
Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Editor: Casey

The players of ‘Descent of Chivalry’ were finding the newly discovered Myriad Flower Valley more and more confusing by the day.

Each player could only enter this quest area once. Since this VR game restricted everyone to a single account, they couldn’t just make a new one to play through again like in other games. Thus, all players could only enter one time.

And something very strange happened as a result.

Every once in a while, the players coming out of Myriad Flower Valley would have a different account of the scenario inside.

The earliest group of players saw a quest involving an ancient Chinese emperor and a spoiled young master, and both gave players the task of assassinating the other.

Things were alright if you encountered that young master. It was impossible to beat the emperor anyway, so the players just had to pretend to fight for a bit, give up, and be sent to the Reincarnation Centre. They would even have a chance to obtain a high-level spiritual weapon.

Those who were assigned tasks by that emperor were truly unfortunate souls.

This emperor was a lunatic.

While assigning the task of assassinating the Prime Minister’s son on one hand, he would also suddenly pop out and send the players straight back to the Reincarnation Centre when they do actually try to assassinate the target.

The players he took out: “???”

Didn’t you fucking assign this task??

How come you’re stopping us from doing it then??

Are you nuts??!

Yet there was nothing they could do, no matter how dumbfounded they were or how they cursed up a storm. As everyone knew already, many side quests in VR games were randomly generated. Not even the developers knew how they would turn out. So even though they were very fed up with this NPC, they could only vent in the forums about it.

They would also take the opportunity to warn players planning on challenging Myriad Flower Valley that they must be careful of that dark-robed, lunatic of an emperor.

He might be handsome, but screenshots and recording were prohibited inside Myriad Flower Valley anyway. You might as well go and find that Prime Minister’s son, who wasn’t too bad-looking himself. At least he didn’t issue tasks with one hand while stabbing people in the back with the other.

So the second group of players studied the discussions and confidently ventured into the Valley with ample weapons, pills, techniques, and pets.

They just had to find that Prime Minister’s son, right? Apparently, he was reminiscent of a jade-faced gentleman, handsome and genteel in a suit of fiery red. He also seemed like the type that was easy to talk to.

Then they came face to face with a demon who had a reckless and flirtatious smirk on his face.

He leaned lazily on a large jade stone and raised an ambiguous eyebrow at the players.

The players after looking at the clothes he was wearing: “...”

Those don’t look like they’re from Ancient China, ah.

This guy didn’t seem like the young master the previous players described, but he didn’t look like the lunatic emperor either? Didn’t they say that the emperor was stoic and stone-faced??

The person in front of them was constantly smiling.

A player armed with a weapon came forward suspiciously. “Who are you?”

“Me? Just a small-time actor~”

His words contained so much charm that they made the players shudder subconsciously.


Did they wander into the wrong set? Wasn’t this a wuxia world?

The person leaning against the stone, however, didn’t even bother with their dumbfounded expressions. He just breathed out a long sigh before turning around. Despite the sunny smile on his face, his eyes were filled with dismissal.

“I know you’re here to complete a task. My task to all of you is to capture the Film Emperor-laoshi and bring him to me.”

The players: “...”

Film Emperor-laoshi??

Who’s that???

With a nod of his head, a projection of Gong Yu in modern clothing appeared in front of them.

“Bring him to my side, and I’ll give each of you 500 dark crystals.”

The players who were just looking like ‘telling us to capture a film emperor in a wuxia world is a joke right’ immediately perked up.

Sure!! No problem!

Not to mention catching a film emperor, we’ll even capture an actual emperor for you!

The group of players ran out on the instructions of this self-proclaimed emperor, only to be beaten up and sent to the Reincarnation Centre.

When the last of them finally left, the flirtatious young man standing there immediately jumped down. He rubbed his hands and laughed as he came over to watch the players grumbling in the Reincarnation Centre.

“Hahahaha, their expressions just now were so funny! 10,000 alpacas must’ve run across their hearts when they heard modern terms in a wuxia world.”

Gong Yu was looking as handsome as ever with his slightly open white collar shirt. His eyes were bright as he took in the happiness of the person before him. He waited until the youthful Shi Qing was done laughing to ask, “What is a...film emperor?”

“A film emperor is someone who’s really good at acting. Come, come. I’ll search it up on Qiandu. Wu, have a look.”

The youthful Shi Qing pulled Gong Yu to plop down onto the ground with him.

He didn’t notice that Gong Yu looked down slightly just as his butt was about to hit the ground. All the dirt there a moment before vanished without a trace.

Shi Qing stood behind them, watching as his past self showed Gong Yu the Qiandu page on film emperors.

