
Chapter 454 - Returning Home

Chapter 454: Returning Home

Inside the villa.

Chen Junfeng rushed in like a gust of wind.

When he saw Chen Jin, he said excitedly, “We’ve succeeded. Grandpa, our Sage Plan is a success, an unprecedented great success!”

“Oh!” However, Chen Jin only shifted a little and his expression was unchanged. He put on a stern face and said, “What’s with this impetuous behavior? The success of the Sage Plan is as expected. In fact, it even arrived a little later than we anticipated. Yet you’re beaming with joy; don’t let others think that we will be a problem.”

“Yes, yes, Grandpa, I got ahead of myself.”

Chen Junfeng quickly wiped the smile off his face and regained his calm composure. In his heart, however, he had great admiration for his grandfather’s psychological qualities. “But, this is indeed a good thing. Our people will no longer be inferior to the Protoss in terms of spiritual cultivation talents.”

“We’ve also achieved a big breakthrough in the biological mechanics recently. We’ve bred biomechanical armor with a cultivation standard that is equivalent to the later stage of the core formation. Combined with all kinds of powerful celestial weapons, there will be no issues when it comes to resisting the practitioners from the Jushen Order.”

“The most important thing is that the incubation time of the naga mecha is only ten years! It can also be mass-produced in batches.”

“Top geniuses + mass-produced mecha, grandfather, it may take even less than fifty years. Our Chen family will definitely become the most powerful family on the planet.”

“Plus, the last ace that was previously used...”

Chen Junfeng grinned from ear to ear, “Grandpa, the Chen family, will definitely become the most powerful family on Earth again! No one will dare to humiliate or beat us down in the future. We will be able to protect all our interests with our own efforts.”

He rambled on as the haze that had shrouded his heart dissipated, his face was filled with exuberance, hope, and expectation as if he had received a transfusion of chicken blood.

Chen Jin only shook his head slightly. He was not particularly moved.

“The two pieces of news you reported today are really very good, but it’s too early for us to be happy.”

“The Sage Plan has just succeeded and has not yet matured into a strength that we can count on. The next thing to do is to recruit a group of suitable personnel and carry out the transformation to create an army of Sages with power cultivation abilities. The number of people cannot be less than 10,000.”

“We can expand the production line for the naga mecha and strive to produce 100,000 units in the shortest time. After long-term training, it will be equivalent to having 100,000 practitioners in the later stages of the core formation. Combined with the celestial military equipment, even the most powerful Protoss clan might not be our match”

“However, the Protoss population living on Earth has exceeded 15 billion. Their base numbers are huge. Of those 15 billion, the practitioners at the core formation stage and after production may be in the magnitude of tens of millions. There may be tens of thousands of powerful practitioners from the Shenguang and Jushen Order.”

“Even if the Chen family is very strong, I still don’t see the possibility of us defeating the Protoss within the next 50 to 100 years.”

“And the Protoss are not that weak. They have a huge amount of knowledge and information. They also have renowned celestial weapons and the magic treasures whose might and power we know nothing about. Anything that you can think of, they probably have it. They could also have all kinds of powerful practitioners that they have hidden from the world and other kinds of protection. We definitely do not have the ability to resist all of those things or to even destroy them.”

“Our current goal is just to be able to protect ourselves. We can’t suddenly let this get to our heads.”

“When the goal of this stage has been completed, and if the tension between the humans and Protoss remains irreconcilable to the point the two sides cannot coexist, then we will have no choice but to play our cards and strive to make ourselves invincible.”

“Finally, after those two basic goals are achieved, as long as we are strong enough, we will be able to realize the dream of annihilating the Protoss and other enemies.”

In short, Chen Jin hoped to continue to accumulate strength, and, when they were confident enough, to give the Protoss a surprise.


In his heart, he was also testing out a possibility. That was the possibility of trying for a situation where human beings and the Protoss could coexist.

Rather than just thinking about killing the other side.

Chen Jin’s did not have a saintly character. On the contrary, he could be ruthless and he absolutely hated being at a disadvantage.

But the Protoss were also intelligent lifeforms.

The honest Protoss who stuck to their proper sphere and duties in life accounted for about 80% of their population; the good guys about 5% and the wicked about 15%... Similarly, ordinary people also dominated the mainstream, and there were certainly good people.

But the Protoss lack good legal system, powerful law enforcement agencies and administration, and an advanced civilization’s culture. As a result, it was difficult for the bad guys to be punished. Certain vile and nasty behaviors were considered as such in the Protoss culture.

The unconstrained use of evil and violence, as well as the traditional concepts, such as ‘power, talked the loudest,’ etc., this had allowed evil to roam freely in the world.

