
Chapter 1448

"Just now, now I have a place to live. Goodbye!" Lily said, also no longer with Ge Shuang chatter, directly opened the door, went out.

Ge Shuang watched Lily go out of the house, until her figure disappeared, Ge Shuang just woke up.

Is it true what happened just now?


Sorry, Janie has misunderstood his relationship with lily. What should I do?

Ge Shuang was anxious. After a few circles in the living room, he stopped, but his face was a little dignified.

What if there is a misunderstanding? Jani herself has a new love, and how can she remember his old love!

Ge Shuang was angry again. However, she always showed her face full of grievances and resentment with her thermos.

By the way, thermos bottle, GE\'s eyes slide through a little abnormal movement.

There must be soup and food in the thermos, but since Janie has another man, why should she send her own food?

Ge Shuangyi felt headache all the time. He even wanted to go to Jiani for the first time to find out who was in her mind!

Ge Shuang looks at the mobile phone and hesitates again and again, but dials Jani.

He remembered the number very well now, and could recite it almost immediately, so even after deleting Jani\'s phone number, those numbers were still called out quickly.

"Du..." When the phone rings for the first time, Ge Shuang is very nervous. For some reason, he is a little afraid and a little expecting to hear Jani\'s voice.

For a long time, he didn\'t talk to Jani on the phone and met once. His missing is increasing day by day, but who knows?

The phone rang dozens of times. After hanging up automatically, Ge Shuang began to lose heart.

He finally realized that it was so hard for him to find a person but couldn\'t find it. Recalling a few days ago, Jani made countless phone calls to him, but he never picked it up. At that time, Jiani\'s heart, was it just like him?

Ge Shuang did not give up and called Jani again.

But the result is still the same.

Ge Shuang put down his mobile phone and his face was sad.

Is it true that he and Janie are in the past?

Ge Shuang suddenly thought of lily, the woman who appeared in her own house for no reason. Did she really have no place to go? But just now she said that, didn\'t she want to trouble herself

Thinking of this, Ge Shuang couldn\'t sit still. He couldn\'t bear to see a weak woman sleeping in the street. So he took up his coat and car key, opened the door and went out.

The night is like ink, deep as the sea.

Jani is running in the cool breeze, and the thermos bottle in her hand has no idea where she has thrown it.

At the moment, she just want to escape from the sad place as soon as possible, and never see that hateful man again.

However, the tears on her face could not help falling with the wind. The tears on her face were blown by the cold wind. On the contrary, she felt some pain. But how could this pain compare with the deep pain in her heart?

When she saw the strange woman who appeared in Ge Shuang\'s family, when she realized that this woman had been with Ge Shuang some time ago, especially when she heard Ge Shuang\'s affectionate call for her nickname, her heart suddenly broke into countless pieces.

She was so distressed that she did not have the strength to stand there and bear all that she could not bear.

So she ran away, and she chose to stay away from the place and the man.

However, no matter how she ran, the scene would always float in front of her eyes, and the voice would reverberate in her ears. She was going crazy. What should she do? What should we do?

"Ah Suddenly, a stumbling, Jani accidentally mentioned a small stone, and then the whole person rushed forward.

It must have been a terrible fall, and she closed her eyes involuntarily, ready to bear the unparalleled pain.

But who knows, the next second, she seems to fall into a warm arms, not only warm, but also broad and thick, giving her an inexplicable sense of security.

It\'s Ge Shuang?! He\'s catching up!

Janitor\'s heart beat like thunder when she opened her eyes. She was afraid that everything would disappear when she opened her eyes. She was just a fantasy.

The man holding her was calm and silent, holding her firmly with one hand.

A dozen paces away, Ge Shuang drove a car and saw a Xiao like woman running on the street from a distance. However, when he was about to go forward, the woman suddenly tripped. When it seemed that she was about to fall down, a man ran to catch her.

Ge Shuang\'s heartstrings were shocked. Of course, he saw who the man was.Just, how could that man meet Janie? And it\'s still around your home? Is this man here with Janie?

Ge Shuang doesn\'t want to think about it, and he doesn\'t want to think about Jani so badly. But the fact is that the man has always been around Jani. No matter when and where, he can see his existence, which can not be ignored.

At this moment, Ge Shuang subconsciously stopped and didn\'t want to move forward any more. He slipped a little bitterness on his face, then suddenly stepped on the gas pedal, and the car drove out like an arrow from the string.

Here, a few seconds later, Jani couldn\'t hold her breath, and finally opened her eyes, but suddenly she was shocked. The next second, she was full of anger and did not hesitate to refuse the man\'s body.

"You go away!" Jani said angrily, her face was especially ugly.

In front of her, the person holding her is not ge Shuang, but Li Jianjun.

"Jani, I just passed by and saw you crying and running from a distance. I was worried that you would be bullied, so I got out of the car to see what happened to you..." Li Jianjun let go of his hand, but no longer forced Jiani, and then explained.

Jani didn\'t want to hear a word from the hypocrite. She just wanted to find a place where there was no one to cry, instead of wasting her heart and effort to deal with the villain.

"Go away!" Jiani said coldly, and then she wanted to cross Li Jianjun.

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