
Chapter 10 – Seed of Rebellion I

Chapter 10 – Seed of Rebellion I


Once again, Old Scho’s coffee was delicious today.

In that sense, as in the previous run, I’d like to share another story from the 50th run.


The 50th run was the one where our SG Man, Seo Gyu, established SGNet for the first time.

In many ways, SGNet became a turning point in the Awakened society.

Before that, Awakeneds operated separately, forming their own guilds. Occasionally, they would unite when tackling major gates, but for the most part, guilds were exclusive to each other.

However, SGNet brought them to a new horizon.

-[Satisfaction] CookingKingBee: Want inner peace? Join the Satisfaction Guild! Main base is in Daejeon!

-[ThreeThousand] WitchTrialLeader: Busan. Under 40s. Prefer Awakeneds with levitation ability. Prefer Awakeneds with magic ability. Inquiries via whispers. May not check whispers from 11 PM to 9 AM.

-[HundredBlossoms] HighSchool6thGrader: ★Friendly club HundredBlossoms is recruiting new friends to join us★ (^_^)!

SGNet was essentially open only to Awakeneds.

Guilds, keen on recruiting as many high-quality Awakeneds as possible, naturally took notice.

They actively promoted their guilds.

At some point, guild members began marking their affiliation with brackets before their nicknames, and this became a tradition on SGNet.

It was convenient for us to obtain information about Awakeneds, and Awakeneds also appreciated having a means to promote their guilds openly.

Of course, SGNet didn’t bring only positive influences.

-KoreanVillage: Fucking idiots stick together.

The so-called KoreanVillage villain.

He was an Awakened who joined as a full member as soon as SGNet was established. He didn’t join any guild.

In reality, he might have been affiliated with a guild, but at least he didn’t display the guild name.

Even as time passed, Awakeneds who stuck to solo playing, like KoreanVillage, were quite common besides the villain types.

But such individuals generally kept a low profile and remained unnoticed by others.

Most lone wolves on SGNet tended to operate as non-members.

-KoreanVillage: Heard a gate opened in Chungju yesterday? Population decreases, food distribution becomes easier, sweet deal.

KoreanVillage’s unique history was that he had no intention of hiding himself.

He not only became a full member and displayed his nickname but also freely indulged in sarcasm.

SGNet naturally had fewer troublemakers. After all, it was a site created by the transcendent Constellation.

Even if someone wanted to curse, it was natural to do so anonymously as a non-member.

In such a situation, KoreanVillage villain, who cursed like “what the hell is this about the Constellation and all,” inevitably attracted people’s attention.

-KoreanVillage: HundredBlossoms? Friendship club? What kind of bullshit friendship is that when the world’s gone to hell? Kids who haven’t grown hair should stop living long and run away to a foreign country. This country is doomed.

└[HundredBlossoms] HighSchool6thGrader: Ouch. That’s harshㅠ_ㅠ)……

└[Satisfaction] CookingKingBee: Words reflect thoughts, and thoughts mirror oneself like foggy rain on a cloudy day. How about using clearer and brighter language?

Even beyond his aggressive tone, KoreanVillage villain actively picked fights with other members.

He didn’t discriminate between strong and weak opponents.

Especially, the HundredBlossoms guild was destined to become a large guild representing South Korea (in a negative sense) in the future. Only I, as a Regressionist, knew that for now.

The reactions of other members were naturally not favorable.

-Anonymous: Crazy bastard.

-[Yuldoguk] SwordGuardian: Shouldn’t we just block that kid?

-Anonymous: Just shut up and eat shit; you’re getting too much attention for being a troublemaker.

-[ThreeThousand] WitchTrialLeader: Frankly, I don’t want to see this.

-ZERO_SUGAR: Member, you’ll end up with a big nose if you keep doing that.

But the more aggro he attracted, the more excited KoreanVillage villain became.

-KoreanVillage: ㅗ

As the world began to fall apart, large communities dried up. They were just taking up unnecessary traffic.

