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Chapter 198: The Crisis of the Cold Father’s pride!

Chapter 198: The Crisis of the Cold Father’s pride!


With an explosion, black smoke surged.

However, before this black smoke could spread, it was sucked into the fat girl’s nose and she savored it slowly.

She narrowed her eyes, raised her nose, and flapped her ears gently, looking like she was extremely enjoying it.

Belia, who was standing not far away, was stunned when she saw this scene.

She had just fainted from this fellow’s fart previously.

It was so incredibly smelly that no stench could compare to it!


Under the lead of the elephant, the elephant herd trampled all the giant turtles into meat paste before walking to the river and roaring at the downstream, as if they were demonstrating and warning.

After the fat girl finished smoking, she was called back by the elephant herd and left reluctantly.

The way he looked back every three steps before leaving seemed to be saying, “Brother, prepare the cigarettes well. Don’t lose them. I’ll come back again.”

Chu Xiaoye ignored her and looked at the turtle shell fragments and corpses all over the grass. He suddenly felt a little tired.

Ever since he owned this territory, battles had never stopped.

All sorts of enemies appeared one after another.

This grassland was far from how calm it was when he first came here. It was even more chaotic and cruel than the grassland on the other side of the mountain range.

However, since he had chosen this place, he had to persevere.

Although he was a little tired, he had gained a lot.

In all sorts of battles, he was growing quickly.

The current him was far from what the young male cub back then could compare to.

The Chino brothers let out painful cries. Clearly, the wounds bitten by the giant turtles and pythons were tormenting them in pain.

The leopard family of four was clearly injured too.

As for the cute violent bear and her son, they relied on their thick skin and rough flesh to roll in the huge turtle herd. The wounds on their bodies were dense.

Chu Xiaoye returned to the bushes and took out the bladder that he had taken out of the water buffalo’s body. He started to drink water and rinse his mouth.

Then, he poured it on their wounds one by one.

This was very time-consuming.

He looked at the waterhole.

If he evolved even more one day, could he directly rinse his mouth in this waterhole and turn all the water in the pit into spirit pills to heal wounds?

Then, he would let his injured companions jump down one by one to take a bath and apply the medicine. Wouldn’t that save a lot of trouble?

This was not a fool’s dream.

When he evolved enough, there might really be such a possibility.

Perhaps a fart could send a group of water buffaloes flying!

He still had to have a dream. What if he realized it?

After finishing all the work, the sky was about to turn bright.

When he walked out of the bushes and prepared to see the blue-eyed lion king, he saw that it was no longer in place and no one knew where it went.

Chu Xiaoye walked over quickly. He did not see any signs of fighting on the ground, nor did he see any fresh blood. Clearly, the lion king left by itself.

It seemed that his saliva had become even more powerful after his body evolved.

A ray of light lit up on the distant horizon.

The morning sun soon rose.

After fighting for a night, he was exhausted.

Chu Xiaoye returned to the bushes, climbed up the Baobab tree, and quickly fell asleep.

The grass near the river was filled with the flesh of giant turtles and pythons. Soon, it attracted groups of vultures and wild dogs. The crocodiles in the river also smelled the smell of blood. They climbed up and started to wolf down the food.

Golden sunlight shone into the bushes and shone on the golden fur on Chu Xiaoye’s neck.

Catherine lay on another tree beside him and stared blankly, not feeling sleepy at all.

At the same time.

On the other side of the mountain.

The once withered grassland was now green.

The forest behind the pride of the cold father seemed to have gone crazy. In just a month, it was lush, tall, and dense, like a primitive forest.

The river at the foot of the hill also recovered its former life and rippled.

The grass on the grassland was already lusher than in the past.

The animals that had migrated back also became very tall and strong.

The members of the pride of the cold father also changed. They were more than a size larger than before.

The mane on the cold father’s neck started to blacken. His tall and strong body looked extremely intimidating.

Its huge head and cold face looked dignified without being angry. A random roar could scare the herbivores away.

Aisha and the other female lions also became taller, stronger, and more united.

The two young cubs, Qiqi and Nunu, had also grown up a lot. They were lively and active, playing everywhere, and often bullied their nanny and bodyguard Pit.

