
Chapter 250: Sregl Island (Part 1)

Chapter 250: Sregl Island (Part 1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Saleen flew to the pirate ship, entered the water at the rear end of the ship, and dove down to the place where the pan’s turtle alchemical boat was. Although there was a teleportation portal under the alchemical boat, Saleen was not willing to pay a few hundred gold coins for its transmission, so he knocked on the turtle shell for a while, went around, and stood in front of the huge crystal.

Nailisi and Lex opened the magic image array after hearing the sound, and saw Saleen waving to them in front of the alchemical boat.

“Master wants us to go out.”

Nailisi jumped up and rushed straight to the cabin with the teleportation portal.

Lex turned off the magic image hurriedly, left a fully constructed puppet in the cabin, and then went to the cabin where the teleportation portal was with Nailisi.


They followed Saleen and came to the surface of the sea. Saleen cast a Flying spell, stepped onboard, and then said to Lex who had flown after him, “I have met someone from my teacher’s mage group.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. That person has an aura around him that is similar to my teacher’s. That type of aura must be cultivated over years and cannot be imitated. And I heard them talking about …”

“Is it safe?”

“I’m not sure, but don’t be afraid. They are not targeting us. Daniel, ask the sailors to lower a boat and we will go there.”

Daniel followed his orders obediently and supervised the sailors as they lowered a boat. Saleen warned Nailisi, “When we go there, do not say a word. Do you understand?”

“Not even a word?”

Nailisi’s eyes widened.


“Okay then.”

Nailisi’s eyelids dropped quickly. Saleen thought, If you cause any trouble in front of my teacher, I cannot protect you. I hope Nailisi can behave for a while.

Ten pirates who were working as laborers paddled against their will, driving the small boat towards the warships. They especially hated and feared warships. Warships were the last thing pirates sailing on the sea wanted to encounter. With no ability to defeat or flee from them, a warship was an indication of death for pirates.

The small boat stopped next to the huge warship, and someone dropped a rope ladder down from the ship. Neither Saleen nor Lex used the rope. They flew onto the deck directly.

Of course, those three mages had not waited for Saleen all this time. Morpheus was waiting on the deck, and he said to Saleen after seeing him, “Master Gaia is waiting for you on the fourth floor.”

He had become even more polite towards Saleen. Saleen thought about the four black metal grand swordmasters who worked for Lex. With my physique, if I had chosen swordcraft instead of magic, I would have only been a high-grade swordsman, not even a swordmaster, by this time.

Even if I had achieved the grade of a grand swordmaster, I would not have had equal status to a mage at any grade lower than that of a golden grand swordmaster.

Saleen thoughts were not wrong, but he had forgotten that he would have still been a grade-2 mage at this time if not for his luck. Plus, a grade-2 mage did not have high status in Alchemy City either.

If this black metal grand swordmaster had been at any place other than Alchemy City, other people would have competed to recruit him. Hiring a mage was expensive and troublesome, but hiring swordsmen was much cheaper. The cost of a swordmaster was less than that of a grade-4 mage.

Lex was in a disturbed state of mind. On this warship, she felt a lack of control for the first time, and the feeling of being uncertain of her future. She had been a viscountess, then a duchess, and was used to having over ten thousand people working for her, with a few dozens of them being mages. She was now on this warship all alone, and the black metal grand swordmaster from the other party was merely a messenger.

I have no idea whether the people from Saleen’s mage group are mages in the traditional sense. If not, there may be more variables in my plan. If this mage group is an orthodox one, then cooperation with them will be much smoother.

Saleen surprised Gaia again when he came back with his friends. One of them was a grade-6 mage and the other was a death mage. There were no more than ten death mages in the entirety of Alchemy City, and this death mage was already grade-3 and had a fairly high grade of death flames.

That tall girl, what type of person is she? Why do I feel like she is dangerous?

“Uncle Gaia, this is Lex, Nailisi, and Daniel.”

Saleen introduced them. Gaia looked at Lex, thought for a moment, and then asked, “What‘s your last name?”

“Grukos,” Lex replied calmly.

“Are you the genius viscountess?”

“She is now a duchess,” Saleen interrupted with a smile.

“I haven’t seen many nobles like you. And Daniel, you are from Tanggulasi, right?”

Gaia hardly ever went to the mainland but possessed sharp eyes. He had been able to distinguish Daniel’s lineage from his facial features alone.

“Yes sir.”

Daniel did not dare speak too much. Gaia not only had powerful strength, but he was also emitting a sense of pressure on Daniel’s spirit. He even felt that if Gaia were to release his spiritual power, he would be under too much pressure to call out the pikoosi from his death flames.

“Nailisi, what are you? I can’t tell.”

Gaia looked at Nailisi with clear eyes.

Nailisi grabbed her dress, greeted him in the manner of a lady, and then answered in a soft voice, “Sir, Saleen is my master.”

