
Chapter 413


In order to protect Yao Yao and Yu Aotian, the warm and simple aunts gave up their valuable hiding place. They were the people who killed the aunts indirectly. No wonder Xiaoli scolds them so much.

When the villagers narrated all this one by one, Yu Aotian didn\'t respond. He just entrusted Xiaoli to the villagers next door and silently held her aunt and buried her in a very quiet place.

In front of the tomb, Yao Yao has become a tearful person. Although she only knew her aunt for two or three days, she witnessed the world\'s warm and cold.

Since their appearance, the aunt has not asked their origin. She provides both food and shelter, and treats them as a family.

They can\'t afford the kindness.

However, the aunt made a greater move, that is, she left the safest place for these two strangers, and lost her two sons and her own life invisibly.

What a feat is this? How can they repay the kindness and affection?

"The villager said the devil should be the man in the mysterious military base, right?" Wipe off the tears from the corner of her eyes, Yao Yao looks coldly at Yu Aotian.

"Well." He nodded his head expressionless and stared at aunt\'s tombstone.

"What the villagers say about their powerful ability is that they have looting in their hands, right?"


Yao Yao slowly stood up and choked down the sour tears in her nose. She knew Yu Aotian\'s peace at the moment must be brewing a bigger counterattack! "What are you going to do?"

"Wait for me in the village." A simple words fell, he turned cold, his face does not have any extra expression.

"And you?"

Stop "Bring back my aunt\'s two sons."

Looking at Yu Aotian\'s back, listening to his almost watery tone, Yao Yao smiled: "how do you take it? Do you know how many people and weapons they have? Are you all clear? What if they know who you are? Or... "

"I have my way!" Yuao cold cut off her question.

"What do you mean you have your way? Royal pride! Don\'t you think we should get out of here immediately and go to the army to solve this problem? " She also wanted to bring back her aunt\'s two sons, but She knows too well how dangerous the future is!

"That military base will be the only way we can get out of here. So... " Looking back slightly, the deep and bottomless eyes are shining with a strange luster: "please take good care of Xiaoli."

"Excuse me?! It\'s my duty to take good care of Xiao Li. Yuaotian, can you not exclude me so mercilessly?! Maybe I can help you! "

"Oh." Yuao sky cold smile, body facing Yao Yao.

At this moment, she could see how cold the expression on Yu Aotian\'s face was, and the deep eyes were full of strange luster.

"Luo Yaoyao, you can use your method to save the two sons of aunt, or escape from here. But don\'t count me. From then on, you are you and I am me. If I leave here first, I will inform FengChen to come and pick you up. " Words fall, his back gradually disappeared in Yao Yao\'s line of sight.

Ah Ha-ha.

Looking at the back gradually disappeared in his sight, Yao Yao laughed at herself.

It turns out that the yuaotian she knew before is not the most merciless state at all. At this moment, he is really merciless.

Just a few hours, he can completely erase a person from memory?!

It seems that

She also wants to learn from Yu Aotian how to erase a person from her memory.

Perhaps the most unfamiliar situation is their position, isn\'t it?

But don\'t say that black Yanlong\'s move is really effective. If you know that way, she should have done it early, and you don\'t have to be involved in the murderer for so long

The Pacific

The search and rescue team organized by the Yulong society has been cruising in the Pacific plate for almost a week, but has not yet found the debris and debris of the plane. As for Sandel group, it is unable to give the correct coordinates of the plane\'s falling, only to say that the plane lost its signal first and then it is unknown.

"Mr. dragon, Mr. Han\'s phone!" In the cabin, a man hands over the Internet phone to long Ye.

"What\'s the matter, Li Shang?!"

"Well, I just heard from the U.S. government that they have found one of the victims, Mr. Bartholomew. According to Mr Bartholomew, the plane was killed over the Indian Ocean. The U.S. fleet has taken the lead in continuing to search the Indian Ocean plate for Aotian\'s whereabouts. In addition, Feng Chenyi is also on the US fleet. "

"OK, I see." Long Ye waved to his men: "inform all the fleets immediately and drive towards the Indian Ocean!"


"Long Ye." After waiting for long ye to deploy and play everything, the voice of lengli on the other side of the phone suddenly sank: "when the U.S. government issued the news of finding Mr. Bartholomew back, Bartholomew gave the correct coordinates of the plane\'s death after the Indian Ocean, one The secret fleet is heading for the Indian Ocean! "

"Well? Secret fleet? Now, apart from the national fleets of several countries, what are the private fleets searching for the victims? "

"Fengjia\'s, heijia\'s, Ouyang\'s, Sander\'s and ours. But after finding Mr Bartholomew, Sandel\'s private fleet has already returned. "

"Don\'t the secret fleet you call belong to these families?"

"Yes! It should be another team. If there is no accident I doubt... "

Waiting for the words of Han Lishang to finish, long Ye hurriedly said, "is Zeng Kairui\'s private fleet?"

"Well Do you remember that aoqian told us not long ago that he found out that Zeng Kairui had a secret military base around the Indian Ocean after taking office. Now the coordinates given by Bartholomew are also in the Indian Ocean, so a large number of national fleets will flow into the Indian Ocean, which is likely to find Zeng Kairui\'s military base, so... "

Long ye turned his eyes: "his purpose should be to protect the military base, rather than send more people to assassinate Aotian, right? Should it be all right? "

"It\'s hard to say. Look for Aotian first. "

"Well." After hanging up the phone, long Ye\'s face was always gloomy. To be frank, he wanted to take this opportunity to find out Zeng Kairui\'s military base, but Yu Aotian told them that they were not allowed to interfere in political affairs. He can only find yuaotian as the primary purpose!

Mysterious island.

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