
Chapter 75 Visiting Sarah.

The next day, Aron logged out of the virtual reality feeling refreshed. He completed his daily quest before cleaning himself up and preparing for his meeting with Sarah. After double-checking that he was fully prepared, he grabbed his phone and watch and headed where his car, driver and bodyguard was, ready to take him to the company.

"Good morning," Aron greeted Donald.

"Morning," Donald greeted back as he opened the car door for Aron to get in, and then closed it behind him.

He then took a seat in the front of the car before the driver started the engine and they began their journey to GAIA technology.


Rina Rothchild\'s Manor.

Rina could be seen sitting inside her office.

It has been three days since she met and had a talk with Aron who had given him Ava.

Ava was still decrypting the encrypted backed up data and still had 4 more days before she completed this process.

Despite Ava\'s ongoing work with decrypting the data, Rina still had plenty to do. Ava was actively intercepting and analyzing all activity on the private network, and whenever she came across something important or useful, she would immediately inform Rina. This allowed Rina to stay up-to-date with the latest information and adjust her clean-up process accordingly.

Her plan continued getting solid and solid the more information and consultation she had from Ava, which resulted in her being very grateful to Aron who decided to help her in her darkest times.

Although she knew that Aron had his own agenda for helping her, he didn\'t even try to hide it, despite that, she was still thankful to him for the help he provided to her.



Aron arrived at the headquarter after a short period, where he was welcomed by Sarah who was waiting for him after he had informed him that he was on his way.

"You came quite early" Sarah said as she hugged Aron welcoming him.

"I said that I will visit, isn\'t it better for me to come earlier than late." Aron replied as he hugged her back.

"Of course, let\'s discuss this further in my office," Sarah agreed as she led Aron towards the elevator. They attracted the attention of some employees as they passed by. Aron followed silently, as he really wanted to have some privacy when he talked with her.

Once they arrived in her office, Sarah offered Aron some tea, which he accepted without hesitation.

"So, you mentioned that you need the law firm to do something for you," Sarah began the conversation after she had signaled for the secretary to bring them tea.

"Yes, I have a personal matter that I need their help with. Can you assemble a team from the firm to assist me?" Aron requested.

"What are they going to be doing? I ask because I want to ensure that we assemble a team with the right expertise and knowledge for the task at hand," Sarah clarified. She wanted to avoid any misunderstandings and make sure she fully understood the scope of the project before proceeding.

"I understand your concern, but there\'s no need to worry. I simply need them to assist with the purchase of a few companies in Eden," Aron explained.

"Eden? Isn\'t the government advising against any business dealings in that country due to the sanctions imposed on its dictator? You may be putting yourself at risk by pursuing this," Sarah cautioned, curious as to Aron\'s reasoning for choosing to buy companies in a country ruled by a dictator.

"I\'m aware of the risks, but I believe that money can solve any problem. All we have to do is make the purchases, and I will handle any other issues that may arise," Aron replied confidently, displaying no signs of concern or fear regarding his decision.

"It\'s your money, so ultimately the decision is up to you on how you choose to spend it. I will form a team and have them contact you for further details soon," Sarah agreed, acknowledging Aron\'s decision while also ensuring that she would assemble a team to help with the project.

"Thank you," Aron expressed his gratitude for Sarah\'s agreement without any further questions.

Sarah chose not to ask any more questions, confident that Aron would provide any necessary explanations when he was ready.

Although he had received the answer he came for, Aron didn\'t immediately leave. Since he was already there, he decided to spend some time and be briefed on other details and the current happenings within the company.


Evening that day.

After spending most of the day at the company and being officially introduced to the employees as the real owner, Aron returned home. The employees were surprised to learn of his ownership and his presence at the company.

Despite the initial surprise of discovering Aron as the true owner of the company, the employees quickly shifted their focus to the exciting news of receiving a bonus at the end of the month. This announcement instantly made Aron a beloved figure within the company, solidifying his status as the most popular multi billionaire company owner in the world.

After having dinner with his family and spending some time playing games with Henry, Aron returned to his basement to spend the rest of the night in virtual reality.


[Sir, You are trending online] Nova promptly notified him of his sudden popularity on Twitter and various social media platforms.

"Why? What did I do to deserve this attention?" Aron inquired, feeling quite astonished that he had become a topic of discussion on the internet.

[Well, one of your employees took a picture of you and posted it online with the caption \'We finally met our boss,\' which caused people to discuss you as a peculiar boss who only just met your employees for the first time since the company\'s inception.

Others were surprised to learn that you are the sole owner of a multi-billion dollar company that has many investors clamoring for you to take the company public, with the promise of making you incredibly wealthy. Despite this, you have chosen to keep the company private, which has angered some who see a bright future for the company.

The reason for your current trend on social media is due to the news about the bonuses being offered to your employees. This news has made many people jealous, as they either aspire to work for your company or resent you for trying to win over your employees by offering bonuses during the month you introduced yourself. Some are even calling you a "people pleaser."

Your trend on social media has resulted in some individuals releasing your personal information, including the fact that you were expelled for plagiarizing a thesis. This has given ammunition for your haters to use against you and may have affected your newfound popularity with some fans.]

After hearing the summary, Aron couldn\'t help but chuckle at Nova, who was eagerly relaying the information to him.

Nova seemed unperturbed by his reaction and continued with her explanation, [What\'s even more amusing is that some of your haters are using a virtual assistant that you created to write their hateful comments about you, all while using a Gaia OS to do so.]

Nova couldn\'t help but chuckle at the sheer foolishness of their actions, which made Aron happy that Nova was even more enthusiastic about the topics surrounding him than he was himself.

[Your account is experiencing a significant surge in followers and has even been officially verified,] Nova reported.

"My account? But I distinctly remember abandoning it. Why would they even bother verifying it?" Aron asked, sounding quite puzzled.

[Since I have access to your memories, so I also have your passwords. That\'s how I was able to take control of the account,] Nova explained herself.

"Ah, I see," Aron replied, sounding impressed. "But why did you do it?" he asked, still curious about the reason behind Nova\'s actions.

[I did it as a way for you to have a direct line to the public and to prevent misinformation in case someone tries to impersonate you and mislead others,] Nova explained her reasoning for taking over his accounts.

"Ah, I see. Thanks," Aron said, appreciating Nova\'s foresight. He had been so focused on other matters that he hadn\'t even considered these potential issues.

Aron was reminded of the benefits of having a powerful AI assistant like Nova. With her vast knowledge and ability to process information objectively, she could provide him with a comprehensive overview of any topic,  immunizing her from any biases or prejudices.

Nova said [Your welcome]feeling quite happy.

Despite performing her duties by her own volition, Nova always felt a sense of joy and fulfillment whenever Aron expressed his gratitude towards her.

"Anyway, Since you are already doing it, continue keeping an eye on them and let me know if anything interesting happens," Aron instructed Nova before he resumed his runic practice.

He knew that he needed to master a few more runes before he could execute his plan and make use of his private jet which Nova had already rented for him.

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