The internet world fragmented into small, closed communities like decades ago. Aggro fishers lamented in the low water.

To them, SGNet was like a newly rebuilt paradise.

-KoreanVillage: Frankly, if you have a conscience, all the old folks should kill themselves.

-Yeah, even the stockpile the government kept has run out, and they’re pushing the kids to the gate frontlines with only one gun per person.

-In this situation, what are useless old folks leeching off the young ones for? Sucking the life out of them for a bit of movie enjoyment? Have they lost both brain cells and conscience? Seriously, if they don’t think they’re a burden to their children, they should just die already.

He seemed to particularly hate the elderly.

KoreanVillage villain made sure to post “all old folks must die” every day as if determined to justify his nickname.

A kind of steady rant.

Some Awakeneds chimed in.

-Anonymous: Hmm.

-Anonymous: This bastard’s a piece of shit, but he’s right about the oldies being gross.

Of course, the majority of members found KoreanVillage villain’s posts repulsive.

– SonLove: He seems young, but his words are too harsh…

└ KoreanVillage: Old fart? Look at the disgusting nickname. Why are you still alive? Enjoy sucking your son’s spine?

-[Yuldoguk] SwordGuardian: Those bastards must be out of their minds.

-[Satisfaction] CookingKingBee: Brother, if you have a secret you can’t tell anyone, feel free to consult with me anytime. People not only kill each other but also live because of each other.

└ KoreanVillage: Just shut up already.

└ Anonymous: This guy even says bad things to CookingKingBee. Ugh.

-Anonymous: Seems like they all grew up without parents.

-[HundredBlossoms] HighSchool6thGrader: Ouch. Oppas, please don’t fight (ㅠ_ㅠ)……

-ZERO_SUGAR: Member, you’ll end up with a big nose if you keep doing that.

└ KoreanVillage: ㅗ

As pointed out by some non-member Anonymous, ignoring is the answer for attention seekers.

But many Awakeneds seemed to be experiencing an internet community for the first time.

“Wow, he’s really disgusting…”

Among them was Seo Gyu, the site operator.

“Hyung. Shouldn’t I block that guy?”


Seo Gyu chuckled at my quick response.

“Why not?”

“Because you’re not supposed to seem human.”

“Excuse me?”


I assembled sentences in my mind.

As the years of regression passed, my words became shorter and shorter. So I consciously tried to make them longer.

“To the Awakeneds, the operators of this site are representatives of the Constellation. They are apostles of the Constellation, still only known to be one person in Korea. If you show human emotions like anger, sadness, or anger, you may get a response immediately, but ultimately, your authority will be undermined in the future.”


“Seo Gyu, you should seem to live in a completely different dimension. Only in one case, when the ‘nameless apostle of the Constellation’ is insulted, should you appear frontally. KoreanVillage villain has never insulted the Constellation. So just leave him alone.”

Seo Gyu made a puzzled expression.

He probably didn’t fully understand.

But it didn’t matter. Just the fact that he didn’t fire back with a notice like ‘What the hell are you talking about, you fucking bastard!’ meant Seo Gyu had realized his role.

“So what should I do? Just leave it as it is?”

“No. It means don’t step in.”

I murmured over my coffee.

“You never know until you look into the world.”


One day.

-TodayJoined: Damn it, my father passed away.

A few years after SGNet was created, a long post appeared on the bulletin board.

Here’s what it said:

-I used to operate anonymously, but I joined to post this.

-I went monster hunting today and bought some glutinous rice sausages for the first time in a while, but when I returned to the dormitory, my father was gone, leaving only a letter. He wrote not to look for him, but do I look like I wouldn’t?

-So for the past four days, I’ve been frantically searching the neighborhood. And I finally found him by the river in the neighboring neighborhood. He couldn’t even move his waist or legs, so I don’t know how this gentleman managed to walk all the way here.

