
Chapter 1404

Zhang Lu suddenly felt that Xia\'an was an extremely terrible woman. She was so calm that she even gambled with her life, and only now did she use this handle to threaten herself. What a deep mind!

Zhang Lu was so scared that she was only full of fear and had a strong idea that she could never let Lu Qichen see the evidence in Xia\'an\'s mouth.

No matter how much Lu Qichen suspects her, as long as there is no evidence, he can not make a final conclusion. Zhang Lu can always pretend to be pure and good. At least he can stay in Jingyuan and stay with Lu Qichen.

But what if the evidence is clearly put in front of Lu Qichen?

What would he think of himself? A vicious woman? A vicious woman who hurt Lu Qichen\'s love?

What would he do to himself? Glare, scold, drive out of the garden, even sent to prison? She could almost imagine the tragic pictures.

Zhang Lu\'s head is in a mess. Her head is like a fireworks explosion. She wants to tell herself not to continue thinking, but she can\'t control herself.

Originally love people do not love themselves, enough sad, if one day, but also hate themselves, then, their own world will be a bleak bar! Zhang Lu thought sadly.

No, it\'s possible to stop it! Zhang Lu began to seriously think about the feasibility of handing over Lu Xinxiao to Xia\'an. According to Xia\'an, as long as she gave Lu Xinxiao back to Xia\'an, Xia\'an would not pursue her murder any more, and Lu Qichen would never see his miserable side.

But even if she had to hand over Xinxiao, she couldn\'t just admit that Lu Xinxiao was in her hands. Otherwise, would she not admit that she was the initiator of Lu Xinxiao\'s kidnapping?

The phone was silent for a minute. In addition to her breathing voice, Xia\'an could not hear anything. Her hand holding the phone trembled slightly. She was afraid that Zhang Lu would not take the bait and that Zhang Lu would not give her smile back to herself. However, she could not bear the result.

Xia\'an\'s palms are dripping with sweat, even on her forehead. What should she do if Zhang Lu doesn\'t believe her words? After all, there is no real evidence in her hand. The so-called evidence is just cheating Zhang Lu.

That night, something happened suddenly. Zhang Lu poisoned her. It was something Xia an had never expected. How could she leave evidence in a hurry?

But she had no choice. In order to laugh at her baby, she could only gamble with this kind of sword. Even if there was only one chance in ten thousand, she would not give up.

Xia an is very nervous waiting for Zhang Lu\'s answer on the phone. Every second is like being stretched infinitely, bringing her a long dull pain.

Finally, Zhang Lu\'s stuffy voice came out again from the phone.

"Xia\'an, I promise you, but there is one thing you should understand. I don\'t know where Xiaoxiao is, but I will mobilize all the contacts to find out and guarantee that Xiaoxiao will be brought to you safely. However, in exchange, you must not disclose the evidence to Lu Qichen."

"It doesn\'t matter if you know where Xiaoxiao is. I just want Xiaoxiao to go home. As for who and how to find it, I don\'t care. Anyway, if Xiaoxiao can come back, it\'s all your credit. I won\'t pursue the past, nor will I let Lu Qichen find you any trouble. You can stay at Jingyuan at ease."

Xia\'an heard Zhang Lu promise her, the heart fell to the ground, the light of hope reflected in her eyes.

She is extremely looking forward to the day when she is reunited with Xiaoxiao. If she doesn\'t see Xiaoxiao again, she thinks she will be crazy.

Zhang Lu hesitated to agree to Xia an three times, but there is always a lingering sense of uneasiness in his heart, in case After Xiaoxiao goes home, Xia an goes back on his word, or gives the evidence to Lu Qichen?

She didn\'t know whether Xia\'an could be trusted. After all, the image of Xia\'an in her heart has become a cruel character full of scheming.

Zhang Lu\'s heart was torn up, and her weak nerves could not be tortured. Her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled and twisted into a Sichuan character. Her face was full of thick and unshakable haze.

But does she have a better choice than to believe in Xia\'an? Zhang Lu\'s heart is full of helplessness.

She restrained her mind and stabilized her mood before calling brother Wang.

"Brother Wang, how is Lu Xinxiao\'s state now?"

"The child is fine. What\'s the matter? Are you going to send the baby back? " The other party\'s voice on the phone was very excited, all with tremolo.

These days, brother Wang takes care of Lu Xinxiao and becomes a guardian temporarily. But his head is really big. Where can he take care of his children? I haven\'t done anything like that.

Although Lu Xinxiao is not a bear child or a charming young lady, she is still only a child after all. Moreover, she has just been kidnapped cruelly. Sometimes her face will show the expression of wanting to cry or not, and the small appearance of holding back tears is more painful.But brother Wang didn\'t know how to coax her to make her happy.

If you feed a child to eat, she will also eat it. She will not eat like some bear children in his relatives\' house, and the adults will coax and beg carefully before eating. However, Lu Xin\'s smile is just a mechanical repetition of chewing. It is estimated that she does not know what kind of food she is eating after eating.

He even felt that after the child was kidnapped, his heart was full of shadows.

It is because of the matter of taking children and in a dilemma, Zhang Lu called this call, for him, it is really great news.

Now we can finally unload this burden!

"Brother Wang is so sure. Yes, he wants to send the child back. However, due to some special circumstances, you have to send it back secretly, and God knows nothing about it."

Brother Wang thought, this is strange. He has never encountered such a thing. How to say, it is a good thing to send the child home, but how can it still be the same as being a thief?

But since Zhang Lu asks for this, he can\'t refute anything. After sending Lu Xinxiao home, he can get Zhang Lu\'s reward.

"OK, Zhang Lu, tell me how to send Lu Xinxiao home. I\'ll do what you say." Brother Wang didn\'t get tangled up any more. He agreed to Zhang Lu in a straightforward manner. This attitude also made Zhang Lu extremely comfortable. She thought, fortunately, the person she was looking for was reliable. If it was a scum like Liu Liang, she would cry.

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