
Chapter 4: I’m Not Bad

Chapter 4: I’m Not Bad

Translator: Irene_ Editor: Perriemix

Nine years old.

Chalker: Do you think I’ll turn bad, Margaret?

Margaret: Chalker, you must remember that I’m an angel. With me around, you won’t go astray.

Chalker: But no one else can see you. How can you prove that I won’t go bad?

Margaret: You won’t, I guarantee.

Chalker: I don’t believe you! Pinky promise?

Margaret: Alright.

Just then, Mother knocked on the door.

Mother : Still awake? I’m coming in.”


Mother: What are you mumbling to yourself about?

Chalker: Nothing. I’m praying to God! I’m going to sleep now.

Mother: What a strange child.

At nine years old, Chalker told his first lie. Chalker and Margaret shared a secret. Margaret was an angel. She promised not to let him turn into a baddie. Chalker did not want to be a baddie because Mother had told him that only goodies went to heaven. Baddies had to go to hell.

Twelve years old.

Chalker: I want to be a horseman, Margaret.

Margaret: How can you be a horseman when you’re so petite?

Chalker: Tell me then, Margaret. What can I be in the future?

Margaret: Here, take this. If you use this, you can be a horseman.

Chalker: What’s this?

Margaret: Gluttony.

Chalker: What does it do?

Margaret: It makes you stronger.

Chalker: Okay.

At twelve years old, Chalker was gifted Gluttony, and his appetite expanded tremendously. He started growing tall and big and was stronger than most kids his age.

Fifteen years old.

Chalker: Look at the way I hold my sword, Margaret. Do I look like a horseman?

Margaret : Yes, but without grandeur.

Chalker: Grandeur?

Margaret: A horseman’s grandeur.

Chalker: What should I do?

Margaret: Take this!

Chalker: What’s this?

Margaret: Wrath. It will give you the grandeur you need.

Chalker: Okay.

At fifteen years old, Chalker received Wrath from Margaret. He became bad-tempered and Mother just assumed that he was undergoing puberty. Only Chalker knew that it was Margaret’s gift that made him this way. Through selections, he became a new recruit with the most potential.

Eighteen years old.

Chalker: What do I do, Margaret? I killed someone.

Margaret: It’s alright. You killed the enemy. He would’ve killed you if you did not do it first.

Chalker: But I killed somebody! Have I gone bad?

Margaret: With me around, you won’t go astray. Take this.

Chalker: What’s this?

Margaret: Lust.

Chalker: What’s it for?

Margaret: Not much, but it can make you happy. You’ll forget everything that’s happened today.

Chalker: Okay.

At eighteen years old, Chalker accepted Lust from Margaret. He was very merry because he had become a real man. From then on, Chalker started on his horseman journey.

Twenty-one years old.

Chalker: I’m the youngest general. His Majesty wishes to see me!

Margaret: Yes. The enemies are frightened by the mere mention of your name.

Chalker: But I’m so nervous. His Majesty wants to see me and it’s a great honor and glory! What should I do?

Margaret: Take this.

Chalker: This is... what?

Margaret: This is Pride. It will give you confidence.

Chalker: Okay.

At twenty-one years old, Chalker was given Pride. He paid His Majesty a visit. His Majesty was an old man and Chalker felt he was undeserving of his throne. He told himself, “How great. If not for me, this old man would already have been held captive by the enemies.”

Twenty-four years old.

Chalker: Tell me, Margaret. Am I wrong to have killed His Majesty?

Margaret: I don’t know. It a path you chose.

Chalker: Did I do wrong? Have I gone bad?

Margaret: Are you sad? With me around, you won’t turn bad.

Chalker: A little sad.

Margaret: Take this.

Chalker: This is...

Margaret: Envy. It will tell you whether or not you’ve made a mistake.

Chalker: Okay.

At twenty-four years old, Margaret gave Chalker Envy and Chalker became convinced that His Majesty was better off dead. He had been tolerating the old man for three years but what had he gotten in return? Only useless encouragements.

Twenty-seven years old.

Chalker: I’m the emperor now, Margaret.

Margaret: You’re not happy?

Chalker: Something feels missing.

Margaret: What is it?

Chalker: No idea.

Margaret: Take this.

Chalker: What is this?

Margaret: Greed. It will tell you what you’re lacking.

Chalker: Okay.

At twenty-seven years old, Margaret presented Chalker with Greed, and indeed, Chalker knew what he needed. His demands grew.

Thirty years old.

Chalker: I’m aging so quickly, Margaret. You’re still so young.

Margaret: That’s not true. You’re in your prime right now.

Chalker: Am I? Why don’t I feel it?

Margaret: Take this.

Chalker: This is?

Margaret: Sloth. It will make you feel young.

At thirty years old, Margaret gifted Chalker Sloth. Chalker was the emperor who idled his time away, playing word games with his subordinates.

Thirty years later.

Chalker had Alzheimer’s disease and had forgotten many things.

Margaret appeared unknowingly.

There was a day where Chalker was faced with a very young general.

At the front line, enemies feared his name.

Chalker could only say to him, “How great.”

At sixty-three years old, Chalker had died in that young general’s hand. Even until he was dying he did not know the name of his murderer.

Chalker saw God.

Chalker: I did not turn bad. Can I go to heaven?

God: No, you’ve sinned. All seven sins. You’re going to hell.

Chalker: Margaret said I haven’t gone astray. I should be going to heaven.

God shook his head helplessly. “You’ve committed seven sins: Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Pride, Envy, and Wrath. You’re rotten to the core.”

Chalker went down to hell and started thinking to himself.Am I really bad, Margaret?

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