
Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Editor: Casey


Shi Qing was currently chatting with the pretty girl about which fruit, grapes or watermelons, was better tasting. A smile was still present on his face as he subconsciously looked up towards the door.

Song Xiabing’s eyes darkened another shade when he saw how happy the man was.

Shi Qing seemed befuddled by his presence. “The fuck you doing? Can’t you see I’m busy right now?”


Song Xiabing almost laughed out of anger at Shi Qing’s self-righteous expression.

He reached out, commanding a ball of black mist to hit the table.

The table soundlessly disappeared in front of the three of them.

Shi Qing was unharmed despite leaning on the table moments before. However, he nearly lost his balance.

The look on the man’s pretty handsome face instantly became complicated.

He was bewildered, angry, and a little confused as well.

“Song Xiabing, what the hell was that? Isn’t your ability absorption?”

Shi Qing’s hostile tone only made the shadows under Song Xiabing’s eyes darken.

He sneered, “Answer me first. What are you doing with this woman?”

Even when his expression couldn’t be worse like now, Song Xiabing’s tone was still gentle and soft. It almost sounded like he was trying to persuade Shi Qing with great care.

“Boss, I won’t do anything to you as long as you explain yourself.”

“The fuck am I supposed to explain?? How is it any of your business if I have some fun with women?!”

Shi Qing abruptly rose to his feet, furious beyond measure. Flames ignited on his palm. “Know your place Song Xiabing.”

The young man’s frail and beautiful features instantly became twisted.

He laughed in anger, “Fine, fine! So it’s none of my business if you have fun with women, is it??”

“I’m standing right here! How can it not be my business, ah?!”

The man seemed angry, but also dumbfounded and confused. “The fuck is wrong with you today? Drop that thing in your hand now!”

The murderous intent in Song Xiabing’s eyes was intensifying.

“Shi Qing, if you want to have fun with women, then why did you seduce me.”

The Blazing Thunder Company’s boss was dumbfounded. “Huh???”

“Me?? Seduce you???”

“Fuck you, shit-for-brains! What the fuck are you going on about?!!”

His refusal to admit what he had done infuriated Song Xiabing even more. He felt like he had been made a fool of.

“Fine!! Fine!! Going to play dumb, are you?!”

All the emotions drained from his face as he slowly opened both hands. “It’s fine if you won’t admit it. I’ll just slaughter your Blazing Thunder and imprison you by my side. You’ll crack sooner or later.”

The prostitute was already scared silly.

The man across from him seemed more and more confused. “The fuck you say? Brat, don’t say things you can’t back up.”

Song Xiabing proved with his strength that he could back up what he said.

More and more black mist appeared around him before rushing out the door, almost engulfing the entirety of the Blazing Thunder Company.


Zhou Xuanxuan noticed something wasn’t right earlier and rushed over. “Grandpa, have mercy, ah!! Kill them if you want but please spare me! I’m innocent, ah!!”

Song Xiabing was too angry to listen. In fact, Zhou Xuanxuan’s presence added fuel to the fire.

His eyes harshly snapped to this man with the beautiful face. Just the thought of how Shi Qing had once like him made Song Xiabing seethe in jealousy and hatred.

“You like this face of his, don’t you? Let’s see if you can still play dumb once I kill him in front of you!”

Zhou Xuanxuan: “???”

Wait. How did he get dragged into this, ah??

Noting how Song Xiabing seemed serious about killing him, Zhou Xuanxuan quickly shielded his hair and threw the pot to Shi Qing.

“Calm down, just calm down!! He’s not lying to you! He’s really not being nice to you because he likes you. The real reason is that he’s a phantom fox beastial, ah!”

Song Xiabing’s hand lurched to a halt.

Zhou Xuanxuan took this opportunity to ask cautiously, “You can see his tail and touch it, right?”

The young man’s face didn’t look good, but he nodded in the end.

Zhou Xuanxuan let out a breath and hurriedly explained, “Phantom beastials all have a tail that no one but them can see. Because phantom foxes are a domesticated pet species, the first person to touch their tail other than themselves becomes their master. They can only live while their master does.”

Shi Qing was about to explode because he couldn’t understand what was going on. “And who the fuck are you? How do you know all this?”

Zhou Xuanxuan carefully protected his hair. “Actually, I’m also a phantom fox beastial. But according to the information I received, phantom fox beastials are usually beautiful. You’re, well...”

He looked at the furious man.

That tall stature.

That well-built physique.

His handsome, chiseled face.

Beautiful was the last word that should be used to describe him.

Song Xiabing understood what he heard.

But just because he understood didn’t mean he could accept it.

He looked back with disbelief at the man who was so warm and caring towards him for half a month.

“Is that why you let me out of the water prison half a month ago?”

Shi Qing: “If you died then I would’ve too. I felt I was dying, so I got you out.”

Song Xiabing slowly clenched his fists. “Then why did you attend to me so attentively for half a month.”

The man seemed reluctant, but he eventually admitted, “You said you were sickly. If you suddenly keeled over, then I would too.”

Song Xiabing’s hands were trembling from the amount of force he was using.


This can’t be!!

This can’t possibly be true!!

He stubbornly glared with bloodshot eyes at the dumbfounded and innocent-looking man in front of him.

“But didn’t you risk your life to save me...”

Shi Qing quickly cut him off. “That’s a load of bull. I’d die if you did. Of course I had to save you.”

Song Xiabing: “......”

A stone seemed to be weighing down his heart.

The pressure made him want to tear this innocent-looking man into pieces.

Yet, yet he couldn’t bear to.

The past half a month...

It was all a lie.



He could barely hear Shi Qing rudely scolding Zhou Xuanxuan, “What did you jump out for? You think a little chicken shit brat like him can cause that much trouble??”

Zhou Xuanxuan: “Get it straight big brother. If I didn’t come when I did, we would all be... Fuck! Fuck!! He’s spitting out blood!!”

Hearing that, Song Xiabing reached up and wiped the corner of his mouth with one hand. He discovered there was really fresh blood there.

The man who was just talking to Zhou Xuanxuan turned worriedly towards him, patting him down like a mother hen. “What’s wrong?? Are you okay?? Don’t scare me like this, ah!!!”

Song Xiabing’s gaze warmed only a split second before he heard Shi Qing’s next words.

“Don’t die on me, ah. It’s fine if you die, but Laozi still wants to live.”

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