
Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Editor: Sahloknir

Cheng Yunling was about to die of anger because of Shi Qing’s attitude.

If the young master wasn’t so thick-skinned, he would’ve died already from the intensity of her glare. Shi Qing casually laid on the recliner. He was the epitome of leisure.

Cheng Yunling was furious.

How could a person be so cheeky? It’s obvious that he did it, but he’s still acting like he didn’t.

Her assistant advised her: “Bear with it for now. He comes from a powerful background. Besides, didn’t you tell me that his uncle promised to not let him do anything to you again?”

Cheng Yunling gradually calmed down as she recalled that.


That’s right!

What was she afraid for? Mr. Tan was backing her up. Besides, wasn’t the reason Shi Qing dared to act out so much because he was Mr. Tan’s nephew?

Would he dare to go against his uncle’s orders?

Even though this was the case, Cheng Yunling was still a bit afraid of Shi Qing doing something to her. What was the point of Mr. Tan punishing him later if the damage had already been done?

She thought about what would’ve happened had Shi Qing caught up with her last night...

Cheng Yunling shivered. She took in a deep breath. “Zhang-jie, please get the makeup remover ready for me.”

Although she was born with good looks, there was still a big difference between wearing makeup and going without. For the sake of her role in this film, she even shaved her eyebrows off. Let’s see if Shi Qing could still be in the mood once her painted eyebrows come off.

As she was talking, a gorgeous looking woman came up to her, smiling warmly. “Yunling, so you came. Why did you turn me down for breakfast this morning?”

A rock weighed down on Cheng Yunling’s heart when she saw this person.

The two of them had debuted around the same time, and they had always had a good relationship. In front of the media, they even referred to each other as best friends.

But the woman Cheng Yunling had considered a friend intentionally took her to meet with Shi Qing, despite knowing she had a problem with him.

When Cheng Yunling discovered that she had been drugged and tried to look for her ‘friend’, she found that the other woman had long since left.

If Tan Mingjin hadn’t happened to see her, she would have been...

Cheng Yunling thought things through on the way back to her home. Zheng Xuexue had definitely done what she did on purpose. She asked her agent and confirmed that Zheng Xuexue had become the celebrity spokesperson for a company with ties to the Tan family.

What else was there to say?

Cheng Yunling had been as good as sold out by Zheng Xuexue.

And Zheng Xuexue, who had sold her out only yesterday, talked to her today as if nothing had happened.

Cheng Yunling knew she couldn’t show her anger. There were plenty of cameras around even on set. If she started a fight here with Zheng Xuexue and it got uploaded online, she would be branded as an arrogant troublemaker.

So she also smiled. “I was busy this morning.”

“Aiyo, surely you could’ve spared some time.” Zheng Xuexue smiled and took Cheng Yunling’s arm. Hidden jealousy flashed in her eyes. “I heard that Mr. Tan liked you a lot last night. I really envy you, Yunling. Not only does Young Master Shi like you, but even Mr. Tan is interested in you.”

How come she couldn’t have such good luck?

Cheng Yunling laughed. “Don’t misunderstand, Mr. Tan was just helping me out of a bind. Oh right, why did you suddenly leave last night? I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

“I left so I wouldn’t be a third wheel to you and Young Master Shi.”

Cheng Yunling almost couldn’t keep a smile on her face. If they weren’t in public right now...

She barely managed to squeeze out a laugh. “I don’t really like being alone with Young Master Shi. If you’re interested, you should go by yourself next time.”

She gently took Zheng Xuexue’s hand off her arm. Trying to stop herself from cursing up a storm, Cheng Yunling turned around and led her assistant away.

Zheng Xuexue still had a smile on her face, but her eyes were dripping with jealousy.

What would she need Cheng Yunling for if she could make Young Master Shi like her?

Only people like Cheng Yunling would be silly enough to not want a rich second generation sent right to her door.

Why was this woman so lucky?

Young Master Shi liked her, and Mr. Tan helped her too.

When Zheng Xuexue turned, she saw Shi Qing, who was comfortably sprawled on the recliner slurping at another juice box. Her eyes lit up.

She knew what happened last night. She also knew that Young Master Shi seemed very angry when he finally left. So what would happen if she went to say something to him now..?

After walking a few paces away, Cheng Yunling looked back to see Zheng Xuexue rushing towards Shi Qing. This only reminded her of how scared and desperate she had been yesterday. Her voice was tinged with anger. “Looks like they’re up to no damn good again.”

