
Chapter 317

Chapter 317

You have finally returned. It has taken longer than I had expected, said the angel respectfully.

The woman sighed and shook her head. I had hoped that this day would never come, but since it has, then well go according to our agreement. Bring me to the God of Light. After going through so many rounds, Im sure he must have gathered quite a lot of energy, right?

That is correct. But this energy can only be manifested with you around, because you are a living creature from the beginning, a creator in the past, our great primordial deity! The angel fell on one knee, then opened a door of light before directing the woman to walk through it.

Before walking through it, the woman suddenly stopped in her footsteps. She looked at the void behind her, as though she couldnt bear to leave it. There was a sad look on her face as she quietly said, Jin, I hope we can meet again!

Meanwhile, back in Su Jins universe, Xu Ran had used a primitive but simple method to make sure that the three of them could act with impunity. Yang Tianzheng came early the next morning to give Su Jin a black card.

Keep this properly. With this thing, you are basically above every law enforcement agency in this country. I really dont know what the Commanders-in-chief are thinking about. How could they sign something like this? Yang Tianzheng had an annoyed expression on his face. Like how Situ Jin was before, he was a guardian of the nation and hated the idea of anybody being above the law. Yet, Su Jin, Xu Ran, and Situ Jin were not just untouchable by the law, but they also essentially disregarded the entire concept.

Thanks. Su Jin stuffed it into a random pocket and thanked Yang Tianzheng.

Yang Tianzheng opened his mouth to speak but didnt say anything. He turned to leave, but after taking a few steps, he stopped and turned to say to Su Jin, I dont know what happened, but my instinct tells me that none of this is making sense. If I were to ask you, would you tell me the truth?

Su Jin smiled and shook his head. Believe me. There are times when the truth is meaningless. Perhaps because the truth is not within your scope of understanding in the first place.

Yang Tianzheng was so annoyed by Su Jins words, he snorted. But he didnt say anything, choosing to leave in indignation instead. What happened at Eight Tastes Restaurant had caused quite the commotion, but the special police had managed to keep it down. They explained the Lins sons condition as alcohol poisoning, and he had made a miraculous recovery only because the medical team had been excellent, so the medical team that night became heroes overnight for no reason.

Su Jin didnt care about any of this. He brought his younger sister around town to have fun and enjoyed his time with Su Qing. It had been a long time since the siblings spent quality time together like this and Su Jin didnt know if hed ever get the chance to do so again.

Su Qing was about to take her high school examinations, and if Su Jin wanted to, he could fill her mind with all the knowledge she needed. Or he could use his current authority to get her a spot in the school of her choice.

But he did not want to. He wanted Su Qing to live a peaceful, ordinary life. He wanted her to experience happiness and sadness, to meet like-minded friends, to experience youth, to go through ups and downs in life.

In short, Su Jin wanted his sister to enjoy life, and not end up like himself. He had to use whatever time he had left to challenge an existence that could possibly be even more terrifying than the universe he lived in.

For about half a month, Su Qing felt as though she was the happiest person in the world. Su Jin could sense how happy she was, and that was all he asked for.

At the end of the holiday, Su Jin sent Su Qing to the airport. He patted her hair and smiled as he said, Alright now, were done playing, so once you go back, youve got to focus and get into the university of your choice. Dont let all your years of studying go to waste, okay?

Su Qing nodded vigorously, then tugged at Su Jins arm as she whined, Jin Ill miss you

Ill miss you too. Su Jins heart trembled. He didnt have much attachment to this world anymore, and Su Qing was one of the last but important ones left. But this could actually be the last time he was saying goodbye to her, and that made him choke up a little.

But Su Jins mental resilience was one of the best among owners after all, so he suppressed his emotions and sent his sister off. He only left the airport after he watched her flight take off.

Once he got back to his house, a phone call came in. It was an unknown number, but it looked like it was a call from overseas. The caller turned out to be Murray from the Dark Council.

Hello? Why are you calling me? asked Su Jin.

