
Volume 7, 2: The Rebellion is Starting – Part 1

Volume 7, Chapter 2: The Rebellion is Starting – Part?1

Present – December 28, 1926

The party’s organizer was Kyasariro.

Originally it was a party meant for Armed Librarians only. However, Kyasariro sent a special invitation to several people with relations to Armed Librarians. Minth Chezine, who had quit his job as an Armed Librarian nine months ago, obviously didn’t come. Also the whereabouts of Enlike, the one who did the most for defeating the Indulging God Cult, were unknown.

Another person to receive a written invitation was Olivia Littolet.

“So you came, Olivia-san!”

Kyasariro said and grabbed Olivia’s hands excitedly.

“Thank you for calling me. But is it really fine I’m here? I feel so out of place.”

“It’s fine. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t have invited you.”

“Oh well. I will try to enjoy myself. But before that…”

Saying so, Olivia tried taking Mirepoc with her.

“You don’t have to do that.”

Kyasariro immediately took Mirepoc’s body.

“C’mon Matt-san, you take her. You can’t let Olivia-san handle it.”

Saying this, she pushed Mirepoc on Mattalast. Being waved about, she made a strange ‘kweee’ sound.

“You don’t have to worry about me. You’re gonna have stiff shoulders if you worry too much.”

“Don’t say that. You’re a guest, Olivia-san. You’re much more important that this idiot, this playboy, or that psycho killer.”

Kyasariro pointed at Mirepoc, Mattalast and Hamyuts in turn.

“That’s saying too much, right, Mattalast?”

Olivia spoke to Mattalast.

“Well, I don’t know…”

Kyasariro kicked Mattalast’s shin.

“Shut up, c’mon now, all of you nuisances go elsewhere.”

“Good grief. But really, that Mirepoc… I hope she won’t throw up on me.”

While grumbling, Mattalast carried Mirepoc’s body and left.

“Olivia-san, this isn’t much of a party but I hope you’ll enjoy it. There’s at least good food and drinks.”

“Yeah, I’ve eaten a bit and it’s quite something. Who made it?”

“Do you know Rizzly? He only got promoted to an Armed Librarian recently, but it’s him.”

“I do. That wicked brat… so he made this, huh.”

Olivia was surprised.

“I’ve gotten hungry, let’s go eat.”

The two of them walked together inside the hall. Kyasariro picked up food and drinks while clinging to Olivia.

They were on good terms. Or rather, Kyasariro one-sidedly liked Olivia.

Seven months ago, Kyasariro came to know about her in an unimaginable way. Until then, she didn’t even know Olivia was alive, nor about the fact that she even existed.

May 1926

Half a year after the war ended, most of the work – the reorganization of the Armed Librarians, the reconstruction of the town, and the annihilation of the Indulging God Cult – was completed. Even the concern about the truth of the Indulging God Cult was settled with Yukizona’s hypothesis.

At last the Armed Librarians started having some free time.

A certain suspicion began to be whispered among Kyasariro and others. It spread quietly but surely among the Armed Librarians.

It was about the incident that occurred during September of the last year, the Volken’s Rebellion Incident.

After the Deep Blue Curse Rebellion, Noloty’s Book had been sent to Bantorra.

From that, the betrayal of Armed Librarian Daltom came to light. He betrayed the Armed Librarians swayed by the bait known as Heaven. He escaped from Minth’s eyes and conducted himself as to not raise any suspicions of betrayal. He secretly leaked information about the Library to Kachua.

Daltom’s Book had not been excavated, but Kyasariro thought that she would smash it to pieces if they ever did find it.

Also, by finding out about Daltom’s betrayal, a certain question rose.

What if, during Volken’s Rebellion Incident, he wasn’t the one to kill Vizac? During that day, the one to tell the Armed Librarians that Vizac had died was Daltom. What if Daltom was not the first one to discover him, but the actual culprit?

Another doubt was raised from that.

Had Volken actually betrayed them?

There were many mysteries surrounding Volken’s betrayal. Stealing the Spinning Doll ückück, bringing Renas Fleur along with him and then killing her, as well as killing Vizac, were undoubtedly actions of betrayal. However, his goal was unknown. There were too many inexplicable parts to his actions.

From what Hamyuts had revealed Volken’s goal was first the recapture of ückück. It seemed that the Indulging God Cult embedded it with an important Magic Right. And it seemed that Renas Fleur’s original personality was connected to that Magic Right.

Even Hamyuts had no idea whether or not Volken killed Vizac. She said that thinking of the situation, she couldn’t help but thinking that he did.

Everyone thought that it was a too vague of an explanation.

And once Daltom’s betrayal had been uncovered, their suspicions resurfaced.

So did Volken not actually betray them? They trusted his personality even now. And their trust for Hamyuts was much below that.

Kyasariro spoke to Gamo about this. They have teamed up countless of times in the past. They felt at ease with each other.

The two hid in the shadows of the weapons warehouse behind Bantorra Library and conversed.

