
Chapter 172.2: Let’s Go by Temperament (1)

Chapter 172.2: Let’s Go by Temperament (1)


“Mr. Kang Chan. It’s me, Kim Hyung-Jung,” Kim Hyung-Jung radioed just as Kang Chan stood up and walked toward the door. Even then, Kang Chan still confirmed it was him through the peephole before opening the door.

“How did you get here so fast?” Kang Chan asked.

“I have my ways for situations like this,” Kim Hyung-Jung replied, entering the room with redshot eyes.

“Would you like some coffee?” Kang Chan offered.

“Yes, please,” Kim Hyung-Jung gratefully answered.

Seok Kang-Ho brought them some coffee, then sat down on the sofa with them. There was no need to drag things out, so Kang Chan immediately showed Kim Hyung-Jung the pictures and told him everything he heard from Lanok.

Hmm,” Kim Hyung-Jung mused. He gulped as he glared at the pictures. “We have to take action immediately.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Kang Chan agreed.

Kim Hyung-Jung frowned as he glanced at the map.

“There aren’t many civilians around in this area, but I can’t believe we didn’t think he would be staying in a place like this…” Kim Hyung-Jung trailed off in regret.

“Can we begin the operation now?” Kang Chan asked.

“I’ll just report this directly to the director, then I’ll have the special forces on the way,” Kim Hyung-Jung responded.


“Seok Kang-Ho and I will go as well,” Kang Chan said firmly.

Kim Hyung-Jung let out a low sigh and nodded.

“I’ll take my leave now. I’ll call you as soon as I get an answer from the director,” Kim Hyung-Jung said. He looked extremely tired, but given the situation, Kang Chan couldn’t suggest the man get some rest.

Kang Chan and Seok Kang-Ho saw Kim Hyung-Jung off and then sat back down.

Kang Chan finally felt as if he could breathe again, but a part of him felt bad for the National Intelligence Service and its inadequacies. How could the French intelligence agencies discover an enemy hiding in South Korea before they could?

Kang Chan felt as if the NIS was no different from the special forces team, who had been trained near perfection but hadn’t been able to display their abilities properly.

“How long do you think it’ll take?” Seok Kang-Ho asked.

“An hour or so, I’m guessing,” Kang Chan remarked.

“Then let’s stop by the other floors for a moment. Shouldn’t we let our families know ahead of time that we’re leaving?” Seok Kang-Ho suggested.

Seok Kang-Ho had a point. Kang Chan nodded and stood up. It was about eleven in the morning.

“What are you going to do about lunch?” Seok Kang-Ho questioned.

“Considering how much time we have left, I’m not really sure,” Kang Chan replied.

They got in the elevator, and two agents followed closely behind them.

“I’m just heading down for a bit. I won’t be long, so you don’t have to come,” Kang Chan told them.

“We are under orders, sir,” an agent responded.

Well, I guess everyone has their roles to play.?

Kang Chan didn’t insist any longer. He waited for the agents to get into the elevator before pressing a button.

The fitness center and the swimming pool were on the third floor. Fortunately, they were divided into separate areas, so their families wouldn’t run into each other.

“I’ll see you later,” Seok Kang-Ho greeted as he turned left.

Kang Chan turned right.

“Welcome. Will you be using our center today?” a female employee asked Kang Chan with a smile as she approached him.

“My parents are here. I just stopped by to see them,” Kang Chan replied.

“I can escort them here if you point them out to me,” the female employee kindly offered.

Kang Chan scanned the area past the glass window, finding multiple people exercising dressed in the same t-shirt and shorts that the hotel provided.

“There they are,” Kang Chan said, immediately finding Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook working out on stationary bicycles.

“Just a moment, please.” The female employee left to tell Kang Chan’s parents. When the female employee walked over and gestured at Kang Chan, Yoo Hye-Sook quickly got off of the bicycle. She looked as if she didn’t enjoy the exercise that much.

“Channy!” she exclaimed.

Kang Chan was glad that she kept herself busy with working out, which was evidenced by the beads of sweat on her forehead.

“I think I’m going to have to leave the hotel for a while. We might be able to go home in the evening if things go smoothly.” Kang Chan grinned.

“Really?” Yoo Hye-Sook’s smile from seeing him soon disappeared and was replaced with worry, however. Just then, Kang Dae-Kyung approached them while wiping the sweat off his face and neck.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“I’ll be heading out for a bit,” Kang Chan replied.

“Why are you making that face, then, honey?” Kang Dae-Kyung asked Yoo Hye-Sook.

“Well… Channy said we might be able to go back home in the evening… so I can’t help but wonder if he will be the one taking care of the problem…” Yoo Hye-Sook trailed off. She seemed worried that Kang Chan was leaving to do something dangerous.

Kang Dae-Kyung turned to Kang Chan with surprised eyes.

Strangely, Kang Chan couldn’t bring himself to lie. He should probably say that it was fine and that he would not do anything risky, but he didn’t want to make an obvious lie when Yoo Hye-Sook already caught onto the situation.

“What about your leg? Will you be okay?” Kang Dae-Kyung asked, sounding clearly concerned.

