
Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Editor: SimoB

Shi Qing had to retreat a good distance before he could take in the entirety of the behemoth before him.

If he had to describe it...

The d*** that was as tall as a building was actually nestled against its abdomen, but he mistook the abdomen for an iceberg when close to it. Only now did he realize the true size of this beast.

That made sense, considering its d*** was the size of a building.

The siren waved his beautiful silver tail as he came closer towards the beast’s beard.

Its body was very long. Shi Qing noticed as he got closer that the beast had long strands of fur all over as well. The golden strands drifted about in the dark seawater.

The sea had no lack of tiny creatures in constant motion, but there was not a single little fish to be found near the behemoth.

Even its temptingly waving beard was left undisturbed. Apparently, the other denizens of the deep didn’t have a death wish like the siren.

It took nearly half an hour for Shi Qing to circle around for a good look.

The creature covered in flawless golden scales had four beautiful and razor sharp claws. It had long whiskers and a beard coming from its head. Although it was motionless with tightly closed eyes, it still radiated an aura of great strength.

This was apparent from the deathly silence permeating from it ten miles in every direction.

Even if it was asleep, it still wasn’t to be underestimated.

Shi Qing swam along its long tail for a while, but he turned in the opposite direction when he grew tired. Waving his beautiful tail, he came face to face with it.

Well, considering the substantial size difference, it was more apt to say his entire body faced the behemoth’s closed eyes.

Shi Qing concluded, [It’s a dragon, and a golden one at that.]

This was the System’s first time seeing a dragon too. It curiously emerged: [It’s so big.]

Shi Qing thought of the place wrapped in golden scales that was like a building. His tone grew distant.

[It really is...big.]

System: [......]

Wuwuwuwu it understood again.

System: [Host, what do we do now? It’s about to wake up but you can’t beat it.]

Even if Shi Qing was a siren, it would still be hard for him to deal with such a large creature.

Shi Qin already considered that. [You’re right, I won’t be able to defeat it.]

The System wracked its brain for a way to help the Host. It had an idea. [How about this? We return its pearl before it wakes up. Then it won’t come after us.]

The pretty mermaid spun around in the sea as he reminded his System of their goal. [This big fat dragon isn’t the protagonist of this world. We’re supposed to be lowering the animosity value of that woman.]

System: [But the protagonist isn’t very trusting towards sirens at this stage...]

It suddenly paused.

System: [...Zeng Nan’s animosity value: 100/100???]

Wasn’t the protagonist supposed to be charmed by the siren? Why was it this high??

Shi Qing already expected this.

[The protagonist isn’t stupid. Putting aside the instinctual wariness towards other species, she knew something was fishy the moment a weak little mermaid appeared in front of her. How would something so harmless survive in the sea? She just pretended to fall for the siren’s act because she wasn’t sure she could win if the siren showed its true colours.]

Those qualified to be protagonists weren’t the kind of people who would be fooled by appearances.

System: [......]

Its head was spinning.

System: [T-then what do we do now..? This Zeng Nan doesn’t seem like an easy target. Why don’t we just treat this world like another vacation and play around for a month?]

The mermaid flicked his tail and swam to the golden dragon’s big face again. [I’m not leaving. It’s not everyday that he’s a dragon.]

System: &#k2026;Host, this is no time to be blinded by beauty!

[Host, this world is too difficult... It’s a dragon we’re talking about. They’re known for being antisocial and indifferent to all lifeforms. This System suggests that you... Host, what are you doing??

Shi Qing replied while continuing to wedge his tail into the dragon’s slightly open mouth: [Can’t you tell? I’m going into its mouth.]

System: [????]

System: [......]

Was this some new form of suicide?

Death by a dragon’s digestive system??

It cautiously asked its apparently despairing Host: [Can I talk you out of this?]

Shi Qing: [Nope.]

System: [Okay.]


It was going to be the first System to witness its own Host being eaten alive by a dragon.


Everything about the golden dragon was large, including its mouth. There was more than enough space inside for a mermaid to fit comfortably, occupying the spot where the dragon’s pearl once rested.

It was common knowledge that every dragon had a pearl.

Dragons cherished their pearls dearly and carried it in their mouths wherever they went. They even went to sleep holding it.

However, few knew why dragons were so protective of their pearl.

Only a similar number of people knew that dragons couldn’t actually fly because they were creatures of the deep sea.

Dragons had claws, not wings. They couldn’t fly even if they wanted to.

The most likely reason for the ancient myth was that someone once saw a dragon from the shore.

