
Chapter 647

"Danger, Chancellor!" Several security guards in charge of protecting him held his arm firmly.

Yu Aotian's face was heavy. He shook off the man's hand and nimbly pulled Yao Yao who fell to the ground.

At this moment, time seems to be fixed

When people choose to protect themselves and be protected, yuaotian, as an important leader, doesn't care about life and death at all. The first reaction is to protect Yaoyao, who is ignored by everyone.

It's impossible to describe her heart at this time. Her heart seems to be hurt by something.

This is not the first time that yuaotian has protected her at a critical moment.

Mingming is so angry. Mingming cares about being with Zeng Kairui, but At this moment, he still took off all his anger and ran over

Is it guilt? Or moved, unable to speak.


In the future, she will have to hurt yuaotian a lot. It's inevitable and she can't turn back!

"Chairman of the Royal Council!" Several security personnel rushed to yuaotian nervously.

He glanced at the bomb counter hidden in the cake, his pupils dilated instantly.

The next second, he threw Yao Yao to the ground and wrapped her little body firmly.

"Yu Proud... God! " Little face with a pale look


"Bang" a huge explosion, completely cut through the quiet sea

A thick flame filled the cabin. The rescue fleet arrived in less than three minutes, rapidly transporting the injured and key leaders.

Because this matter has involved the national image, so the rescue fleet still stays on the sea and dare not to land.

"How are you?!" In the cabin, the slightly wounded Prime Minister Qi asked several colonel in uniform seriously.

"Prime minister Qi. The statistics have been completed. There are 28 injured people in total. "

"How are prime minister Yu, chairman of the Royal Council and Vice Prime Minister Zeng hurt?" Before the explosion, the closest place to the explosion was yuaotian and Zeng Kairui.

"Prime Minister Yu is slightly injured, and the military doctor is dealing with the wounds of the prime minister's adult; Vice Prime Minister Zeng is in a coma, and it seems that the military doctor has checked it out and it's OK. As for the President... " The Colonel showed a look of embarrassment.

"How is the chairman of the Royal Council?"

"Because the director of the Royal Council is the closest to the explosives, he is seriously injured and needs to be transfused immediately."

When Premier Qi heard this, he shook his fists angrily: "then don't give the president a blood transfusion soon."

"The ship carrying the blood bank is coming. The military doctors have begun to ask for the same blood from everyone for fear of delaying the treatment of the president."

"Well!" Premier Qi nodded slightly and sat on the chair with a dignified face: "this time, the security of Vice Premier Zeng's birthday banquet is very tight, how could this happen?"

"Prime minister Qi, we initially suspected that it was the bribe of our own people."

"Hum! Ridiculous! If this matter is known by the outside world, can't we laugh to death? The ship's leaders were almost killed by the blast? " The more premier Qi thought about it, the more angry he became: "in any case, this matter must be completely clear to me!"


"Besides Inform the owners of the ship that this matter must be kept secret. "

There is no doubt that the explosion symbolizes China's security loopholes. People can be bought easily, and bombs are not detected by metal detectors. There seems to be no other word but negligence.

"Yes, Prime Minister Qi."

In the rest room of the cabin, Yao Yao was lying on the bed with a pale face.

It's as if the brain is still at the moment before the explosion.

The warm body of the man wrapped her tightly. At that moment, she was really at ease. She was not afraid of bomb explosion at all, not even considered death.

Because she knew that she would not die if there was a royal presence. Even if it's true, death doesn't seem so terrible.

This may be an invisible sense of dependence. I don't know when, her fear of regaining pride has gradually become a kind of reassuring dependence

"Take pride in heaven!" Suddenly open his eyes, Yao Yao quickly sat up and looked at the small bedroom in a panic.

"Miss Luo, are you awake? What's wrong?"

Looking at the military doctor in white uniform beside her, she wiped the cold sweat on her forehead unsteadily. "How about the president of the Royal Council? How's the chairman of the Royal Council? "

"The chairman of the Royal Council is seriously injured and needs blood transfusion, but he has found a suitable blood source."

Drooping eyes, looking at the bandage wrapped in the body, except for the slight burning and pain of those wounds, it seems that there is no big problem.

All of this is because of yuaotian. Because of his protection, she would be hurt so lightly, but he

"Ha ha, Miss Luo, I've heard that the chairman of the Royal Council was injured to protect you. Is that so?" The doctor asked curiously.

Yao Yao nods in embarrassment.

"Well, it's a great president. This is the first time I've seen leaders sacrifice their lives to protect ordinary people." The words of the military doctor are very normal.

For important leaders, their first personal safety must be their priority.

It's not selfishness, it's the country that needs them, so they can't afford to miss anything. So like the scene just now, even if Yao Yao was in trouble, several leaders would not say anything without helping each other.

"Yes Ha, ha, it's great... " Yao Yao smiled grudgingly.

"Miss Luo, are you going to visit the chairman of the Royal Council?"

"I......" There was a flash of eager light in his eyes, but in an instant, it was dim. "I... I'm still not going. "

"Well?" The military doctor didn't expect Yao Yao to have such an attitude.

She could even feel the military doctor's contempt for herself, but Even if she did, what could she do?

Small hand, tightly hold the quilt corner. At the moment, Yao Yao's heart is suffering and cutting. "Excuse me, when can I leave?"

"The ship should have docked in a few hours, and you can leave after docking."

"Thank you Thank you Reluctantly with a normal voice said thanks, Yao Yao quickly lying in bed, pulling up the quilt on the head. Salty and astringent tears instantly flooded her eyes

The first-class bedrooms of the warship were guarded by more than 20 central guards in navy.

In the room, three generals and two generals sat in the room with serious faces.

"Report! Leaders, the president of the Royal Council has come to life! " A military doctor gave a salute.

Five leaders in the living room rushed into the bedroom. "Chairman of the Royal Council!"

"You're finally awake, chief executive!"

Yu Aotian's body, legs and head are all bandaged. His handsome and extraordinary face looks pale at the moment. "Ha ha, why are you here?" He was about to get up.

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