
Chapter 105:

Chapter 105: <Chapter 104>

Unfortunately, Olga didn’t seem to like Nolita and Soho, the two areas Silje enjoyed the most for their vintage and free atmospheres.

“Do you come here often, Silje?”

“Yes. It’s close to home, so I come here sometimes to shop. For groceries, there is a big store near the apartment that I go to.”

Olga still seemed unhappy as she listened. When she didn’t say anything, Silje became disappointed.

She obviously made the wrong decision.

The Italian restaurant Silje chose was a popular place, but Olga was a very picky eater. Silje’s adoptive mother was an excellent cook, so it was very hard to satisfy her.

Olga may not have liked the place, but she must’ve appreciated Silje’s effort. Olga ate her tiramisu and asked, “Did you make a reservation in this restaurant for me?”

“Yes. If we had more time, I could’ve taken you to a place in the Upper East Side... There is a restaurant you might have liked, Mom. Really good food and a clean place... I like this restaurant too, but what do you think? You don’t like it? You don’t look too happy about it...”

“I don’t particularly like it, but it’s not bad. I guess it has been very long since we ate out. To be honest, this is the first time I have traveled abroad. I visited Sweden once with Frank, but we drove there rather than taking a flight. I think Valter would’ve liked it here.”

“... Is Dad doing ok? How is Valter? It has been so long since I saw them...”

Silje couldn’t finish her sentence. She felt apologetic again for not calling her family sooner. When Silje became quiet, Olga said to her, “We are all fine, Silje. We are doing well, so don’t worry about us. Now that I see you in person, it does look like you are doing a good job as a model.”

Silje’s eyes reddened so she looked away. She didn’t want to show her weakness in front of Olga, “Your apartment seems old, but I’m sure rent is as expensive as you say. You are right that I don’t really like this restaurant, but I know how hard you tried, Silje. We will be just fine, so all you have to do is worry about yourself. That is what Frank would want too. Valter really wanted to come and see you, but he couldn’t. He had to go to school, so I came alone.”

“Alright, Mom... I will. Thank you.”

Silje remembered the hard times she had since she came to New York. Desperation, pain, confusion, and fear... Despite all the negative emotions she had, they only made this moment sweeter.

Silje’s voice thickened as she continued, “I will continue to work hard. And I want you to have this. It’s a gift from me. I have been working very hard and I really hope you accept it.”

Olga stared at the envelope Silje offered. She thought her adoptive mother might refuse it, but thankfully, Olga accepted it.

“I don’t want to disappoint you, Silje, so I will take it. Please work hard. Always keep your promise and don’t be late for anything. Of course, don’t ever become a burden to anyone. Earning a living is a hard thing. I have been worried about you, but it seems that you have become a productive member of society. I feel relieved.”

Olga looked at her and continued with a trembling voice, “Forget what happened in Norway. It’s in the past and we will all forget about it.”

Silje felt it then. She realized that her adoptive mother had changed since the last time she saw her.

And it wasn’t because Olga was here in New York. It seemed that time had changed her. Softened her. Even the most old-fashioned and cold Olga must’ve had at least some affection towards her adopted daughter.

At least, that is what Silje wanted to believe.

After Olga went back to Norway, Silje called her family often.

Olga said to her, “Silje, you don’t have to keep sending us money. We have good savings and retirement funds. Soon, we will be getting a pension too.”

Every time Silje sent money to her family, Olga seemed to feel uncomfortable. But she didn’t refuse it, which made Silje feel lighter as if a burden had been lifted. Silje knew money couldn’t solve everything, but she felt closer to her family this way.

After Olga left, Silje’s life didn’t change much, but she felt better nonetheless.

Going to various auditions became her everyday routine. She felt comfortable with her New York life, and she felt happier.

Then one Wednesday afternoon, Silje visited the Sherian headquarter for a photoshoot.

Sherian was very happy with Silje during last season’s runway, so they hired her as the model for their jewelry line.

Today was the first day of the shoot. When Silje got into the elevator, it happened again.

White-blond hair, familiar black sneakers, and long legs.

It was Sherian’s head designer, Christian Lozetti.



The world-famous designer smiled at her.

“It seems that you and I always meet in an elevator. I wonder why?”

Christian made a friendly conversation with her, and Silje decided to act natural and sociable as well.

Looking at his curious eyes, Silje greeted him.

“Hello, Mr. Lozetti.”

Mr. Lozetti.

When she addressed him formally, the man smiled and corrected her, “Chris. My friends call me Chris.”

“Then I will call you Christian. It would be awkward to jump from Mr. Lozetti to Chris right away.”

At her firm tone, Christian’s smile became wider.

“Long time no see, Silje. Are you going to the photoshoot?”

“Yes. It’s for the Sherian jewelry line.”

In the past, Silje would’ve said no more, but after seeing her adoptive mother recently, Silje felt more relaxed. She began to be able to open up to others, and Silje realized that this man was from the northern Europe, just like her.

She asked spontaneously, “Can you see the Statue of the Little Mermaid every day if you live in Copenhagen?”

At her unexpected question, Christian blinked a few times before answering in a lazy voice, “No, unfortunately. You can’t see it every single day because the statue becomes inaccessible for two months every year for maintenance.”

“I see. How disappointing.”

“Are you planning to travel to Denmark? Right before the New York fashion week? Regrettably, I don’t work in the tourism industry, so I am unable to give you too many details about traveling to Denmark.”

He answered slowly and when Silje turned to look at him, she realized that he was doing his best not to laugh out loud. He continued to joke, “But I can become your tour guide for New York if you want. I’ve lived here for a very long time.”

“No thank you. I am busy today with the Sherian photoshoot.”

Silje was surprised at herself for being able to joke like this. It seemed that she had changed a lot, just like Olga.

At her joke, Christian laughed out loud.

“Fine. Good luck!”

He seemed to treat her like a child, but then, he suddenly asked seriously,

“And where in Scandinavia did YOU come from?”

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