Sir, weve done everything according to your instructions and the underworld in the western hemisphere is now very peaceful and stable. Weve also been working hard to keep troublemaking owners in check and Ive called you today just to report our progress. Also, weve opened an account for you and this months funds have been transferred in already. Murray spoke very politely to Su Jin, mostly because he really didnt have a choice. He had even given the first page of his Handbook to Su Jin in order to survive, so if Su Jin was even the slightest bit displeased with what they were doing, he could kill them in seconds.

But to Su Jin, actually Murray and the rest of the members had been very clever to do such a thing. Giving that first page to him sounded like a very risky thing to do, but in reality, even if they didnt do that, Su Jin could have killed them in seconds anyway. Doing this both guaranteed their survival and a connection to someone powerful. It was a good deal.

Funds? Su Jin was a little surprised. No owner needed to worry about having money in the real world, since they could get a lot of it from the Handbook. He was surprised that the Dark Council was still raking in money from the real world.

Murray sent an account number to Su Jin, which was opened under his name. And when Su Jin checked the balance, his eyes were nearly crossed from seeing how many zeroes there were.

Sir, it is a total of $31,800,000,000 USD. Some of it is from Satans account, and all of the Dark Councils funds are inside here except for some necessary expenses, explained Murray.

Su Jin didnt know what to say. Owners didnt lack money, but $31.8 billion was no small number.

Alright then, good job, continue to work hard. Su Jin had no interest in what Murray and the rest were doing. As long as they didnt create any trouble, Su Jin wouldnt even remember them.

But Murray and the rest of the Dark Council were relieved. It seemed like their master was satisfied with what theyd done, so their lives were not in danger now.

Su Jin didnt want to spend too much time talking to Murray, so he hung up after making a few comments. He stared at the account balance and went into a daze. This money was as good as trash to him.

Maybe Ill donate it to charity? Su Jin scratched his head and finally made a decision. But he wasnt going to give it to just any charitable organization, since not all of them were trustworthy. If he wasnt careful, who knew if his money might become a Ferrari or a Chanel bag?

Su Jin called Han Mengyao immediately. She had brought him some trouble before this, so it was time she made up for it. She was eating when his call came in and her eyes lit up when she saw it was Su Jin calling.

Hello, Su Jin? Whats up? asked Han Mengyao.

Ive got some money and I would like to donate it to charity, but I dont have any experience in this aspect. You know more people, so I thought Id ask you about it, said Su Jin.

Some money? How much? If its a lot, you could set up your own foundation. If its not much, you can just donate it to anyone you want directly, replied Han Mengyao.

Ive got 31.8 billion. How do I go about setting up my own foundation? asked Su Jin nonchalantly.

Han Mengyao froze for a moment. She wasnt sure if she had heard him right. How much did you say you have?

31.8 billion, said Su Jin.

Are you is this a prank? Han Mengyao couldnt believe it. Who would give $31.8 billion all to charity? Not many people even had this much money lying around, and as far as her information on Su Jin went, he didnt have this much either.

Do I look like Ive got the time to prank you? Su Jin chuckled. But its in US dollars, so will that cause any problems when I set up the foundation?

You have more than $30 billion and and its in US dollars?! Han Mengyao couldnt believe it. She was even more certain that Su Jin was just pulling her leg and she felt like just hanging up on him.

Tell you what, Ill get the bank to transfer the money to you tomorrow and you can do whatever you want with it. My only request is that the money must go to charity. If you run into any issues, just give me a call, said Su Jin.

Han Mengyao made a face. She didnt believe him at all. Besides, she was a high-ranking special police officer. Even if she ran into issues, she could solve it herself. She didnt need to call him.

Su Jin got her bank account number from her and she gave it to him, thinking he just wanted it for fun. But after hanging up, Su Jin called Murray and told him to transfer everything to Han Mengyao. Murray had no idea what was going on, but since Su Jin said so, he obediently carried out Su Jins instructions. When the bank called Han Mengyao the next morning to verify her identity, she was completely bewildered.

She quickly called Su Jin, but his response was simple. He said that the money had been passed to her, so she just had to channel it to charity like he explained the night before, and if she ran into trouble, she just had to give him a ring. He hung up after saying that, leaving her still in a state of shock.

He handed over more than $30 billion to someone else just like that? How much trust does this guy have?! Han Mengyao wasnt sure whether to laugh or cry.

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