Her assistant also frowned and looked over, “Don’t worry. From now on, I’ll follow you 24 hours a day.”

She said that, but she was also worried about what Shi Qing’s group was up to. After a moment of thought, the assistant said, “I’ll circle around and try to listen in on their conversation. That way you can plan ahead if they’re really talking about you.”

Recording their conversation was out of the question. Having this news get out would not be good for a rising star like Cheng Yunling.

Shi Qing was listening to Zheng Xuexue speak.

To be honest, Zheng Xuexue had a nice voice. She was once touted as a sweet girl by her fans, but she was never very popular. Why would she need to do underhanded things like selling out her friends for a sponsorship if she was?

“Young Master Shi, I heard about what happened last night. Don’t be too angry. We can always try again later.”

Shi Qing sucked on his straw without even looking at Zheng Xuexue. “En.”

“Actually, Yunling isn’t that hard to get with. I heard that she had a relationship with an advertiser before...”

Zheng Xuexue deliberately spoke in a languid manner, waiting for Shi Qing to take the bait and ask.

However, the youth lying on the recliner was still spaced out. He gave a perfunctory reply, “En.”

Zheng Xuexue, who was waiting for Shi Qing to ask her about “the love-hate relationship between the advertiser and Cheng Yunling”, choked.

She looked at Shi Qing carefully and whispered, “Young Master Shi, is Mr. Tan Interested in Cheng Yunling as well?”

The youth who was like a salted fish on the recliner suddenly sprang up. His handsome face was contorted in anger. “What did you just say?!?!”

At last, she’s managed to hit a sore spot!

Zheng Xuexue rejoiced in her heart as she worked hard to stoke the flames of Cheng Yunling’s destruction.

“You must’ve known that Yunling has always been a playful girl. Mr. Tan might be the chairman of Tan family, but he’s never interfered in the industry’s matters before. Isn’t it too much of a coincidence that he helped Yunling out? Actually, I didn’t leave yesterday, so I saw the way Mr. Tan looked at Cheng Yunling... Tsk tsk tsk.”

She watched with satisfaction as Shi Qing’s expression grew darker and darker. Zheng Xuexue started to fan the flames with renewed vigour. “If I remember correctly, Mr. Tan is Young Master Shi’s uncle, right? If Yunling and your uncle were together, then...”

The youth sneered, “She won’t be with my uncle.”

He suddenly got to his feet and took out his phone, “Hey, it’s me. We have to talk...”

As she watched Shi Qing stalk out furiously on his phone, Zheng Xuexue grew more and more smug.

She was really looking forward to what Young Master Shi would do to Cheng Yunling now that someone else stole his woman.

She doubted that Shi Qing would take this lying down. After all, Shi Qing was notorious for being petty and vindictive.

Shi Qing would definitely teach Cheng Yunling a lesson.

Cheng Yunling thought so as well.

After listening to the assistant’s recount of their conversation, her head was filled with only two words: Fuck me.

Shi Qing had always had a bad reputation. He was definitely going to come after her full force this time.

She worried about what he might do for almost half an hour.

Then, some young men pushed a cart filled with boxed cakes and other delicacies in.

“Young Master Shi saw how hard everyone has been working, so he’s treating all of us to some cake.”

Cheng Yunling peered fearfully at the cakes. She felt like they were a part of some sinister scheme.

The sweet aroma of the cakes wafted by, but she had no appetite. All she could think about was how she could politely refuse them later.

At last, Shi Qing came striding in.

He had a cold smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of malice.

He arrived in front of Cheng Yunling.

Cheng Yunling gulped nervously.

What to do, what to do... How could she politely turn him down? Oh, she’ll say she’s on a diet! Yeah, that might work!!

She opened her mouth to say her excuse, “I—”

“What are you looking at?”

Shi Qing sneered and lifted his chin arrogantly, “Everyone can have a piece but you.”

Cheng Yunling, who was sure something had been added to the cakes: “...”

Zheng Xuexue, who had come to watch the show: “...”

But Young Master Shi paid no attention to the two speechless women. He snorted again before calling out behind him, “Bring them in.”

One by one, roasted ducks were brought in on racks followed by tables of hot pot.

There were even two broths to choose from.

Immediately, the set was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of the foods.

The chin of the handsome young master in front of Cheng Yunling rose even higher. He smugly pointed at the food like he was surveying vast swathes of territory.

