
Chapter 993: Hot Pursuit (Part 1)

Chapter 993: Hot Pursuit (Part 1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There was no description for the pain that Nailisi had just suffered. The devil form that she had gone to great lengths to repair had half of one of its arms torn off by the Golden Light of Destruction, and a hole was made in that form as well.

Adding insult to injury, a beam shot through her heart right then and there, melting half of it! The form would have died if it was a true devil’s form, yet Nailisi’s devil form was one that was capable of surviving as long as her soul remained intact. However, having half of its heart gone meant that her devil form had lost most of its powers and was thus incapable of continuing to fight any longer.

Van Gogh felt rather numb by this time. What he saw with his Eye of God was actually not what was actually there. Despite having half of its heart melted by the Golden Light of Destruction, the demon had actually survived! Furthermore, it had transformed into a skeleton, then dove into the water!

What is with that skeleton? Its bones have pale magic patterns all over it. It’s astounding to think that a skeleton of such a high level can actually come naked, without so much as putting on spirit armor to protect itself! Van Gogh felt his brain going rather haywire.

He sensed danger coming from behind him, so he waved his arm to form a triangle with the chains of the Lance of Order. At that moment, a shot from a cannon was heading straight for him, which was quickly blocked by the Lance of Order.

Saleen took the risk of letting Vinny leave the Magical Element Tower. Nicholas’ lesser prophecy spell had interfered with Van Gogh’s senses again. The shot was considered an accurate one. However, Van Gogh had reacted too quickly. Despite being targeted, he was able to block it using the Lance of Order.

Saleen felt incredibly frustrated to see that the Lance of Order was capable of both attacking and defending, and was also incredibly sturdy. At this point, Saleen did not have any certainty of victory.

Even if his family badge was able to kill Van Gogh, he had to wonder... Can the family badge really kill a true godly item?

Saleen gritted his teeth and unleashed 12 Midnight Fangs. These elemental creatures were capable of moving quickly within the dark depths of the sea. They might have even been the fastest out of all six of the elemental creatures.

However, these dark elemental creatures were naturally weak when pitted against the believers of the Lord of Light. Thus, they could easily be destroyed altogether by a believer armed with a godly item.

Saleen knew that only the devil form of the spirit form, out of all of Nailisi’s forms, had a high combat capacity. This was because her human form and dragon form both had significant weaknesses.

That being said, Nailisi was not even capable of withstanding the pressure of the water in her human form, while her dragon form was too big of a target, as it had a body that measured over a hundred meters in length. This meant that it would not be able to dodge any of Van Gogh’s attacks.

At the moment, Van Gogh’s brows were furrowed. This was because he had just discovered the 12 Midnight Fangs. While that magic cannon’s attacks were powerful, they were also easy to predict.

If he had not been affected by the lesser prophecy spell, the cannon would not have been even able to lock onto him, and he could have easily shrugged off the threat. However, the threat that the dozen of elemental creatures before him posed, needed to be taken seriously!

As Van Gogh was backed into a corner, he grabbed over 20 figures from the badge at his chest and threw them all behind him. All of the figures then swung their sharp blades out, while charging toward the Midnight Fangs.

Astrologers were skilled in making weapons of war out of figures, while mages were skilled in crafting mechanical puppets. The greatest works of the holy masters in this regard were the Blood Knights. This is because these figures had no life-bearing materials in them, as they were only crafted from cloth.

After the more than 20 figures located the Midnight Fangs, both sides clashed. The Midnight Fangs’ elemental blades cut up 12 of those figures instantly. Their speed and power far exceeded that of Van Gogh’s figures’.

However, Saleen still pulled back the Midnight Fangs quickly, as that one strike had drained them of half of their powers. At the moment, there were 10 figures remaining, and they all charged at Vinny, who was outside the tower.

The Midnight Fangs were like human assassins. They possessed high damage potentials and were even capable of killing creatures of the same level in a single move! However, the energy drain that they suffered was just as frightening as their attacks.

The 12 Midnight Fangs would have killed Van Gogh if they had been able to get near him. It was unfortunate that they were stopped by the 20 figures, which were all at around level nine.

As the Midnight Fangs had retreated after striking once, Saleen had no choice but to unleash the Tempest Dragonmights. He did not unleash the ancient warriors, as he feared that his Eternal Control shards were incapable of fending off the divine spell attacks of his enemy.

The ancient warriors’ souls were their weaknesses. The Eternal Control shards that were put into the ancient warriors by Saleen’s hands had problems with their crafting processes, which was something that he was still trying to perfect. Otherwise, those ancient warriors would not have any defense against attacks against their souls.

As 10 figures rushed at the Magical Element Tower, Vinny, who was outside the tower, fired a shot at them. Two of the figures were unable to evade the attack in time, so they were reduced to dust.

Vinny then went on to stuff the miniature magic cannon into its own body as it also brandished the magic war hammer, while charging at its assailants. Since Vinny was a level ten elemental creature leader, it had little problems dealing with several figures at a time.

At that moment, Saleen sent out six Blue Ice Figures to help Vinny deal with the figures. The Blue Ice Maidens’ combat capacity had been raised by several times in the water. Now, their Swords of Water Element were able to deal damage that was several times more intense than Vinny’s war hammer.

As the figures and the elemental creatures tangled with each other, there were torn clothes and chipped elemental suits of armor from the elemental creatures scattered everywhere. Both sides fought with everything they had.