But some things could actually be changed.

Especially in terms of culture, compared with the original backward culture of the Protoss, the culture of the Earth Federation was undoubtedly the most advanced and civilized. It was way ahead by miles and miles.

This was because no large-scale war had broken out for nearly 200 years in the Earth Federation.

Generally, the people enjoyed a high quality of life which included high-end residence, cars, rich food, perfect welfare guarantees... There were very few who were starving.

But what about the Protoss?

Even though every Protoss possessed strength and a spiritual cultivation base, about one-third of their population were struggling to get enough food and warm clothing.

All kinds of behaviors that exemplified the concept of “the strong bully the weak” could be found everywhere. The lives of some ordinary people who had no power were like hell.

Their average happiness index was actually very low, and life was very oppressive.

But what about humans?

The quality of life was so good it was shocking.

The improvement and guarantee of human rights were surprising.

The status and equality that individuals enjoyed were also surprising.

Not to mention the various welfare protection systems.

A group of ordinary human beings, with wisdom, had created a heaven-like dreamland.

And it was always difficult to ignore the surrounding good things.

The excellent culture and governing system often made one want to achieve and learn.

Especially for those Protoss with little power at the bottom of their society. Even though they expressed disdain verbally, in their hearts, they wanted to live like the humans.

The lower they were in Protoss society, the greater their yearning.

It was to a point where they saw no hope in their lives and chose to take a risk.


In order words, they were “smuggled over.”

A small number of Protoss, in order to seek better treatment and life, took the initiative to go to the human realm where they found a job and changed their living environment.

The Earth Federation had decisively seized this wonderful opportunity.

For the Protoss willing to join the Federation, almost none were refused, and they received proper help to settle down. The Federation also set up a program, Earth Federation = Happiness.

20 million.

Within a decade or so, the Protoss who chose to join the human society had actually reached an astonishing 20 million.

Naturally, after living in the human world for a long time, they had slowly assimilated with human beings.

The Earth Federation had more than 20 million “Protoss citizens.”

The senior administration of the Protoss would never let those living at the bottom of society go simply because their lives were hard. Instead, they strictly controlled the border crossings, and if they found anyone attempting to crossover, they would kill them immediately...They absolutely did not tolerate betrayal.

As for the Federation, they could only take a second approach–ideological transformation.

The specifics of the process were a bit like how good old America exported democracy–propaganda on the concepts of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and other values. Once deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the effects would be similar to that of missionaries’ preaching. Those who fell deeply for the propaganda would see their IQ falling by a few dozen points.

But, it was this method of thought that turned out to be very useful, leaving a very good impression in the middle and lower classes.

Acceptance followed...Then, the wooing of new people....and expansion of their influence...establishing parties...and fighting for rights.

In just a few years, the launch of the Federation’s campaign of exporting democracy was extremely successful in Protoss society.

Hundreds of parties were established, with more than a billion members. After this, the parties wanted to have rights. They wanted to fight.

They even imitated the Earth Federation by establishing their own countries and leading the political power of their countries.

And...they did not want those practitioners who were extremely powerful to sit on their heads and control their destinies.

They even put forward slogans like “Remove The Feudal Landlords,” “Restrict Practitioners’ Family Clans,” “The People Are The Masters Of Our Own Affairs,” and others. They were simply committing the most heinous crime with these slogans.

Hence, the iron fists of social hierarchy were imposed on them.

The ruling classes cracked down on all parties.

Hundreds and thousands of Protoss had their heads cut off daily.

Many places sank into a depression.

The senior administration of the Protoss who possessed great military force could sometimes wipe out a party with one targeted attack.

For the vast numbers of lower-class Protoss who were trying to change their fortunes, it was futile and way too difficult.

Even if their party garnered a public opinion support rate that far exceeded 50%.

Even if they were loved and respected by the lower classes who lived without hope.

When faced with those who were extremely strong, whose individual strength was strong enough to change the rules, all their activities and plans were largely ineffective.

They wanted to live as well as the humans, to enjoy the same kind of fairness and happiness. But this was only possible if their votes had power to fulfill their dream.

Only with power could there be the possibility of a total transformation.

Chen Jin intended to undertake this task. He was about to send hope to the lower class Protoss by making a little contribution.

Dream Fantasy: 8th Generation.

The latest generation of VR headgear produced by Xing Hai Game Company.

It had integrated many great achievements in technology; the terminal realism of the game was as high as an astonishing 97%...It was one entire generation ahead of the previous model.

The company wanted to at least organize a lively and large-scale launch event for its new product at the start of a new era.