“See, this is a film emperor. I was only playing as your junior. I’ve got it all figured out this time, let me tell you. The plot this time is that I’m a rich second-generation who left home to join the entertainment industry and became a rising star. You’re a cold and super aloof film emperor who’s really envious of how talented I am, so you hired an assassin to take care of me. Therefore, the two of us are irreconcilable enemies that must fight to the death.”

After saying all that in one breath, the youthful Shi Qing was looking forward to making this script a reality. He smirked like a fox that got the chicken. “We can play this plotline for a few days like last time.”

Gong Yu quietly listened to him finish before saying, “I am not envious of you. I like you.”

“Aiya, why do you still not get it? We’re acting, ah! This is just the role you’re playing. You know what that is, right?”

But Gong Yu still didn’t understand.

He stated, “You are so likeable that no one could bear to kill you.”

His overly serious compliment made the youthful Shi Qing giggle. He poked Gong Yu’s cheek. “Little Gong Yu, I think you’re the only one in the entire world who thinks that. Only money is loved by everyone, and I’m not that for sure. You know, people all have their own thoughts and beliefs. Like those players just now, some liked me because I’m handsome, and others despised me for the same reason. Only you...no. You’re not a person. Only cute AIs like you would think such things.”

Confusion appeared in Gong Yu’s eyes. Looking at Shi Qing smiling at him, he suddenly started to panic.

This was the first time he clearly recognized the difference between him and Shi Qing. One was an AI while the other was a human.

Shi Qing was the same as those players.

Gong Yu didn’t know how to hide his panic yet. He subconsciously reached out for Shi Qing’s hand. “Shi Qing, I want to be human too.”

“I want to be like you.”

His innocent words made the youthful Shi Qing giggle again.

How could an AI become human?

That wasn’t possible even with how advanced technology had become these days.

But looking at the helplessness and hope on Gong Yu’s face, he swallowed back the words that were in his throat.

The teen reached out and patted Gong Yu on the shoulder, saying seriously, “If you want to become a human, you must first seem like one.”

Gong Yu’s eyes lit up. He frantically showed his hand to the youthful Shi Qing. “I look like a human now.”

“I’m not talking about outer appearance but what’s on the inside. A human has many emotions and moods. Everyone is born a unique individual on the inside, even if they may look alike on the outside.”

The youthful Shi Qing spoke very smoothly.

Shi Qing knew why he would say such things. Before his grandpa passed away, he took Shi Qing to the old residence and cared for him for a period of time.

Shi Qing’s health was poor at the time. He could only watch as other kids his age played to their heart’s content from the confines of his bed. One day, he burst into tears and asked his grandpa why they could be so happy while he had to endure the pain of illness.

He was born a human being, but he never got to enjoy being human. If he was fated to constantly be sick, maybe he shouldn’t have been born at all.

After Grandpa Shi said those words to him, Shi Qing memorized them by copying them down over and over again.

Gong Yu was left befuddled by the time youthful Shi Qing finished.

“Then...how can I become a human?”


As soon as Shi Qing saw the pensive look on his past self’s face, he knew this kid had no idea and was thinking up a way to bullshit through.

“You...you just have to learn how! Every person has a different personality. Take the actor I just played, for example. I made him a dismissive, smooth-talking, and mischievous character. Did you see how convincing I was? Those players ate it all up.”

“Hey, why don’t you try to cry?”

Gong Yu was puzzled. “Cry?”

“Yeah, cry. Like tears falling from here, from your eyes. People cry when they’re sad.”

Gong Yu stared blankly at Shi Qing, who was pointing at his own eyes. He nervously looked down. “I have never been sad. What does sadness feel like?”

“What does it feel like..?” Youthful Shi Qing was stumped too. “You just feel sad when you’re sad, ah.”

Gong Yu still didn’t understand.

“How to describe it... Forget it, forget it. Just watch and learn. I could fool those players so that means I’m really good at acting. Watch me, and I promise you’ll learn how to cry.”

Youthful Shi Qing, who had seemingly forgotten about how he had to bribe the players with dark crystals before they accepted the task, self-righteously said, “You’re an AI, so you don’t have a personality or human emotions. How about this? We’ll keep playing in Myriad Flower Valley for the time being as different characters each day. I’m sure you’ll get it eventually.”

Gong Yu was a bit happy. “Every day?”

“Of course every day. I don’t have anything to do in the real world, so I might as well have fun here.”

Shi Qing watched as his past self very confidently patted his chest and promised again.

He closed his eyes slightly, as if already anticipating it being broken in the future.

