
Chapter 83

Chapter 83

The Seoul Paladin Order Eastern Branch quickly suppressed the fire that occurred at the Basar Market. There were two reasons why the Seoul Paladin Order Eastern Branch, which was infamous among the Paladin Order branches for its laziness, was able to suppress the fire so quickly.

The first reason was because of the newly appointed commander, Han Dae-Ho. While other paladins were sucking their thumbs and sitting around like lost lambs, Han Dae-Ho single-handedly rescued twenty-seven citizens. Moreover, Han Dae-Ho doubled the amount of firefighting training sessions to respond to the frequent fires that had been occurring lately. Thanks to this, they were able to quickly suppress the fire this time.

The second reason was because of an anonymous apprentice paladin. The apprentice paladin who bravely tried to enter the building where the fire was raging not only suppressed the fire on the second floor, but he also rescued a whopping twelve citizens. It didn’t even amount to half of Han Dae-Ho\'s rescue count, but considering that he was just an apprentice, it was a tremendous feat.

"So, what\'s the name of the person who was dispatched this time?" Han Dae-Ho asked after holding onto a random subordinate nearby. He was thinking of recruiting him before anyone from the other Paladin Order branches did so.

His subordinate tilted his head and looked bewildered at the question. "Uh, could you say that again, please?"

"What was the name of the apprentice paladin dispatched from Florence Academy this time? I tried to give that guy some compliments, but he disappeared without even leaving his name...”

“Director, ummm... there was no paladin that was dispatched from Florence Academy this time. As far as I know, it\'s not dispatch season yet."

"What are you talking about, man? Then did I see a ghost? What do you mean no one was dispatched?" Han Dae-Ho exclaimed in frustration. He absolutely could not let the other Paladin Order branches recruit him. Just the thought alone made him anxious.

Actually, it would be a relief if he went to another Paladin Order branch. There was nothing more frustrating than a talented paladin suddenly changing careers and becoming a crusader. He needed to recruit him as soon as possible before something like that occurred.

Despite Han Dae-Ho\'s feelings, the subordinate just shook his head as if this was all news to him. "Director, perhaps you really did see a ghost...? Dispatch season is in July, and currently... Plus, the students are in the middle of preparing for exams, so there\'s no time to send anyone."

"What? Hey, you. Didn\'t you see that person that went into the building with me and rescued eleven or twelve people after putting out the fire on the second floor? That guy said he was an apprentice paladin, right?"

"Yes, I saw him. But wasn\'t that Pee Du-Ho?"

“Pee Du-Ho is sleeping at home after working the night shift yesterday, right? No, what the heck is this? If it isn’t dispatch season, then did I really see a ghost?" Han Dae-Ho chuckled in disbelief.

Did that mean that a ghost impersonating a paladin went into the building and rescued twelve citizens? No matter how much he thought about it, it didn\'t make sense. It was utter nonsense. As Han Dae-Ho continued pondering, several support teams from the Central Paladin Order came running toward him.

"Are you the Paladin Order Branch Eastern Director, Han Dae-Ho?"

"Uh, yes. I am Director Han Dae-Ho," Han Dae-Ho greeted the support team after quickly gathering his thoughts.

He smiled, but his eyebrows were deeply furrowed. It was because it felt uncomfortable when people who were merely priests and bishops in the religious hierarchy called him "Han Dae-Ho" without using any honorifics, even though he was a director.

Normally, he would have shouted and immediately lectured them, but the Central Paladin Order was a distinct organization under the Holy See. Although the Seoul Eastern Branch was small, its status was inferior compared to the Central Paladin Order.

"Why is the Central Paladin Order here?" Han Dae-Ho simmered with anger, but he managed to force a smirk.

The paladin, who appeared to be the head of the Central Paladin Order support team, rummaged through his pockets and eventually pulled out a piece of paper. "This is the invoice for the support sent from Central. Please check it and return it as soon as possible."

"Oh, yes, yes. An invoice. Right, Central had this kind of thing. Thank you, we\'ll take a look."

Han Dae-Ho stuffed the invoice they handed him into his pocket and quickly sent the support team away by having them ride the ambulance.

Once the ambulance transporting the support team completely disappeared from his sight, he muttered, "They didn’t do jack shit, and then they shove a fucking invoice down our throats. What a joke.”

Back when he was at the crossroads of a decision where he could choose to become the tail of a dragon or the head of a snake, he regretted choosing to become the head of a snake and joining the Seoul Paladin Order Eastern Branch.