“Master? Well, well…”

Gaia said no more. The power hidden in Nailisi made him feel uneasy. Why would this type of person recognize another person as her master? Saleen was not cheated, was he?

He did not know that Saleen had cheated Nailisi into signing a soul bond with him. Although Nailisi had lost all of her strength back then, Saleen would not have been able to sign a contract without her permission. Saleen had lied and threatened Nailisi before she had signed the contract. If this were made known across the demonic realm, other demons would laugh at Nailisi.

Demons only respected the strong. An imp with a superb, heroic lineage had signed a soul bond with a human with the same amount of power as a magic hug. What a tragedy!

“Saleen, is there anyone else important to you on the ship trailing behind? If not, I will have the ship sunk.”

Gaia did not speak to Lex, but discussed the pirate ship with Saleen.

“Uncle Gaia, if you don’t like these people, I will have them leave first. I need them as my sailors. If they are killed, I have no time to catch new sailors.”

Saleen thought to himself, This ship has a value of tens of thousands of gold coins. Judging from his thought to sink the ship without any hesitation, he is not a person who cherishes property. In addition, there is a pan’s turtle alchemical boat being dragged behind. No one is controlling the boat, and if the pirate ship sinks, where will I find that boat?

“Don’t worry about that, Saleen. If you want sailors, there are dozens of pirate ship in this area. I can catch them all for you.”

Jupiter was sweating because of his words. He had thought that his men were beyond the sphere of influence of Alchemy City and were away from serious threats. He had not expected them to be so familiar with this area, and it seemed they could exterminate all of the pirates in this area at any time.

Saleen’s heart leapt. Dozens of pirate ships? That will mean thousands of people. About one-tenth of those people must be sailors who have not turned into real pirates. If I can have two hundred of those people, they will be enough to control a ship. Those sailors will be more reliable than the pirates.

“Uncle Gaia, that can wait. Did you get any information from Jupiter? ”

“No, nothing I didn’t already know. No fleet has passed through this area in three months. We have travelled over one thousand and two hundred miles from Alchemy City and we still don’t know where the attacking fleet came from.”

Saleen’s mouth twitched, but he did not mention the possibility that they could be related to the country of Shengfeng. He did not dare to share all of his information with Gaia. He had not met his teacher, after all.

“Saleen, we will return to Sregl Island and stop the search. Devil’s Horn has also sent their fleet on the search, so we’ll let them do the job. I’ll take you to Jason for now. Tritiny, arrange some rooms for them. Get some rest, Saleen. Come back in eight hours.”


Saleen left with Tritiny, thinking to himself, Eight hours. If the ship sails at normal speed, about fifteen miles an hour, it will cover one hundred and twenty miles in eight hours. This means that teacher is on an island that is nearby. But Alchemy City is about a thousand miles away. No wonder no one in Alchemy City knew of him.

He just had not expected Alchemy City to be able to hold influence over such a big area, nor that the three islands on the sea would be so far away from the city.

Alchemy City was as powerful as a country.

Saleen did not fall asleep. With Sika and Nailisi as his guards, he practiced twice using the badge and felt relieved and energetic afterwards.

Eight hours passed quickly as he practiced, which was normal for mages. Although mages lived longer lives at higher grades, they spent most of their lives practicing, so they did not possess any more freetime than ordinary people.

Therefore, mages attached great importance to practice after they had reached grade-4. Many mages left their hometowns and lived earthly lives as ordinary people for some time to appreciate a different type of life in this world.

Daniel and Lex rested through meditation. When eight hours had passed, they were taken to the cabin on the fourth floor together. There was only one main cabin on the fourth floor, and a person could see the ship’s bow through the crystal port at the front of the cabin.

“Saleen, come and look. That is Sregl Island.”

Gaia called Saleen to the port and pointed at a strange island in distance, “You teacher is on this island. If you are lucky, you will meet him when we get there.”


In truth, Saleen had overheard their conversation, but he needed to pretend that he was unaware of what they had said.

“Jason is in the process of advancing to a sorcerer. I am certain that he must have completed that process by this time. However, as you know, there is no certainty when it comes to advancement.”

Although he had heard it before, he still felt excited. My teacher is becoming a sorcerer, a sorcerer! That grade is still too far away for me.

My teacher is a genius. When I left him, he was only a grade-5 mage. Has it been two years? Is he advancing to a sorcerer already? How much accumulation is needed for a person to do that! Even nobles who possess all of the necessary resources like Lex would need more than ten years to advance from grade-5 into a sorcerer, wouldn’t they?

The warships slowed down and Sregl Island became clearer. Looking at the strange shape of Sregl Island, Saleen was as shocked as he had been when he had first seen Holy Rock City.

This was indeed a place that could be compared to Devil’s Horn. Even though this island did not have fog produced by a magic array, Saleen believed that no warship would be able to approach this island as it pleased. On the tall, well-structured mountain, Saleen saw a dozen parallel magic towers.

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