In the period that followed, the duo started playing out various roles to fool the players. They assigned all sorts of odd tasks.

Sometimes, Shi Qing was the school bully, and Gong Yu was the top student. Shi Qing would assign the task of stealing the top student’s Buddhist pendant.

Sometimes, Shi Qing was a bodyguard, and Gong Yu was a scientist. The two of them would ask the player to arbitrate a dispute of theirs.

Sometimes, Shi Qing was a disciple, and Gong Yu was his shifu. As teacher and student turned against each other, they dragged the players into their conflict.

Sometimes, Shi Qing was an uncle, and Gong Yu was his nephew.

Sometimes, Shi Qing was a slave, and Gong Yu was his master.

Sometimes, Shi Qing was a subordinate, and Gong Yu was a vixen with a big tail.

The players of ‘Descent of Chivalry’ were practically at the ends of their ropes.

This Myriad Flower Valley sidequest basically changed on a weekly basis, to their utter misery. But the allure of huge rewards made them grit their teeth and press onwards.

Youthful Shi Qing was having the time of his life. He beamed brighter and brighter by the day. He also enjoyed spending time with Gong Yu ingame more and more as time went on.

Apart from sleeping and eating, he basically spent the rest of his time in this VR game with Gong Yu messing with people all over the place.

Shi Qing watched the duo have fun every day, but he knew in his heart that the end was nigh.

Sure enough, one day, the two played their last game.

Youthful Shi Qing was a cold and aloof cultivator, and Gong Yu was a Sect Master with deviant intentions towards the righteous faction.

The two were busy dramatically issuing tasks to the players when Gong Yu suddenly noticed that the Shi Qing in front of him was starting to fade away.

This effect was part of the log-off sequence.

But Shi Qing always told him in advance before he left. And every time that time came, Gong Yu would sit quietly by where Shi Qing used to be with his eyes wide open, obediently waiting for his return.

But this time, Shi Qing didn’t say anything in advance.

The youth gradually becoming transparent seemed equally surprised. He subconsciously reached for Gong Yu.

Gong Yu also reached out, but he failed to grasp that familiar warmth. His hand came up empty.

His mind went blank. Dazed, he helplessly clenched his fingers, still frozen in midair.

His expression was like that of a child in disbelief who hadn’t reacted to his candy getting stolen yet.

But Shi Qing knew that he meant so much more to Gong Yu than mere candy.

The player who was listening attentively to their assigned tasks was dumbfounded, “?? This guy’s a player too??”

Gong Yu ignored him.

Once he realized that youthful Shi Qing had really logged off, he immediately dropped the act and silently sat down by where Shi Qing had disappeared, quietly waiting for him to come back online.

He waited for an hour. The player was sent away.

He waited a day. The confused players who couldn’t get into the Myriad Flower Valley were discussing outside.

He waited a week. The developers who came to Myriad Flower Valley for maintenance after receiving complaints were unable to get inside.

He waited a month. The players gradually moved on to the next new sidequest. They only speculated about what was going on with Myriad Flower Valley occasionally on the forums.

A year went by. ‘Descent of Chivalry’ implemented a weather system. It would be rainy, windy, or sunny at specific times everyday.

Gong Yu silently hugged his knees and sat where he was. He held the tanghulu that he took out on the second day Shi Qing didn’t come back.

This was the way Shi Qing had taught him to sit.

Beside him was the place Shi Qing should appear when he came back.

He was also holding a tanghulu. Shi Qing loved to eat tanghulu the most. He even said that he liked it best when it was in someone else’s hand.

He sat there, quietly, silently waiting.

Gong Yu endured the wind, the rain, the snow.

But his sun never arrived.

In the second year, tanghulus were removed from the game.

Even the tanghulu in his hand slowly disappeared.

When he realized it was gone, Gong Yu, who still didn’t know how to cry after all this time, stared blankly at his still grasping hand.

Shi Qing had bought that for him.

But now, there was nothing there.

He blinked, and tears started streaming from his eyes, sliding down his cheeks.

– “I have never been sad. What does sadness feel like?”

– “You just feel sad when you’re sad, ah.”

Gong Yu slowly curled into himself. He sat on the ground, slowly tightening his grip on his knees.

Burying his face, he cried his heart out.

He finally learned.

So this was sadness.

Author’s Corner

Everyone! I’m early today~

Aren’t I super great?

Don’t you all want to give me nutrient fluid?

Gimme, gimme! Muamuamuamua! Randomly sending out red pockets!


Aaaahhhh. Dear author, why must you do this to me... My heart... _:( ́ཀ’」 ∠):_

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