"Is it right for paladins to do this to each other? Asking for an invoice when they didn\'t even do anything? Sigh."

One of his subordinates followed behind him and cursed at the Central Paladin Order. Unlike other Paladin Orders, support from the Central Paladin Order always came with an invoice. Central\'s resources were valuable, and according to their logic, they had sent their valuable resources and thus deserved appropriate compensation. Thus, the Central Paladin Order was a thorn in the eyes of the other Paladin Order branches.

"Well, what can we do? That\'s just how those Central guys are. But compared to those priest bastards, they’re angels. Angels, I tell you."

"Oh, that\'s right. Back when we were putting out the fire at the villa, the Priest Order suddenly came and listed a bunch of demands, didn\'t they?"

"That\'s right. Anyway, those priests are a real piece of work... Ah."

Han Dae-Ho had been nodding his head at his subordinate\'s words when his eyes suddenly widened. There was a face that flashed through his mind like lightning. He suddenly remembered that crazy guy who jumped into the flames during the villa fire to retrieve some kind of keepsake.

"...That\'s right, that guy."

"By that guy, are you referring to Pee Du-Ho?"

"No, no, not him."

Han Dae-Ho shook his head. A faint smile appeared on his lips.

"...Well, there\'s just this insanely nice guy, you see."


The great auditorium, where the Holy Name appointment ceremony was in full swing, was filled with confusion. It was because of the news that Sun-Woo, who had been appointed the Holy Name of Charity, was absent.

"Is he dead?"

"At this point, we should consider it a refusal of appointment. Shouldn\'t we choose someone else...?"

"He\'s always late anyway. Maybe he’s still sleeping at home?"

Speculations went rampant everywhere. According to the students’ hearsay, Sun-Woo seemed to have become a corpse, a delinquent, or a crazy guy with the guts to refuse the Holy Name.

"...What are those two doing, really," In-Ah muttered to herself in the midst of the commotion and put down her cell phone.

Thirty minutes had already passed since the appointment ceremony began, yet Sun-Woo was nowhere to be seen. She sent texts and messages through social media, but there was no reply. Even when she called, he didn\'t pick up.

Sun-Woo was not the only one absent. Jun-Hyuk was absent too. Just like Sun-Woo, he was completely unreachable. In-Ah let out a sigh that was filled with the frustration that had collected in her heart.


At that moment, the microphone on stage turned on, and a sharp noise rang out. The commotion subsided, and in the ensuing silence, Chairman Chang-Won clenched the microphone. There were deep wrinkles on his forehead.

“I apologize to the students who might be frustrated due to delays that occurred because of Sun-Woo’s absence. He had been scheduled to be appointed the Holy Name of Charity," Chang-Won said with a sharp tone.

Sun-Woo was no longer going to be appointed as the Holy Name of Charity, but instead, he ‘had been scheduled’ to be appointed as the Holy Name of Charity. In-Ah swallowed her saliva and called Sun-Woo again. As expected, there was no answer.

"Since we currently can not contact Sun-Woo, the appointment is indefinitely delayed. The teachers have made a decision through a meeting—cough, cough!"

In the midst of talking, Chang-Won coughed. The cough was very heavy and rough. Priests specializing in healing and the teachers behind him hurriedly came forward and handed Chang-Won a handkerchief. Chang-Won covered his mouth with the handkerchief and coughed continuously.

Even after the coughing eventually subsided, Chang-Won breathed heavily for a while. The handkerchief he pulled away from his mouth was soaked with blood. It was a well-known fact among not only teachers but also students that Chairman Chang-Won had been suffering from a long-term illness and that his condition had been particularly exacerbated in recent times.

"Looks like it’s almost time for him to pass away."

"What? You... You crazy bastard, please lower your voice," Min-Seo murmured as she watched Chang-Won cough as if he were about to die.

Upon hearing that, Su-Ryeon frantically covered Min-Seo\'s mouth. Dae-Man sat next to her, dozing off with his arms folded. Ha-Yeon had one eyebrow furrowed as she tilted her head in confusion.


Ha-Yeon suddenly recalled Sun-Woo, whom she had met at Ark.

She remembered how his eyes were filled with determination when he had climbed up the waterfall and when he had vigorously rejected her proposal. It didn’t seem like Sun-Woo would miss the appointment ceremony for no reason. She thought there must be a reason, but she had no idea what that reason could be.

"Moving on, based on the meeting with the teachers and elders, absence from the appointment ceremony appears to be a clear refusal of the appointment of the Holy Name. Therefore, we have no choice..."