“Everything there,” A cruel and overbearing smirk grew on the younger master’s face, “is not for you.”

Cheng Yunling: “...”

Zheng Xuexue: “...”

The assistant: “...”

Cheng Yunling only recovered from her stupor once Young Master Shi strutted out like he had won. She turned to her assistant, “Zhang-jie, was that...Shi Qing’s revenge???”

The assistant: “...Probably?”

Cheng Yunling: “...”

Were they at a kindergarten??

What a frivolous way of getting revenge.

“Who would this even work on?” Cheng Yunling thought.

...She couldn’t help but rub her grumbling stomach. The rich aromas wafting through the air made her mouth water like no tomorrow.

Fine, it worked on her a little bit...

They weren’t allowed to order delivery while filming on set, and there were no stores selling food nearby. It would be a waste of everyone’s time to send an assistant on a shopping trip.

Besides, Cheng Yunling didn’t have as much money as Shi Qing. She could only deeply inhale the fragrant air and eat the fried rice provided by the chef on set.

She obviously felt like Shi Qing was being childish, but why did she also feel really bad for herself...

Finally, it was time to shoot her scene. She would be able to go out to eat after this. Cheng Yunling could hardly wait.

But the young master appeared again after she was strapped into the harness.

“Is this thing really okay? What if a thin piece of wire like this breaks?”

Cheng Yunling, who was numb to it all after being tortured for several hours by delicious food: “...”

Shi Qing: “What kind of expression is that? Can’t you see that I’m saying this for your sake? What an ungrateful person you are.”

Cheng Yunling: And you’re a lunatic.

When the wire was pulled up to the point that she was half a person’s height above the ground, Cheng Yunling looked down to see the young master nudging a person nearby. “Why does it look like the wire she’s hanging from is about to break?”

As he said this, he extended his hand. “Look, it’s probably going to break if I pull... Oh crap!”

The wire was already under a lot of tension, so it snapped when Shi Qing tugged on it.

Cheng Yunling fell directly on top of the youth.

She was so scared that her heart almost beat out of her chest. She turned to look at that broken wire.

If Shi Qing hadn’t pulled on it, if it had broken while she was fully in the air...

Cheng Yunling: “OMG....”

Then she heard the eldest young master underneath her exclaim: “OMG... Why are you so heavy?! Get off me already!”

Tan Mingjin paled when he heard what happened. He rushed to the set.

Shi Qing was only a child. How could he possibly catch a falling adult without getting hurt?

Even though the crew had repeatedly assured him that his nephew was fine, Tan Mingjin couldn’t stop worrying.

When he rushed in, the youth was looking at Cheng Yunling with disdain. The woman had been racking her brain for people that would want her dead after learning the wire had been tampered with.

If it wasn’t for Shi Qing being a little bastard and pulling it earlier, she would have lost her life.

Although she hated him before, Cheng Yunling was still grateful to him for saving her life. She looked up and sincerely regarded the youth, “Young Master Shi, thank you so much for...”

A slender and beautiful white finger stopped her approaching arm. Confused, Cheng Yunling followed that finger up and saw Shi Qing’s disgusted expression. “Talk if you want, but stay away from me.”

Cheng Yunling: “...”

What’s with this face full of disgust?? You were pursuing me before!

She could only try to shift herself to the edge of her seat. “Young Master Shi, I really want to thank you. I...”

The assistant walked in, “Young Master Shi, Yunling, Mr. Tan is here.”

Cheng Yunling nodded, “Thanks for letting us know....”


The youth that just insisted on her staying eight feet away flew to her side in a second. Sitting literally right next to her, his hand landed naturally on her shoulder.

“Let my uncle in.”

Cheng Yunling: “...”

She turned to look at Shi Qing strangely, only to see the youth with his chest puffed out and chin held high. He was like an elementary school student eager to greet his teacher.

In addition, his hand that appeared to be on her shoulder was actually hovering a sliver above it.

What was he trying to do?

When Tan Mingjin walked in, what he saw was a pretty girl staring intently at the youth whose hand was on her shoulder. He was smiling like a cat that got the cream.

What a beautiful picture of youthful love.

If it wasn’t for how disgusted the little guy on Shi Qing’s shoulder looked...

How he was spitting non-existent saliva at the nearby Cheng Yunling...

Tan Mingjin would have believed it.

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