
Chapter 531

He should have been hanging on the wall for a long time, but after climbing up, he didn\'t know how to get down. He just saw Xia\'an.

"You How did you get up here Xia an looked at the boy in front of him in amazement and asked.

"Stupid, of course I climbed up." The boy looked disdainful, and somehow, Xia\'an\'s head suddenly flashed a voice and a fuzzy face and said to himself, "stupid!"

She was in a daze.

"Well, I\'m talking to you. Do you hear me?" The boy looked behind him nervously, as if afraid of being found.

Xia\'an came back to her mind and asked the boy in front of her, "do you go to school here?"

"Yes." The boy should a, poor looking at the Xia\'an in front of him and said, "elder sister, you quickly hold me down, I\'m afraid..."

After all, Xia\'an was soft hearted. Finally, she took the boy down from the wall and asked the boy in front of her, "tell me honestly, why do you want to climb on the wall?"

"I..." The boy looked at Xia\'an in front of him and said, "I don\'t like school."

Every day in the school teaching of those things, are his own will, he sat with a group of naive children, always feel out of place, so he does not like to come to school.

"Why?" Xia an was stunned for a moment, and asked the boy in front of her, "where are your parents? Do you know about your truancy? "

"I don\'t have a father." The boy was stunned for a moment, and finally slightly lowered his head.

Seeing the boy like this, Xia an\'s heart is not taste, she thought of smile, from small to big is also her own person brought up, although she has no father, but at least there is a Xiao Qi around, make up for the father\'s absence of regret.

"Good boy, don\'t be sad." Xia an soft voice comforts the little boy in front of her, and then hugs her in her arms.

Zhang Siqi has a strange personality since he was young. He always looks like a little adult. He doesn\'t like the approach of others and hates the touch of others. Even Zhang Lu is the same.

He watched Xia\'an rush to embrace her, and his instinctive reaction was to push her away, but somehow, Xia\'an\'s embrace made him feel incomparably at ease.

It\'s like Mom feels the same.

He was greedy to stay in Xia\'an\'s arms, reluctant to let go.

Xia\'an seems to see her daughter smile. She is too aware of the hard work of a woman raising a child by herself, so she loves the child very much.

Children of such a young age should be educated in school and held in the palm of their hands by their parents.

But he didn\'t. That\'s why he played truant.

"What\'s your name?" Xia an squatted down and asked, holding the boy\'s shoulder.

"Zhang Siqi." Zhang Siqi as like as two peas, smiled at the surprise of Xia an. He was very clear and his eyes were clear.

You can\'t move your eyes when you look in.

"Qi Qi..." Xia\'an took his hand. He was still so young. She was really worried about the boy leaving alone. So she asked softly, "tell my sister, where do you want to go?"

"The library." When she heard Zhang Siqi\'s answer, Xia\'an was stunned. She thought that the little boy would say something about game halls and amusement parks, but she chose a library.

"Why What? " Xia an Leng for a moment, the boy in front of asked again.

"I\'m going to the library." The boy said again, he already knew what the teacher taught at school when he was just able to speak. He felt that what the teacher taught had no meaning for him at all, so he always sneaked out to read books in the library. The place where he had sneaked out was blocked after the teacher found out. He had no choice but to take risks.

Fortunately, I met Xia\'an, otherwise he didn\'t know how to get down.

"Well I\'ll go with you Xia\'an was worried that the child was alone, so he took him to the car and took him to the library. It was obviously not the first time Zhang Siqi came here to read. He said politely to the staff around him with a cold face, "please help me take the top copy of astronomy and geography."

"That book has been lent out. I don\'t know if it has been changed back. Just a moment. I\'ll check it for you." Obviously, the staff also knew Zhang Siqi, so he said with a smile.

Fortunately, the book has been returned. He sat on the chair beside him and looked at the book seriously. Xia an came forward and took a look at the book in Zhang Siqi\'s hand. There was not even a Pinyin in his hand. Xia an looked a little obscure, but Zhang Siqi read it with great interest.

How on earth did he understand it? Is this the legendary child prodigy?She thought of the girl at home, who looked almost the same age, but she had to use her fingers to calculate the addition and subtraction within ten. It was really a headache.

People are more popular than dead people.

Xia an took Zhang Siqi seriously and did not disturb him.

The staff around said hello to Zhang Siqi one by one, "is Siqi\'s mother here?"

"Mother Sizi is so beautiful."

He laughed and explained nothing.

While Zhang Siqi was reading, Xia an went out to buy him some hot drinks and hamburgers for fear that he would be hungry or thirsty after reading.

Children\'s intestines and stomachs are not as strong as adults, so in such hot weather, Xia\'an still chooses hot drinks.

Zhang Siqi was fascinated by the book, so he didn\'t find Xia\'an leaving. When he finished the last page and was ready to leave, he looked up and found that Xia\'an was gone, and he was in a panic.

A small face wrinkled, frown like someone, his mouth did not say anything, but the accelerated pace and tight brows betrayed his heart.

His pace is very fast, anxious to find Xiaan, Xiaan has just bought drinks back, a door to see his nervous appearance.

When Zhang Siqi looked up and saw Xia\'an, the expression on his face was obviously relaxed. He took a look at Xia\'an in front of him and asked, "where have you been?"

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