
Chapter 68.1

Chapter 68.1

Editor: Casey

“Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat this.”

“Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat that.”

“Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat fruit.”

“Qin Yunsheng, my shoulders are sore. Give me a massage.”

“Qin Yunsheng, I want to sing. Sing with me tonight.”

These were what the young Marquis asked of his boyfriend on the first day of their relationship.

The next morning, not only did the people in the Science and Technology Institute receive Shi Qing’s message about no longer being single, they were also fed a mouthful of dog food.

The people at the Institute tended to be free spirited, especially the professors.

Even though everyone knew that Shi Qing was a professor only in name, he was still a professor.

Besides, Shi Qing was famous for never being present when there was work to do, yet always there to take some of the credit.

However unpleasant it was, there was nothing to be done. He was a noble after all.

Anyways, everyone’s just thankful that he didn’t purposely cause trouble by interfering.

The young master slacked off today as usual, but he ordered his boyfriend around constantly too.

While he sat leisurely with a book in his hand, the tall and muscular officer he commanded rushed to and fro.

With no breaks.

People couldn’t help but look away and start to sympathize with Qin Yunsheng.

Someone quietly spat out, “Are they really boyfriends?”

Then why did it look more like they were servant and master?

It wasn’t even like this when Qin Yunsheng was a bodyguard before either.

Because of the previous confrontation between Shi Qing and Tan Mingyi, no one dared to openly badmouth this Professor Shi who seemed to have hidden depths for fear of being made a fool.

But that didn’t stop them from gossiping about his personal life.

Professor Shi’s ‘glorious’ history was long enough to fill an entire series of books.

And now, another crime has been added to the growing list, not treating his boyfriend with human decency.

Qin Yunsheng happened to run into a group of gossipers outside the bathroom as he headed back to Shi Qing with freshly washed fruits.

Hearing them whisper unflattering things about Shi Qing, the rigid soldier’s brows furrowed.

As a soldier, he seemed to have responsibility embedded in his nature.

Although it was a trap, Shi Qing really hadn’t forced him to agree. He was the one who wasn’t able to resist the temptation.

Since he had agreed that Shi Qing was his little boyfriend, he had a duty to protect him.

Besides, Shi Qing was nothing like what they were saying.

He was still somewhat rude in private, but only a little bit.

He might be a little spoiled, short tempered, picky and bossy&#k2026;

But he was a good person beneath all that!

Those rumours from before probably stemmed from people only seeing his bad-tempered exterior.

The officer strode right over to those people.

“I think there’s been a misunderstanding.”

The gossiping group who suddenly saw one of the people they were talking about appear, “!!!”

“...Qin, Qin-ge...”

Qin Yunsheng remained stern as he took in the way they couldn’t meet his eyes. He explained seriously, “Shi Qing isn’t like that. He’s just got a childish temper. He was just over excited about our relationship so he wanted to share the news with everyone.”

The group: “Sure sure sure.”

Qin Yunsheng: “Although Shi Qing’s a bit difficult, he isn’t the jerk you’re making him out to be. He’s just a little kid who doesn’t know any better.”

The group: “......”

A little kid??

A little kid???

Have you ever seen a kid this big??

Which family’s kid gets to be a professor??

But in the face of a 100% serious officer in uniform, they nodded their heads against their will.

“Yes, yes. That’s how we feel too.”

Qin Yunsheng continued, “Since you have many misunderstandings about him, I would advise not talking about him until you inform yourselves so as to not spread falsehoods.”

The group, again: “.......”

But Professor Shi’s reputation precedes him??

Isn’t his behaviour obvious??

But they managed to squeeze a smile on their faces for Professor Shi’s new boyfriend who was frowning and waiting for them to answer.

“Qin-ge...you’re right.”

It wasn’t that Qin Yunsheng didn’t see their reluctance, but nothing he said could convince them before they were ready to accept the truth.

The officer’s expression grew grave.

He thought of Shi Qing’s temperament.

He was the kind of person to shoot himself in the foot to spite his critics, and the first thought to come to his mind after hearing that someone didn’t like him definitely wasn’t to prove them wrong. No, it was more likely he would deliberately try to piss them off even more.

A classic example of rebellion in its purest form.

So it was only a matter of time before things devolved to how they were now, with almost the entire Institute believing he was just a bad-tempered troublemaker and leech.

Although Qin Yunsheng knew that Shi Qing couldn’t care less about what others thought of him, he felt bad for Shi Qing as his new boyfriend.

He was obviously talented but treated like trash.

He was obviously good hearted but treated like the villain.