However, they also wanted to keep things low-key, so there was no new product launch event for Dream Fantasy: Eighth Generation. It entered the market without making any noise...Its appearance was almost indistinguishable from the Dream Fantasy: Seventh Generation. It was very difficult to tell them apart.

The price also remained unchanged, at $4,999...Additionally, the Earth Federation provided a subsidy of $2,000 per unit.

As long as they could get those Dream Fantasy: Eighth Gen VR headgear to the large forces formed by the lower classes of Protoss; the game company was half selling the products and half giving them away.

The purpose behind this large-scale sale was completely related to the function of the headgear.

Because the simulation had a 97% realism level, some of the players’ behaviors in the game could have an impact on reality.

For example, spiritual cultivation.

If the player entered the deep level of cultivation in the game, Galaxy Era 2, he would soon be able to absorb a portion of the experiences and enlightenment that he had gained in the game.

Due to the high degree of realism, the skills and combat experience in the game could also be brought back to reality.

“More importantly, in the Galaxy 2, there are a lot of cultivation methods that are effective when carried out in reality. Their qualities are generally good after they have been optimized by the supercomputer. It is not difficult to learn and master those cultivation methods.”

“And when you’ve entered the state of deep learning, the exercises and combat skills that you’ve learned during in-game cultivation can also be practiced in reality.”

“Moreover, after the physical condition of the player was scanned by the headgear scanner and the association mode is activated, even ordinary people who have no aptitude for spiritual cultivation can carry over their cultivation base from reality into the game. It wouldn’t matter how many monsters you kill in the game or how much your experience increases.”

“If one has entered the stage where he is able to control and direct the flow of his Qi to areas of his body in the game and successfully establishes this foundation, then he should also be able to do the same in reality...without any guidance from others.”

Therefore, the VR headgear, Dream Fantasy: 8th Generation became the “spiritual artifact” for many lower-class Protoss, it had nurtured countless practitioners, breaking the monopoly that the family clans and sects had on the ancient books and records on spiritual cultivation. Everyone had the opportunity to consult the immortals, ask for the way and the chance to strengthen themselves.

What was even more ridiculous was that by relying on the intelligent manual guidance of the intelligent system in the game, even the lower class Protoss whose aptitude for cultivation was average was able to achieve a success rate of more than 80% in establishing their Foundation, instead of the 20% under normal circumstances.

After a while, their success rate improved four times.

With the huge population base of the lower class Protoss, it was estimated that it would not take long for those Protoss who yearn for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law to have enough power to let their voices be heard.

In this way, the Federation could make use of the conflicts within the Protoss classes; continue to promote and intensify those conflicts such that those Protoss would resonate, integrate, and fully recognize the ideas of the Federation, at least in terms of culture. Hence, the Protoss might ultimately not be destroyed with military force, instead, it might collapse on itself first.

Using ideas as a weapon and turning an enemy into a friend was far more powerful than any real artillery.

Chen Jin was looking forward to it.



Everything was on the right track.

Under the leadership of Mu Yunhua, the All-Stars Federation, led by the all-new constitutional monarchy under Mu Yunhua was becoming more prosperous with each passing day.

The Selains, who had been relegated to slaves had now basically resigned to their lives. The rebellion was doomed to failure, and they could only work honestly for the All-Stars Federation.

Therefore, the sporadic sparks of resistance quickly dissipated.

The territory, population, and resources of the original Selain civilization have all been integrated and absorbed...The All-Stars Federation was unprecedentedly powerful.

Considering that they had more warships and were stable internally, Mu Yunhua enacted the Intergalactic Colonial Encouragement Law and strongly encouraged the people to participate in the intergalactic development activities. Ten Silver Gun Lords with their warp engines were also started. They carried scientists on board as they went to 10 high-value galaxies.

The road to expansion would be reopened.

But a small incident happened.

There were many elderly who had accompanied Mu Yunhua in her fight since fleeing Haierfa; they had chosen to retire after the war. But on this particular day, they suddenly sought her out and made a request.

“Your Majesty, it has been more than a hundred years, and most of the Federation’s subjects have taken Walf to be their homeland.”

“But we know, have always very clearly known that our homeland is the blue planet of Haifa.”

“It’s been more than a hundred years, and we’ve wandered for so long. It’s time to go back. No matter whether the planet is destroyed or reborn, it’s time to go home!”

“Your Majesty, please give us an A-class warship. Let us go home and take a look, no matter what it becomes, we would at least be back home.”

An old man said with tears.

“Go back home?”

A tremble went through Mu Yunhua’s body and as she muttered those three words, her eyes misted over.

Why wouldn’t she want to go back to that blue planet for a look?


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