
Chapter 1807 Convert

Chapter 1807 Convert

There had been many instances when Alex had killed a Saint with a soul and that soul had innocently flown out of the soul, completely unaware of the world around him.

However, that hadn't happened to him at all. He wondered why that was.

Was it because his body was special? Was it because his mental strength was quite stronger than most people? Or was it because of the Undying Physique which made it so that his body wasn't truly dead even with his head cut off?

Any of these possibilities, or a combination of these possibilities could have done what had happened to him just then.

However it had happened, his soul had gained consciousness, and through that soul, he had realized that he could still control parts of his body.

He couldn't physically control his body, but he still had overall control of what it did. He could even control the Undying God's Physique to stop himself from immediately healing.

That had been great to know, but what truly shocked Alex was the fact that he could somehow control his blood as well.

Perhaps due to the nature of Blood God's technique or because of the Blood Aura dao he had learned, he was capable of controlling only just his blood while his consciousness was only in the soul.

He could also control the blood beasts that were far away, but that was less surprising. After all, in a way, those beasts were bonded to him through blood as well.

With this information, Alex had acted the way he did. He killed the people who had attacked him, and now it was time to move on to other fights.

There was no luxury for him to wait around and fight.

"Brother!" Whisker's frantic voice suddenly came to Alex and he got worried.

"What is—"

He sensed a strong aura from a distance and turned around quickly in that direction to see the Dragon Emperor wielding his Noble Dragon Spear aloft in the sky, power radiating from it as lightning crackled around the spear, and he launched the attack.

In front of that attack stood Long Huan, who had simply no way of defending himself against an Immortal attack.

* * * * * *

Long Huan had been working alongside his brother for some time to try and convert people to not fight for his father.

As the Emperor's son, even though he was on the other side of the war, the soldiers still found it hard to attack him with the intention to kill. So more time than not, he found the opportunity to just talk to those people.

Long Huan stumbled upon a wounded soldier who was out of place in the war, having somehow been separated from his group of soldiers, and was trying to find a way back to that group.

The fearful man turned his spear and attacked Long Huan the moment he came anywhere closer, but Long Huan quickly struck the man's spear away with his sword, having been clearly stronger than the young man.

"Brother, I'm not here to hurt you," he quickly said and took a few steps back to make the man trust him a little.

"Your… highness?" the man saw him and couldn't believe that he attacked the prince.

"Listen to me, you don't have to fight. This is not your war," Long Huan said.

"I… but…" the man looked around, anxiety filling his every move. He did not want to die like he had seen so many do today.

"Brother, you are wounded. Do you have no healing pills with you?" Long Huan asked.

"I… I do," the man said. "I mean I did. I ate a few already to heal myself, but the more I ate the more I needed to eat to heal myself the next time around. Now, my healing pill is not working for me."

Long Huan blinked with surprise. He had only heard about pills not working as they were intended to after too much use and had never seen that actually happen.

'How many healing pills did this man have to eat for the pills to become ineffective?' he wondered.

"Listen to me, you won't die here," Long Huan said. "This isn't your fight, so you can simply leave this place. But if you want to fight for something good, you should fight on our behalf."

"We have a lot of pills, pills that will work on you to heal you," Long Huan said. "If not, we have other ways of quickly healing you."

The man looked at Long Huan as if trying to search for words of deceit, but he couldn't find anything.

"What… what's the catch?" the man asked. He had no doubt there had to be one. There was no way someone would simply give something to him without expecting something back.

"Simple. You either vow to leave this battlefield entirely or you vow to fight for us," Long Huan said. "If you leave without fighting, we will let you go. If you join us, we will heal you immediately. Those are the only catch."

The man took a few deep breaths and looked at his wound. He had been cut across his arm, with a wound that went from the side of his biceps all the way down past his elbow.

He had been bleeding profusely for some time now. If not for the fact that he was a cultivator, he would have long since died of blood loss.

"I can heal you say?" the man asked.

"Yes," Long Huan said. "We have a method to heal you even without pills."

"And I just have to speak the oath for today?" he asked.

"Yes," Long Huan said excitedly. Things were going in the right direction now. He hoped to find more people when doing this, but every single change mattered.

Instead of killing someone, converting someone against the empire was a more devastating blow.

"I…" the man slowly spoke.

Long Huan nodded, urging him to continue.

"I swear on the heavens that I will fight alongside your soldiers today, once I am healed fully," the man said.

Long Huan smiled. "Great! That is all we needed from you," he said. He was happy that this man chose to fight instead of leaving the battle. He didn't mind when people left the war, but if they joined them instead, that was a much bigger help.

"So, how do I heal now? You have a pill?" the man asked.

Long Huan nodded and looked at the man's wound. Since there were no missing limbs, he decided to not give him the pill.

"To get healed, go to the—"

Blood sprayed across Long Huan's face, cutting him off mid-

sentence. Long Huan stared in front of him at the man who had been ready to turn and saw a spear sticking out from the front of his face.

"My empire does not need a coward like you who switches sides," the Emperor said and swung his spear sideways. As he did, the man slid out of the Emperor's spear, immediately exploding into nothingness as the man died without a corpse.

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