Just think about how big these creatures must be if their d***s were the size of buildings. If such a beast rose from the ocean and extended its body upwards, one could easily mistake it for flight.

As this experience was passed down from generation to generation, dragons gradually gained the ability to ‘fly’.

Now, in the tranquil seawater, the golden dragon who was already big enough to be called terrifying slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were also golden. They allowed him to see very clearly in the pitch-black sea.

He had slept for too long.

Long enough to almost forget the last time he had opened his eyes.

The golden dragon tried to recall the memories of that time.

It was almost a thousand years ago. He had been ravenous so he hunted in the surrounding sea for almost a month before he felt full and drifted back into a deep sleep. By that time the area was devoid of life.

It wasn’t because he was too drowsy, it was because he could clearly feel the world’s rejection towards him.

This world didn’t welcome his existence, but it also couldn’t do anything to him. It could only let him sleep.

The golden dragon didn’t care about that. His life was very boring anyways; all the other creatures ran away after catching even a glimpse of him or died of fright on the spot. He had nothing to do other than eating and drinking, so sleeping was a great way to pass the time.

His hunger awoke him each time. He would eat his fill every time he woke up before falling back into a deep sleep that lasted a millennia.

But this time seemed a little different from usual. The golden dragon shook his long tail, causing the sea around him to fluctuate.

How strange.

The sleepiness that had plagued him for so long was gone, and so was the world’s rejection towards him.

Was the World’s Consciousness willing to accept him again?

But how could that be? Was there now a creature even more despicable than him?

What could possibly be more destructive than the golden dragon?

He couldn’t figure it out so he stopped thinking about it.

The golden dragon stretched his body slightly. There wasn’t any sign that he had slept a thousand years, and there were no creatures around that dared to disturb him either.

But even though he wasn’t sleepy anymore, the golden dragon still couldn’t think of anything else he could do besides sleep.

So he still decided to eat a big meal before continuing his slumber.

The golden dragon casually opened his mouth to spit out his pearl so he could eat.

He paused half way through.

He could sense a lifeform where his pearl used to be.


Confused, the golden dragon exhaled carefully and expelled the lifeform in his mouth.

In the seawater, a little mermaid with a beautiful silver-white tail, long black hair, a fair face and delicate features appeared in front of the golden dragon.

The little mermaid’s thin white arms were resting under his hair, and his big silver-white tail was so beautiful that the dragon couldn’t look away. The appendage was slightly curled up. The slender tail fin at the end drifted with the currents.

The tiny creature was fast asleep using his own tender white arms as a pillow. He looked very cute curled up with his tail.

It was too little.

Eating and sleeping were the only two things in the golden dragon’s life before. Other creatures had stayed so far away from him that he couldn’t even see a scale.

This was the first time a lifeform had appeared before his eyes.

And such a little one at that.

The golden dragon cautiously leaned forward, even holding his breath for fear of injuring this little mermaid.

He tentatively extended a claw for scale. Strange emotions welled up inside him upon finding that even his claws were larger than the little mermaid.

He gently touched the little mermaid’s floating strands of hair.

This was real.

A living creature had actually appeared in front of him. The golden dragon that had been avoided religiously since he was an egg was shocked.

Where did this little mermaid come from?

The golden dragon, who had never been in contact with another creature before, unconsciously wrapped his towering body around the little mermaid that was fast asleep in a protective fashion.

His hair inevitably drifted by the sleeping mermaid, and the little one would flick his tail in displeasure and drive his whiskers away.

The action held a strong sense of righteousness, like this was the little mermaid’s territory instead of the golden dragon’s. It threw him for a loop.

But the most inexplicable thing was that his pearl was nowhere to be found.

It’s always been by his side, even before he emerged from the egg.

Even though his inherited memories were a little fuzzy on pearls, the golden dragon knew that it was very important to him.

When he was a young dragon, only a hundred meters long, he relied on the light from the pearl to compensate for his poor eyesight. Of course, there was nothing but seawater around anyway.

He would also kick the pearl around like a ball and throw it far away to find later.

The golden dragon eventually grew out of these childish games, but the pearl was still by his side as he slept for so long.

That precious pearl... So big and bright...

It was still here a thousand years ago.

But where was it now?

The golden dragon looked around, careful not to disturb the sleeping little mermaid.

He still couldn’t find it.

A sudden realization hit him.

He knew what happened to the pearl.

His head snapped down to look at the little mermaid that was tinier than his claws.

The golden dragon’s golden eyes narrowed. His 3000m long tail slightly wagged.

He finally understood what happened.

This little mermaid that suddenly appeared in his mouth...

...Must be the spirit form of his pearl!

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