“However, the fact that Daltom betrayed us doesn’t prove that Volken didn’t.”

Gamo carefully spoke his opinion.

“It’s not a proof, but a suspicion’s a suspicion.”

Kyasariro didn’t have any of her usual childish atmosphere. She acted differently during normal times and abnormal times.

Although she wasn’t one of the very strongest, she was still obviously one of the Armed Librarian’s big guns. The glint in her eyes became extremely sharp.

“If so, does that mean that everything the Director said was a lie?”

“…Did you hear Volken’s speech? He said that he was going to expose the Director’s misdeeds.”

“In other words, he was silenced?”

Kyasariro nodded.

“Daltom killing Vizac was probably unexpected even for the Director. Because she didn’t know about his betrayal at the time.

She then made good use of it to frame Volken as a traitor.”

The moment she said so, Kyasariro and Gamo looked around them. They confirmed over and over that they weren’t being overheard by Hamyuts’s Sensory Threads.

“If that’s true, how was Renas Fleur involved? And what about the Spinning Doll?”

“I don’t know. After all, both Volken’s and Renas’s Books haven’t been excavated.”

“Where did Renas Fleur go to, I wonder.”

“I don’t want to think of it, but maybe the Director…”

The two of them exchanged glances. And they spoke with bated breath.

“Kyasariro. What will you do in the worst case scenario?”

“Can’t you tell without asking? I will fight.”

Kyasariro’s eyes were tinged with the color of a sharp blade.

“Can you do that?”

“I’m not a person who’ll let herself be brought to a trial quietly. So I have no choice.”

“…Seems like it’ll be huge.”

“It’s too much for me alone. I have to gather allies.”

“Don’t be rash. Fighting against the Director is the worst case scenario.”

“No matter what happens, let’s discuss with other people as well.”

Not only Kyasariro and Gamo made such conversations. Plenty of other Armed Librarians had the same suspicions.

And when a disturbing air was beginning to envelop Bantorra Library… Kyasariro and the rest met with someone unbelievable.

When Mattalast suddenly said that he was going to reveal the truth about the incident with Volken, everyone was surprised. Kyasariro and the rest gathered in Bantorra Library’s small conference room and waited for him to come.

“Will he really reveal the truth?”

Said Mirepoc.

“It’s Mattalast-san. We can trust him.”

Luik laughed.

“I wonder, I think that there are also things we can’t trust him on.”

Gamo said with a sharp expression. Kyasariro also nodded.

“Yeah. Truth be told I don’t really understand Master Matt. We’re on quite good terms, but… I have the feeling not all of him is visible.”

Although he was lazy and a slacker, everyone acknowledged his brains and fighting abilities. The one supporting Hamyuts was undoubtedly him. And so it was hard to trust him. There were also rumors that Mattalast was not slacking off, but working behind the scenes on Hamyuts’s orders.

Mattalast came into the noisy conference room while smoking his pipe. He had his usual aloof expression.

And the very first thing he said…

“Well then everyone, first I must apologize to you. I actually knew the truth about Volken’s Rebellion Incident for a long time. I’m sorry for staying silent about this.”

He spoke in a light tone as if apologizing for slightly cheating on his lover. That puzzled Kyasariro and the rest even more.

“What does that mean?!”

Luik stood up.

“I said I’d explain it. Well, rather than me, it’s better for the related party to do so. Come inside.”

Everyone expected Hamyuts to come in. However, when they saw the face of the person who appeared there, everyone rose from their seats.

It was the unforgettable Renas Fleur.

“You’re alive?!”

“Why did you only now…?”

Renas smiled boldly at the Armed Librarians’ voices. She then sat in the seat next to Mattalast.

“Firstly… right now I am not Renas Fleur. I’m this body’s original personality, Olivia Littolet.”

She started her explanation towards Kyasariro and the rest of the confused people.

“I will explain from the very beginning. It will be a long story, so listen.

I was captured by the Indulging God Cult more than ten years ago in the war of the Kuler Region. As you know, my memories were erased by the water of Argax and I was kept by the Cult.

But I wasn’t a woman who would yield to them. I had something I had to regain. The memories of the comrades who were on the battlefield with me… the vague memories of my family… and above all, I wanted to regain a human-like heart.”

Olivia continued her explanation. She told them of how she buttered up the Magician known as Charlot and received the Spinning Doll ückück. She gathered comrades and made a desperate Magic Deliberation. It was discovered and so both her memories and the Spinning Doll were taken away from her.

“And then I was made into Mokkania’s mother. You all know what happened after that.”

Kyasariro nodded. Mattalast smoked his pipe happily next to Olivia.

“And then what happened?”

“The Spinning Doll that we have used went into the hands of the Armed Librarians. The Indulging God Cult always feared this. Because if the Meats were to have their memories back, the Cult would receive a heavy blow. It was then that Volken made a move.”

“So he did betray us!”