“Yes. Oh right, I got my phone back too,” Kang Chan said.

Kang Dae-Kyung nodded.

“All right. Be safe. I’ll be having lunch with your mother and staying in the room. Call us as soon as you’re done with your business. I’m sure your mom will be worried,” Kang Dae-Kyung requested.

“I will. Don’t worry too much, Mother. It’s not that dangerous,” Kang Chan reassured her.

Yoo Hye-Sook wanted to hug Kang Chan but hesitated. She seemed conscious of the sweat on her.

Kang Chan smiled and held his arms open, and Yoo Hye-Sook carefully patted his back, cautiously making sure her body didn’t touch his.

“Be careful,” she said anxiously.

“I will,” Kang Chan replied.

After bidding them farewell, Kang Chan walked out of the fitness center.

“What about Mr. Seok?” Kang Chan asked.

“He hasn’t come out yet,” replied the agent standing by the exit.

It would be awkward for both of them if Seok Kang-Ho came out with his family.

“I’m heading up first. Let me know when he’s out,” Kang Chan instructed.

“Yes, sir.”

Kang Chan entered the elevator, and one of the two agents accompanied him. Kang Chan started feeling as if going on operations was natural to him.

The moment he reached his room, his phone began to ring.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.?

He couldn’t have been more glad to get a call.

“Hello?” Kang Chan answered.

- Mr. Kang Chan, the special forces team has left. You can join them at a factory called Samhwa Facility past the Ansan Toll Booth. The special forces team is set to arrive at thirteen hundred. A van has been prepared for you in the underground lot.

“Great. I’ll see them soon,” Kang Chan replied, then called Seok Kang-Ho to inform him.

- I don’t have to go back to the room, then. Let’s leave immediately. I’ll see you in the parking lot, Cap.

“Got it.”

Time was of the essence, so Kang Chan immediately headed to the parking area as well. He hoped this would put an end to this incident. There was still a faint throbbing in his right shin, but although only a day had passed, he could move more comfortably now.

One of the agents sat in the driver’s seat while the other sat in the passenger’s seat. As soon as everyone got in the van, they immediately drove off.

“What are we going to do about lunch?” Seok Kang-Ho asked.

“We don’t know how heavy the traffic would be over there, so let’s just eat someplace nearby,” Kang Chan responded.

Kang Chan didn’t know if it was allowed because they were in a van or because he didn’t care about getting ticketed, but the agent used the bus-only road upon entering the interstate.

“There’s so much traffic,” Seok Kang-Ho remarked. He was feigning calmness about the situation, but his eyes were glinting in anticipation. “The men are getting one hell of combat experience. I feel like we’ve been going out in the field more often than in Africa.”

Kang Chan chuckled wryly.

Seok Kang-Ho was right. Not even the Foreign Legion’s special forces had gone on so many operations. After this one was over, Kang Chan hoped things would be quiet for a while. He wanted to enjoy his peace with Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook, who forced nonchalance despite being worried out of their minds for him.

“Just how did they get into Ansan, of all places?” Seok Kang-Ho grumbled.

“Some motherfucker helped them, of course,” Kang Chan responded.

“I think I have a faint idea who that is.”

“Son of a bitch. If he got himself involved in this too, I’m going to twist his neck.”

Seok Kang-Ho grinned in response. The punk was starting to swallow his nervousness again.

They tried to drive as quickly as possible, but there was nothing they could do about the traffic. If they didn’t leave immediately, they likely wouldn’t arrive in time.

It was already forty minutes past noon by the time they got through the Ansan Toll Booth.

“Let’s have some kimbap somewhere,” Kang Chan suggested.

They wouldn’t be able to use their strength if they were hungry. The agent parked the car at a rest area with a gas station and bought some boiled eggs, kimbap, and beverages for them.

“How much further do we have to go?” Kang Chan asked.

“About ten more minutes, sir,” the agent replied.

They were right on time. They finished their lunch in ten minutes and immediately got back in the car.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.?

As they did, Kang Chan’s phone began to ring. It was a call from a long number.

“Hello?” Kang Chan answered.

- Choi Jong-Il speaking, sir.

Kang Chan laughed in disbelief. Choi Jong-Il sounded like a sick man, but he was still putting up a strong front.

- I just woke up this morning.

“Good. Good work.”

Even the almighty Kang Chan couldn’t bring himself to ask about what happened to Cha Dong-Gyun. Maybe it was because Choi Jong-Il’s voice left him weak.

- I’ll switch you over to Cha Dong-Gyun.

Choi Jong-Il’s voice was listless. He sounded as if he would fall asleep at any moment, but his words were clearer to Kang Chan than any shout. The nurse was probably holding the phone to his ear.

- It’s me, Cha Dong-Gyun, sir.

“You idiot.”

- I apologize.

“Call General Choi too,” Kang Chan ordered.

- I will, sir. Anyway, we’re alive.

There was no way Kang Chan could tell these guys that he was leaving on an operation. Their enemies in China could be listening into their conversation too. Kang Chan hung up and told Seok Kang-Ho about the conversation, making him smile from ear to ear. The agents sitting at the front also looked pleased.

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