
Chapter 1700 - This Is The Only Thing, That I Cannot Just Let Go

Chapter 1700: This Is The Only Thing, That I Cannot Just Let Go

“Lea, I know you hurt for me. However, those matters to me had already passed for a thousand years, and no matter how deep the hatred and reluctance were, they have become negligible with time. So now, I really no longer have any hate towards them.”

Lea looked at Gu Mengmeng silently, only smiling after a while, “Despite having been through so much for a thousand years, you, still are as soft-hearted as you once were. You clearly frowned and your eyes turned red upon hearing her name, your fists are clenched so tightly and your whole body is tense. But you still want to go against your will to say you would forgive?”

Gu Mengmeng shook her head, “She destroyed my family, snatching away the calm and merry life that I could have lived. I cannot forgive her, and can never. However, not forgiving does not equate to hating. I do not want her to be the dark side of my life, and do not want that such a measly person like her can have the ability to cause my inner struggles anytime. I would also not wish that you, or the other males in the family, become stained with her dirty blood. Do you understand me?”

Lea shook his head, then gently kissing Gu Mengmeng on her forehead, “Sorry, Mengmeng. I clearly agreed to listen to you for everything, but this time I have to let you down. This is the only thing that I cannot just let go.”

Gu Mengmeng sighed softly.

She did not want to sound like a Holy Mother, saying things like they had to forgive, guide her back to the right path and help her before living lovingly together no matter how much she had hurt her.

She was the Beast Deity, but was not a deity that had so much love for the people.

She did not have such a kind heart like that of Buddha, neither did she have the optimism and wisdom of Jesus.

She believed in the reincarnation of heavenly law and karma.

If one uses kindness to repay hatred, how do we repay kindness then?

So, she said she did not hate Wang Suyun not because of Wang Suyun herself, but for the males in her family.

It was very very tiring to hate someone.

Especially Lea, for there was already a big piece of darkness that he could not erase from his life. He had been entangled by hatred, and still was unable to struggle out from it even after mating with her.

Since a thousand years have passed, he had finally forgotten about the hatred, and could bathe under the sun without worrying about being entangled in any filthiness, like the clean snow on the peak of the Motuo mountains.How could she bear to use her “past” to drag him back into the abyss of hatred?

Her heart hurt for her own men!

“What extent are you willing to go until you are willing to stop?” Gu Mengmeng did not want to reprimand Lea much, for at the end of the day, he was only like that because he hurt her.

Lea pursed his lips, answering honestly, “I will stop, once the three of them die. After all, Mengmeng already said, “one should not punish one’s family for one’s wrongdoings”.”

Gu Mengmeng nodded, and did not try to persuade him further.

On most things, Lea was flexible, especially willing to listen to Mengmeng and cooperate with her without principle.

However, for certain areas, he was stubborn, being even more difficult to convince than the other three males in the family.

Since he had already decided to torture the three from her father’s family to death, then he could certainly do it.

Even if Gu Mengmeng pleaded, it was most likely useless.

Sighing, she said, “So, out of those three, only that woman is alive?”

Lea looked coldly towards the dungeon, the edges of lips curling up, replying, “No, they are all alive.”

“All?” Gu Mengmeng asked, shocked, “Didn’t you already tear off her daughter’s skin to transplant to Fei Rui?”

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