Pit was already fat and healthy. Its fur was dark and dark like a strong and fierce wild boar. The two fangs at the corner of its mouth were like two curved blades, thick and sharp!

However, in front of these two young cubs, he could only be chased and beaten.

Every time the two young cubs crawled into the bushes at the back and played, he would follow closely behind to protect them.

One time, in the bushes at the back, he encountered a hungry wild wolf that wanted to attack the two young cubs. He jumped out of the grass and knocked the wild wolf that could not escape in time to the ground. Then, he used the fangs at the corner of his mouth to stab fiercely into the stomach of the wild wolf!

In the end, he raised his mouth and picked the wolf, jumping around the bushes until he hurt the other party to death.

The two young cubs followed behind him, looking very excited.

Because of this matter, after Maya returned from hunting, she specially rewarded him with a warthog leg. Seeing his trembling appearance, the female lion realized that he was not a lion but a warthog.

After spending so much time together, the members of the pride had already treated him as a member of the pride. They would occasionally forget his identity and invite him to eat meat, making him feel very helpless.

Today, the pride went out to hunt again.

He stayed at home to look after Qiqi and Nunu.

He would not let this cub go too far from the pride’s camp, because he had dug many caves in the camp. When he encountered other carnivores attacking, he could let the two cubs hide quickly.

The cold father was patrolling the territory.

Aisha brought the female lions and hunted on the grassland.

Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei followed behind.

Now, they had already become the most powerful hunters in the pride. Any herbivore, even a water buffalo, could not escape their claws.

Little Curly Tail was already larger than his mother and his limbs looked extremely strong. The tail curled behind him was his most obvious mark.

They saw a group of gnus and were about to sneak over when the cold father’s roar suddenly came from the distant border.

From the sounds, there should be enemies invading.

Under normal circumstances, this invading enemy was resolved by the lion king in the pride. He would either retreat, be defeated, or flee in battle.

However, in the pride of the cold father, they had long changed this rule.

When they heard the cold father’s roar, Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei rushed over immediately.

The female lions, who were about to hunt, immediately abandoned their prey and ran over without hesitation.

Under Chu Xiaoye’s influence, they had already subtly united beside the cold father. When they encountered enemies, they would advance and retreat together.

Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei were very fast.

In a moment, they had already rushed to the border.

At this moment, their father, the tall and mighty king, was roaring at the two spotted hyenas to let them leave their territory!

However, the two spotted hyenas were extremely bold. Not only did they not leave immediately, but they also bared their fangs and let out provocative roars.

When the cold father pounced angrily, the two spotted hyenas reacted extremely quickly and immediately jumped to the side. Then, they pounced at him from the left and right.

The cold father immediately turned around and pounced at the hyena on the right, but the hyena quickly dodged.

The cold father could only turn around and continue to roar at them.

Little Curly Tail could tell from the cold father’s roar that he seemed to be afraid of the two spotted hyenas.

This should not be happening.

His father had once faced more than twenty spotted hyenas without fear and rushed up to bite the other party’s queen to death.

Now, there were only two of them. Why was he afraid?

When Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei ran close, they realized that there were already three hyenas’ corpses lying on the ground. Clearly, their father had already bitten three to death.

However, their father seemed to be injured too. His wounds were badly mutilated and he was bleeding.

What surprised Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei even more was that the remaining two hyenas’ eyes were scarlet like blood, demonic and sinister!

Little Curly Tail came to the cold father’s side and suddenly realized that the wound on his back was caused by sharp claws and not the teeth of a spotted hyena.

His heart skipped a beat. He immediately looked at the two scarlet-eyed hyenas in front of him and realized that their feet revealed sharp claws that were like those of a cat!

He was shocked and thought that he had seen wrongly. He looked at it again.

However, those two sharp claws flickered with a cold luster under the sun and were exceptionally striking!

They bared their fangs and looked even sharper!

This was definitely not an ordinary hyena!

To not escape under the deterrence of an adult lion and fight ferociously instead, this was definitely not the courage and strength a hyena should have!


Little Curly Tail flicked his sharp claws and revealed a grave expression. His tail that was curled behind him started to sway gently.

No matter what they were, as long as they dared to invade their territory and hurt his family, they only had two paths to take!

One was a dead end, and the other was a dead end!


He and Mei Mei were like two bolts of lightning that charged forward in unison!

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