
Chapter 28:

Chapter 28:

Kail was nothing if not persistent. From that day on, he methodically stayed near her.

“Silje, do you know that guy? That man who is sitting at the table near the window. He is staring at you.”

Even now, he was here. Of all times, he was sitting in the busy café and was watching her openly.

Tran looked at him with interest and whispered into Silje’s ear.

“Do you know him? He has been coming here for days now, right? Always around this time too. And he only sits at that table.”

At Tran’s obvious curiosity, Silje became frustrated. It was annoying.

What was he doing over there?

He was sitting at the table like he owned the place. Underneath the sun with his messy dark hair and seductive green eyes, he was studying her. He wore a green sweater that matched his eyes, just like he was at school that day.

She thought for a second that it was just an illusion, but even after she blinked a few times, he was still there.

His stare was devastatingly intense.

“Why is he here? Why is he staring at me?”

She felt uncomfortable and she couldn’t understand. Didn’t he have better things to do?

What was his purpose for coming here?

Suddenly, their eyes locked, and she felt her body flinch at the sharp feeling of it.


He was looking at her.

He was watching her.

At any other time, by any other person, it wouldn’t have meant anything to her, but this was different. The strange emotions she felt had to be because it was Kail.

He wasn’t doing anything. Instead, he was just watching her quietly, but that was enough to make her feel awkward.

His eyes followed her everywhere and no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, it was impossible. On the outside, Silje looked normal and she was doing her job well, but inside, she was going crazy.

No matter how tightly the window was closed, nothing could stop the cold winter wind from seeping in. Kail was the persistent wind that tried to get through to her.

He was studying her body seductively, and Silje didn’t know what to do.


She never knew that simply being watched could make one feel erotic. This was strange, and it made her angry.

Why was he watching her like that?

It frustrated her that she couldn’t simply walk up to him and yell at him to get out. Silje continued to take orders and served other customers while she gritted her teeth.

To everyone else, he was a legitimate customer, so she couldn’t argue with him.

And if she did, Silje knew he would just smile and pretend to feign innocence.

That bastard!

Silje clenched her teeth again.

“Here are the affogato and the black coffee you ordered.”

When she slammed the cup down on the table and announced the order through clenched teeth, he grinned. Despite her cold angry attitude, he seemed unfazed and smiled widely, making her even angrier.

“It’s 50 krone.”

She wanted to say something mean to him, but instead, she controlled herself and just took his payment. Kail smiled at her again. His eyes narrowed attractively, but Silje ignored it. She had to be strong because who knew what he was going to do to her?

It was no surprise that Niels and Tran were curious about Kail who grabbed attention wherever he went with his looks.

Niels had noticed Kail for a few days now, and finally, he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Silje, who is that guy? He said he’s your friend, but he is lying, isn’t he? He is just some puppy who fell for you and is pursuing you, right?”

“Gosh, Niels, you are such an old man. Who would ask something like that so directly?”

Trans nagged Niels and continued, “Just stay put and stop annoying Silje. That handsome boy must be so in love with you! He has been coming here every day just to stare at you. He is so into you! He wants you badly.”

Niels answered, “Oh, is that how it works nowadays? Kids are so forward these days. It wasn’t like this when I was young.”

Silje shook her head and tried to deny it, but Tran asked excitedly, “Is he an actor? He is so hot! My type is usually a big burly man, but if someone gorgeous like him asks me out, I am all in. Please let him know, Silje. Niels, don’t you think this place looks better with him in it?”

Tran patted Silje’s back and added, “I am so envious, Silje! I knew something amazing like this was going to happen to you. You have been such a strong young girl, and finally you are getting rewarded with a hottie like him.”

“It’s not like that!”

This was the first time a guy had shown any interest in Silje, so Tran was excited for her. When Tran continued to gush over Kail, Silje repeated to her again, “I’m telling you, it’s not like that, Tran!”

But Niels and Tran wouldn’t believe her, and they pushed her towards Kail so she could talk to him.

“He isn’t my friend...”

Niels and Tran pushed Silje out of the café to see Kail. As she stood alone outside, Kail smiled knowingly and followed her out.

He walked towards her with a lazy smile and they stood next to each other silently.


Kail’s lighter broke the silence as he lit his cigarette. He looked at her and asked, “How long do I have to come here so I can spend some private time with you?”

Kail smiled seductively and continued, “Still not enough?”

Not enough of what? What did Kail want?

Silje was no longer sure of anything.

She narrowed her black eyes and studied Kail slowly. Kail was silent, but he had a calculating look as if he was planning something.

Why did he continue to get closer to her? Why?

Silje looked straight into his eyes and decided that it didn’t matter why. She just had to ignore him.

And just like that, she turned around and walked away. Still watching her, Kail laughed softly and followed her.

“Why are you leaving like that? Are you trying to make me even more excited?”

“No, never. I just don’t want to deal with you.”

Kail walked quickly to stand in front of her. He crossed his arms.

“You have to take responsibility for making me like this.”

It wasn’t a threat; his words were soft and...affectionate. Silje wasn’t used to this, so she didn’t like it. She narrowed her eyes and glared at him. She hated Kail for trying to get under her skin, and hated even more it because it was working.

“Why don’t you stop now? Enough is enough.”

“What is?”

“Your interest in me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Stop coming to this café. I’m not used to someone staring at me. I don’t want you here. I don’t like it when someone invades my space.”

Kail continued to cross his arms and looked at her with interest. His relaxed attitude annoyed her. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking when he asked, “So you’re saying that me being near you makes you nervous and you don’t like it?”

“Something like that. I like being by myself. I especially don’t want to be near someone who caused this injury on my wrist.”

At her sharp words, Kail laughed out loud. It was a smooth beautiful laugh like dark velvet. Silje scowled at him and confidently said, “I told you before. I don’t plan on becoming a source of your amusement. Other girls from school may love you, but I am not like them. I hate someone who comes to bother me at work. I hate it that you make me feel nervous.”

Hearing her determined words, Kail’s eyes turned dark and Silje saw it.

In his eyes, she saw confusion, frustration, and misery.

And she was the one who caused them.

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