiao proceeded methodically, without further ado.

The War Princess's agony in the first half was so intense that she regretted her very existence, her spirit utterly shattered. Yet in the second half, without doing anything, she watched as her heart, bloodlines, and power transformed. This terrifying level of enhancement benefited her body and soul, bringing an indescribable sense of comfort throughout. She was utterly bewildered.

"What kind of monster is this..." the War Princess muttered in a daze. Would she grow stronger just by lying there? Was he raising her like a blood pig? It was then she realized: Moon Fairy was this monster's demon body double.

And now, because this monster didn't want to be a woman, she, by some twisted stroke of luck, was temporarily spared… Mortal Dust Demon Seed, Blood Calamity power... these unfamiliar and terrifying terms flooded her mind. She couldn't control her cultivation, but she could control her body.

Once the pain subsided, the War Princess got up, sat on the ground with her legs bent, staring blankly at Yun Xiao, deep fear evident in her eyes...

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