Chang-Won paused for a moment and took a breath to calm himself. The teachers and students speculated that it was difficult for him to speak long sentences because of his illness. The auditorium was still filled with a tranquil silence.

"...We have no choice but to overturn the decision."

When Chang-Won finished his sentence, the silence that filled the auditorium deepened. Overturning the decision meant that Sun-Woo was not going to receive the Holy Name of Charity. The students in the seats continued to stay silent, but there was clearly a strange atmosphere flowing among them.

The Holy Name of Charity was once again vacant.

There would be another opportunity for the majority of the ordinary students who could only look up at the auditorium with envy. Some of the students’ eyes sparkled with anticipation and they blatantly showed signs of joy.

In-Ah felt a sense of discomfort when she saw them. It was Sun-Woo\'s fault for being absent from the appointment ceremony, but seeing those people acting openly happy about it made her a little angry.

"What the? We came all the way here for this. How disappointing."

"...Whoa, you scared the crap out of me. Who are you?"

At that moment, someone sitting next to In-Ah muttered to themselves, and In-Ah turned her head in surprise. No one was next to her earlier, but before she knew it, a stranger had suddenly sat down next to her.

"Oh? Is there a seat here? Then move aside," the stranger said while staring at In-Ah with sharp eyes.

"No, that\'s not the case."

At his revolting and unpleasant gaze, In-Ah shuddered and shook her head. The stranger smiled widely. His smile was somewhat sickening and slimy.

"What class are you in? I\'ve never seen your face before."


"You won\'t even tell me which class you’re in. Then what are you going to do after this? Where do you live? Nearby?" the stranger asked with a sly tone.

In-Ah remained silent and dropped her head. With neither Sun-Woo nor Jun-Hyuk around, the sudden approach of this stranger left her bewildered.

"Ahem, ahem..."

Just then, the sound of Chang-Won clearing his throat came from the stage. In-Ah felt grateful for the sound and lifted her head. The stranger who had been pestering her also turned his head toward the stage.

"Thus, let\'s conclude the appointment ceremony with this. Regarding the re-election of Holy Name of Charity, we will inform you of the results after a meeting—"

At that moment, when Chang-Won was declaring the end of the ceremony in a low voice—


The students all turned their heads toward the dull sound that came from behind them.

After roughly pushing open the door and bursting into the auditorium, a boy was cutting through the crowd of students with heavy, lumbering steps.


Chang-Won silently watched him.

His hair was soaked with sweat, his breathing was rough, and his clothes were completely stained with dark blood. His red, swollen eyes gazed at Chang-Won on the stage. He led his body, which looked like it would lose consciousness at any moment, over to the front of the auditorium and walked up to the stage.

Thump, thump, thump...

His steps were dull and heavy, as if he was wearing iron boots. The sound of his footsteps on the stairs was particularly clamorous.

The silence in the auditorium was deeper than ever before.


He sat down on the stage as if he were collapsing. A bunch of gray dust that appeared to be ashes fell down from his bowed head. Chang-Won furrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at him.

Looking at him up close, his condition was even worse than it first seemed. It was an understatement to say that his entire body was messed up. He was practically a walking corpse. It was to the point where Chang-Won felt astonished that he managed to climb up onto the stage.

"I\'m sorry. I\'m late," he said while bowing his head.

His voice was definitely trembling, but there was no interruption in his speech. Kim Chang-Won grabbed the microphone and brought it to his mouth. However, it was easy for him to open his mouth.

"...Do Sun-Woo."

His mouth, which he just barely managed to open, called out Sun-Woo’s name.

"Is it over?" Sun-Woo asked.

Kim Chang-Won was unable to respond.

"The appointment ceremony..."


Sun-Woo\'s last words were unfinished.

After saying those words, Do Sun-woo collapsed on the floor. The dull sound echoed throughout the silence that completely engulfed the auditorium. A distant silence permeated the auditorium as if time had stopped.

While everyone was watching Sun-Woo, who had fallen over with his mouth open, only two students were laughing. One was Min-Seo, and the other was the man who was sitting next to In-Ah.

"Yeah... You’ve got to do something like this for it to be worth attending,” the stranger said while nodding with a smile.

It was only then that In-Ah realized the situation. She jumped up from her seat and ran to the stage.

Starting with In-Ah, other students belatedly began to realize the situation, and soon the auditorium was filled with chaos.

"Mr. Kim Chang-Won! Y-Y-Y-Your daughter..."

Then, the news that Kim Jin-Seo, Mr. Kim Chang-Won\'s daughter, had been admitted to the hospital came at that moment.

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