(Picture attached)

-Since all the Awakeneds here know that people are dying left and right, I’ve blurred the image roughly.

-A few graveyards used to be around, but nowadays, there aren’t even those. They just lay people in the fields when they die and let the monsters eat them. Damn itㅎㅎ.

-I have a priest friend who uses fire magic, so I begged her. She always complains at drinking parties that people treat her like a human graveyard because everyone around her thinks she’s carried more corpses than monsters. But I never thought I’d end up making this request too.

-My father was also an Awakened. F-rank. His abilities were useless, but thanks to him, he could chat with people on SGNet. His nickname was ‘SonLove,’ but I don’t know if anyone knew him.

-Yesterday, on the way back from meeting my sister, I was reading the comments my father wrote, and damn it, this guy ‘KoreanVillage’ caught my eye. He’s been telling my father to commit suicide?

(Picture attached)

-I know you didn’t kill my father. But the fact that scum like you exists is disgusting in itself.

-I’ll give all my possessions to anyone who kills or tells me where KoreanVillage is. I’m not lying. Send me a whisper.

-Since you’re teasing members who are active as regular members, you seem confident in your skills. Let’s see if you can still babble nonsense with an axe in your head.

The post by ‘TodayJoined’ caused a stir on SGNet.

-Anonymous: Oh my……

-[Yuldoguk] SwordGuardian: May the deceased rest in peace.

-[Samcheon] WitchTrial: May the deceased rest in peace.

-Anonymous: No way, right?

-[Satisfaction] CookingKingBee: How much grief must you be feeling? I don’t know what words to use to comfort you. Your father must have gone to a happier place.

-[HundredBlossoms] HighSchool6thGrader: Ouch (ㅠ_ㅠ)……

-Anonymous: Is this for real?

-dolLHoUse: Mourning.

The post quickly became popular after being uploaded. It surpassed 300 recommendations and received hundreds of comments.

Ninety-nine percent of the comments were mourning the author’s father.

In other words, there was one percent of exceptions.

-KoreanVillage: Idiot. I’m a Canadian immigrant, how do you plan to kill me? Come and see for yourself. You old maniacsㅎㅎ.

└Anonymous: Wow, he’s disgusting to the end.

This outrageous response sparked outrage among numerous members.

“Hey, is this guy really a Canadian immigrant?”

“I doubt it.”

I shook my head.

“Of course it’s a lie. He joined as soon as SGNet was created. So he logged in right after receiving the Saintess’s message, but the Saintess can’t send messages to Canada.”


“There’s a possibility he went to Canada after that… But looking at the login time, it doesn’t seem likely.”

My guess was correct.

“He lives in Korea.”

The Saintess said with closed eyes.

It was easy to tell what ability she was using now. If she’s gathering her hands, it’s telepathy. If she’s closing her eyes, it’s clairvoyance.

Even if it’s an S-rank ability, there must be constraints to using it.

“I’ll guide you telepathically.”

“Thank you. Also, can you locate ‘TodayJoined’?”

“Wait a moment… Yes, I’ve pinpointed it.”


I felt the usefulness of the Saintess and Seo Gyu anew.

If it weren’t for them, obtaining such trivial information would have been quite difficult.

Then the Saintess murmured.

“But this KoreanVillage…”

“Hmm? What about him?”

“…His identity seems diverse. He’s a bit peculiar.”

The Saintess stirred her coffee expressionlessly.

I shrugged once and logged into SGNet with my regular member ID and left a comment for KoreanVillage.

As a final piece of advice.

-ZERO_SUGAR: Member, watch your words.


An alert came as if waiting.

-KoreanVillage: ㅗ

I nodded.

That’s right. Kids these days really lack netiquette.

It was appropriate to manage such rudeness promptly. Even if it meant ensuring the success of the ambitious SGNet project.

Certainly, if you calculate all the regression lifespans, I’m not scratching KoreanVillage’s behavior because I’m overwhelmingly the oldest person in the world.

Absolutely not.

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