At this point, Van Gogh had gotten increasingly careful. All of his 22 figures had been hard to come by, yet all of them were easily destroyed by Saleen’s elemental creatures. So, he had no choice but to turn around and draw a circle in the water. The circle shimmered with blinding light and quickly grew in size.

This circle, which Van Gogh had drawn using his finger, soon grew to a diameter of five meters. Then, a heavenly angel emerged out of the center of the circle.

The heavenly angel was eight meters tall and held a Sword of Glory in its hand. It was shining light to all of the waters within several miles.

The seawater around it boiled as soon as it emerged. The appearance of the heavenly angel was blurred as Saleen stared at it.

The only thing clearly visible thing about it was that sword in its hand. The Sword of Glory was over six meters in length.

Saleen hurriedly called back all of his elemental creatures. It was apparent that the heavenly angel was at level ten, which meant that the possibility of the elemental creatures killing Van Gogh was near zero when he summoned that angel.

Saleen deemed it was more sensible to deal with matters that came with a great cost. At the very least, his magic skills were far higher than the combat capacity of those elemental creatures.

The tower went straight for the heavenly angel. At that moment, Saleen no longer had any intention of dealing with Van Gogh.

The heavenly angel was similar to the elemental creatures in one aspect: they were both beings that would have revived in time unless they were completely absorbed after being killed.

Van Gogh apparently had a lot of tricks up his sleeve, so much so that he looked like he didn’t have a care in the world as he summoned the heavenly angel. At the moment, Saleen had to conserve his strength, as Nailisi had reached the bottom of the ocean and went directly into a crevice at its bottom, which meant that she was safe for the moment.

None of Van Gogh’s subordinates went into the bottom of the ocean with him. It was a given that none of the warden leaders went into such depths with him either. After all, with their poor equipment, they would have been crushed by the pressure of the seawater around them.

In fact, only the 12 holy masters wanted to follow him. However, they would not have lasted for long underwater for the same reasons. Holy masters were similar to mages in that their time allotment for moving about at great depths in the ocean was severely limited.

Mages would have been fine, as they were capable of creating air bubbles, so all that they needed to worry about was the high pressure of such depths. As for Holy masters, the toll on their mental powers grew by every second that they spent underwater.

As Saleen’s Magical Element Tower rammed at the heavenly angel, its Sword of Glory clashed down hard on the tower, sending a shower of white divine light shooting out as the tower trembled. Yet, the inside of the tower remained completely calm.

Attacks from the angel felt like a thunderstorm, with every blow containing an immense amount of divine might. It was unfortunate for the angel that the level of the materials used to construct the Magical Element Tower was simply too high. As such, there was no way of dealing with it once it was completely sealed.

The only way to do so was to grind at it over an extended amount of time. If the ones within the tower had no intention of coming out or attacking, the weaknesses of the tower were something that could have only been discovered at level 12, and the attacks needed to be aimed exactly at those weaknesses.

This was something that was very difficult to pull off, as the tower would have been capable of launching attacks when it did not move, thus disabling assailants from simply attacking it without retaliation.

At that moment, the Magical Element Tower dove over 2,000 meters down into the ocean, while Nailisi had already made it to the bottom. A huge crevice was found at the depths of about 5,000 meters.

The seafloor was not smooth, like it was on land, but was a much more rough and complex terrain. Nailisi had found a crevice at a depth that even she had trouble calculating. Her mental powers had at least been able to determine that the crevice was deeper than the sea itself, which meant that it had to be deeper than 5,000 meters.

Furthermore, the crevice was quite narrow. Specifically, its narrowest spot would have allowed for only a child to pass through it.

There were many fearsome creatures in the crevice. None of those creatures showed any interest in her spirit form, as it lacked true soul flames and had no flesh and blood.

Her soul was also hidden too deep within it. As such, she was hardly different from a moving rock to those creatures in the crevice.

Van Gogh, however, was quite different. He was bursting with power of life which, to the creatures in the crevice, made him appear like a huge pocket that was carrying the most delicious food that smelled really good!

Due to Saleen’s interference, the distance between him and Nailisi was about a meter away. Moreover, as this undersea environment was one that was filled with myriad lethal dangers, it was difficult to ambush him, as he had been careful to arm himself with the Lance of Order.

Is it worth it going this far to pursue a monster though? Van Gogh wondered as he reached the edge of the crevice. He then floated at the top of it and looked down.

Nailisi’s location was revealed to him by the Eye of God. Then, that thing that took the form of a skeleton continued going down, while Van Gogh looked around and found the crevice, stretching hundreds of miles away, its end nowhere to be found.

It was so vast, even if he went completely collapsed the crevice, there was no guarantee that he would kill his target. Furthermore, it required a lot of power to collapse a crevice that size!

He would have been placing himself in danger if he ended up causing an underwater volcano to erupt or forced an earthquake to occur! Thus, Van Gogh decided quickly that it was not a wise decision to make such an attempt. He then reached into the badge on his chest and pulled out a puppet.

Saleen wasn’t frightened, but then he saw the puppet that Van Gogh had just pulled out! Every piece of equipment in Van Gogh’s possession was powerful, and the one that he had just pulled out seemed to be a constructed puppet that looked like a great wolf and was gleaming with a bronze sheen.

From the looks of such an extraordinary puppet, it seemed that the Tribunal had not stopped growing and had probably been researching the most powerful equipment ever seen in history. Saleen had to wonder... Figures! Constructed puppets! What could possibly be next?

Saleen then saw Van Gogh wiggling about, while a silver-white armor appeared around his body.

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