Even a light contact could cause him pain, but everyone else mistook it for him being spoiled and irritable.

If Qin Yunsheng hadn’t inadvertently hurt Shi Qing earlier, he would’ve been as ignorant as those people for the rest of his life.

He would’ve always misunderstood Shi Qing and silently left once the mission was over.

The group watched Qin Yunsheng stand there thinking deeply about something. After a brief scuffle, one person was voluntold by the rest.

The guy scratched his head awkwardly and asked Qin Yunsheng, “Qin-ge, are you really in a relationship with Professor Shi?”

The officer returned from his thoughts and nodded seriously.


“T-t-then we definitely have to congratulate you guys, but...Qin-ge, don’t you find the interactions between you and Professor Shi a bit strange?”

The awkwardness of bad mouthing someone to their face was unavoidable. The guy stammered through his words, “In a relationship, aren’t you supposed to be understanding and kind towards each other?”

Although it’s been less than a day since Shi Qing and Qin Yunsheng had made their relationship public, their roles were already clear.

Qin Yunsheng was one sidedly taking care of Shi Qing.

And all Shi Qing did was order him around even more than usual.

A normal relationship shouldn’t be like that, right?

Although no one found it strange for Shi Qing to act this way, Qin Yunsheng was another matter.

The officer was naturally very kind with an easy smile on his face. However, the strength emanating from his body was enough to make people think twice about approaching him, especially considering his toned muscles and dark eyes.

When he stood with an expressionless face, it was enough to strike fear into everyone’s hearts.

Yet such an intimidating man followed behind Shi Qing like a big dog, obeying his every command.

How, how did this make any sense...

The guy carefully continued, “Um, I’ve also dated a couple of times. In my opinion, only couples that care for each other can last, right Qin-ge?”

Qin Yunsheng didn’t realize the impression he was giving off right now. He just nodded and expressed his agreement.

“That’s right.”

Qin Yunsheng agreed so readily that the person, who was racking his brains for a tactful way to remind him, was stunned.

Impatient with their tongue-tied colleague, another person stepped forward and said bluntly, “Qin-ge, you know that we admire and respect you. Of course, we’re happy that you’ve found someone, but don’t you think that Professor Shi seems a bit too flippant with you? How many errands has he sent you off on just today?”

Taking care of your boyfriend was one thing, but this was just blatantly ordering a servant around, ah.

When another person saw how Qin Yunsheng didn’t get angry yet, he also carefully opened his mouth.

“Qin-ge, haven’t you noticed that, even though you’re together now, you and Professor Shi still interact in the same way as before?”

Qin Yunsheng’s body stiffened at those words.

Yes, they were a couple now, but Shi Qing’s attitude towards him was still the same as ever.

He still ordered him around and bossily demanded him to do this and that. Then, in Qin Yunsheng’s spare time, Shi Qing would make him massage his shoulders and back without a hint of gratitude.

He was displeased with this behaviour before, but his professionalism won out in the end. He continued to carry out his tasks with a cold expression.

But now, after realizing that Shi Qing’s attitude towards him hasn’t changed in the slightest after they became a couple, the look on the officer’s face gradually changed.

His eyes darkened thoughtfully.

“Could it be...”

The group was glad to see him finally coming around. They looked at him nervously and expectantly.

Qin Yunsheng: “Has Shi Qing always liked me?”

The group: “???”

The group: “...”

Dude, what the hell led you to that conclusion??

Who treats the person they like like this?!

The officer, however, didn’t even notice their astonishment. He got lost in his thoughts once again.

In fact, now that he thought about it, Shi Qing has always treated him differently than other people...

He would self righteously order him around and act like a spoiled child around him.

But he was noticeably tight lipped around other people, so there was no chance that he ordered them around as well.

Wasn’t this because he meant something more to Shi Qing than other people?

That would certainly explain the situation from before with the plagiarized research. Would a normal person not only not deny the accusation, but stubbornly insist that he and Tan Mingyi were working together?

Although it seemed like Shi Qing was deliberately trying to anger him, who would throw dirty water on themselves to get back at someone else?

Shi Qing also had nothing to gain from making their relationship public.

He was at the age to date or marry, but how could he do that with a supposed boyfriend in tow?

On the other hand, Qin Yunsheng only stood to gain from being his boyfriend.

The officer’s furrowed brows gradually loosened.

His eyes also took on a bit of tenderness and pity.

“So he’s liked me since then...”

Shi Qing mentioned many times that Qin Yunsheng was exactly his type, but the officer had tuned out his words.

It seemed that he was telling the truth.

The group: “???”

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