The excited Luik stood up. She’s still talking, Kyasariro muttered and pulled his sleeve to make him seat again.

“Using Volken, the Indulging God Cult stole the Spinning Doll. However, they were still anxious. There was the possibility that the Magic Right could still be activated as long as the Spinning Doll existed.

Around that time, Renas started retrieving my memories. Volken noticed that and took me along. He wanted me to cancel the Magic Right embedded in the Spinning Doll.”

“So that’s how it was…”

“So he killed Vizac-san and tried threatening me to cancel the Spinning Doll. Hamyuts made it in time and defeated Volken. Then, I activated the power of the Spinning Doll and restored my memories.

After that, it was obvious that the Indulging God Cult would aim for my life. I asked Hamyuts to pretend I have died.

And that’s about it. Did you all get it?”

Olivia, having finished talking without stopping, took a breath. Although she spoke in a detached manner, this alone showed how fierce the road she went through was.

She was an outrageous person. Although she had no power, she deceived the Indulging God Cult and fought them alone to the bitter end. How was she compared to those who relied on power and their organization to continue fighting from a safe place?

“Olivia-san, you’re amazing.”

Kyasariro rushed over and grabbed Olivia’s hands.

“We’re ashamed of ourselves. We haven’t helped you even while you were fighting like that.

It’s almost as if you were the one to destroy the Indulging God Cult, Olivia-san.”

“Don’t mind it. The Cult was destroyed because you were here.


Olivia let go of Kyasariro’s hands.

“I’m somewhat blaming you for overlooking Volken.”

Saying so, Olivia hugged her body.

“He was horrible, just horrible… why didn’t you kill that sort of guy?”

Olivia’s eyes sparkled with faint tears. She hurriedly wiped off her eyes with her sleeve.

“Sorry I showed you my ugly side. I’ve recalled something unpleasant.”

Kyasariro was stunned. She could understand what Volken did from her behavior. Of all things, he…

“My goodness!”

Mirepoc hit her desk and rose. It seemed as if she was on the verge of starting a fight.

“He was such a person… shit, I’m angry at myself for trusting him even once!”

Gamo grinded his teeth.

“Please don’t mind it. I forgot about it. If you make such a big deal it makes me feel bad.”

Olivia made a reassuring smile. She’s a really strong woman, felt Kyasariro.

“Well, that’s how it was with Volken. Your suspicions for the Director are probably cleared up, right everyone?

From now on Olivia-san will be sheltered at the Library as a war refugee. If she ever has any trouble I trust you to help her.

Let us disperse here.”

Preventing Mattalast from wrapping up the conversation, Mirepoc raised a hand.

“Please wait. You should have revealed all of this sooner.”

Olivia made an eye signal to Mattalast. He made a small nod and Olivia started talking.

“I asked Mattalast-san to do this. Because although the Indulging God Cult was destroyed, we couldn’t lower our guard.”

Mirepoc tilted her head.

“Still, it’s been a long time. It’s been five months since the fight with the Cult ended.”

“Yeah, about that…”

Mattalast cut in. At that moment, Olivia snuggled up to his chest. She hit her index finger against his lips.

“That’s because he didn’t want to let me go.”

An extraordinary awkwardness befell the small conference room. A drop of sweat fell from Mattalast’s forehead.

“Well, since I tried comforting her, we became somewhat deeply involved. ‘I will protect you’, ‘I want you to only be mine’, by saying things like that we’ve slowly dragged on our relationship… Really, what a selfish guy. He just couldn’t let me go.”

“Then… from September of the last year, all this time… how i-indecent…”

Mirepoc opened her mouth agape.

“Ah, hahaha, ahahaha.”

Mattalast tried laughing to dodge the issue. Obviously, none of the Armed Librarians were laughing.

“Since you were never here, we always wondered where you went…”

Gamo stood up and turned to Mattalast’s back.

“I see, so that’s how it was. I get it, Matt-san.”

Kyasariro cracked her neck and fists.

“Death penalty. You really deserve the death penalty.”

Mirepoc also made an unpleasant face while looking at him.

Mattalast stepped back towards the door. However, Gamo came from behind him. He got solidly pinioned from behind.

“I’ll do it, I hope you don’t mind Olivia-san.”

Kyasariro asked Olivia as she did some bending exercises.

“Well, just do it gently.”

Olivia said, and ran away in haste.

“Wait, Olivia, this isn’t, part of the plan!”

Kyasariro reached sufficient distance, used the desk as a stepping stone and jumped up, nearly grazing the ceiling. Then, aligning the shoe soles of both legs, she hit Mattalast’s face splendidly.

Seeing Mattalast holding his nose, Olivia chuckled.

After that, Olivia began living in town. She returned to work at the same tailor shop from when she was Renas Fleur. Olivia herself never learned sewing, but Renas’s memories still stayed with her.

The Armed Librarians treated Olivia with gratitude and respect. Over the next seven months, she lived at Bantorra Library as a normal citizen with peaceful life.

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