
Epilogue - Rock Valley’s Heroic Legend

Epilogue: Rock Valley’s Heroic Legend

Iwatani Naofumi

As the Hero of the Shield, he was the leader of the Heroes who saved the world.

For his achievements in saving the world, he was praised as a savior.

After that, he got drawn into numerous incidents in the world, and solved them. He continued to make sure the people relied on him, but never depended on him.

He was much yearned for by the opposite sex, and it’s said that he had many descendants.

He was famed for both his business and cooking ability. The merchants who personally dealt with him created enterprises great enough that even now, their names are all around us.

Because of that, he became worshiped as the God of the Shield, presiding over business and culinary arts.

Rock Valley was the country he restored, and it’s said that it was named in the tongue of his origin.

It’s said that in the naming of Rock Valley, someone offered the following opinion:

“Oy, while you can see cliffs here by the sea, there’s no valley…”

It is unknown who voiced these words.

Kitamura Motoyasu

His name has been engraved into history as the Hero of the Spear who saved the world.

He valued Filo Rials more than anything, and it’s been said he was the Hero of Filo Rials, but after the world was at peace, he continued fighting for the Divine Birds. As he continued his battle, records of his whereabouts became vague.

Currently, specialists question whether he truly existed or not.

Amagi Ren

As the Hero of the Sword, he saved the world.

After that, in a separate organization than the Hero of the Shield, he resolved various problems around the world.

After pursuing affections for a single woman for many years, they finally married. And to make up the sin for killing a girl’s father, in the form of a dragon, it’s said that he also married that girl.

Kawasumi Itsuki

As the Hero of the Bow, he saved the world.

After the subjugation of the Goddess, he proclaimed that there was still evil in the world, and went on a journey with the Hero of the Projectile.

While records of him exist in all countries around the world, none of them told of exploits great enough for his name to be handed down.


As the Hero of the Hammer, she saved the world.

Considered the right arm of the Hero of the Shield, she was always with him. As his first wife, she wed him, and they had children.

Right now, much of Rock Valley’s royalty carries her blood.

But she never had a moment of rest with the Hero of the Shield’s female relations.

She often appears as the main character of many literary pieces of adventure.


As the Hero of the Claw, she saved the world.

It’s said that the Filo Rial raised by the Hero of the Shield became a human, and fought alongside him.

She got along well with the Hero of the Instrument, Melromark’s Queen, and stayed by her side when the world was at peace.

But once that Queen passed away, she suddenly vanished from the records, and like the Hero of the Carriage, it is unknown whether she truly existed or not.

Right now, there exists a famous Idol of the same name, so a few people wonder whether or not they are the same person; however, this connection is doubtful.


As the Hero of the Gauntlet, he saved the world.

He was one of the former slaves that make up the ancestors of Rock Valley, and he carried the blood of Silt Welt Royalty.

He achieved many things as the comrade of the Hero of the Shield, and was much loved by the villagers.


Her name is left in records as the existence that supported the Hero of the Shield.

During the battle with the legendary beast Houou, she lost her life prematurely.

After that, it is said that she was revived as a Spirit, but specialists hold this fact in doubt.

Melty Q. Melromark

The daughter of the Hero of the Cane, and the Hero of the instrument. She became one of the Heroes to save the world, and the Queen of Melromark.

Once the world was at peace, she offered assistance to the countries that had been lost in war.

She accomplished many feats, and her country experienced a long era of peace.

It’s said that she was a lover of Filo Rials, and there are vague accounts that she had intimate relations with a Filo Rial of the highest class.

After that, she was married to the Hero of the Shield, and had children eventually.

Trash Melromark XXXII

As the Hero of the Cane, and the King of Melromark, he saved the world.

In his youth, he left a name as the Great King of Wisdom, but he had a tendency to stray, and he formed an antagonistic relationship with the Hero of the Shield.

After that, they reconciled, and he poured his efforts into world peace.

Even after peace was achieved, he continued serving the country as his daughter’s aide.

There were many who were inspired by the noble way he lived.

Mirellia Q Melromark

The wife of the Hero of the Cane, and the former Queen of Melromark.

According to legend, she once died and was revived under enemy control, but the Hero of the Cane was able to dispel the brainwashing binding her.

But it has also been said that the one who was killed was merely her body double.

After that, she left the country to her daughter, and aided her alongside the Hero of the Cane.

Rishia Ivyred

As the Hero of the Projectile, she saved the world.

After that, she went on a journey with the Hero of the Bow, and spread her name to various places around the world.

According to legend, she was married to the Hero of the Bow.

But a few tales recount her as the comrade to the Hero to the Shield, and some of her assisting the Hero of the Spear. She’s a hero whose deeds are up to much speculation.

Even now, she’s written in as the protagonist of many literary works aimed at women.

Eclaire Seattle

As the Hero of the Katana, she saved the world.

She was the daughter of a feudal lord who tried to offer the same treatment to Human and Demi-Human alike in the Demi-Human persecuting country of Melromark.

The land she was given later in life became, like the Hero of the Shield’s village, a place where people passed their lives without discrimination by race.

Her relationship with the Hero of the Sword is often the subject of plays, but the actual individual’s personality remains a mystery.

Midori, Kuu and Marin

They took up the titles of Hero of the Axe, Hero of the Mirror and Hero of the Book respectively as they saved the world.

Some say that they were Filo Rials raised by the Hero of the Spear, and others that they were slaves.

But as depictions of them are even scarcer than those of the Hero of the Spear, their existences are under suspicion.


As the Hero of the Whip, she saved the world.

It’s been said that she was raised by the Dragon Emperor, and that she joined the Monster Tamer Guild. She is famous for solving various monster-related problems.

It has been said that the Hero of the Shield had given her a special title, but that name has been lost in transmission.

It has also been said she had some romance with her father’s enemy, the Hero of the Sword, but the specific details are unknown.


The Dragon Emperor that reigns over the monsters of the world.

The legends record that he participated in the fight to save the world, and much of his life was recorded by a researcher he encountered.

While it has been proven that these accounts are true, it has not been proven that the Dragon Emperor recorded in them was the real one, and the researcher is suspected of some fabrication.

Ratotil Anthreya

An alchemist who served by the Hero of the Shield’s side.

She got along well with the Hero of the Whip, and they worked together to solve various problems.

She treasured the monster by her side dearly, and there are theories that state this monster to be the predecessor of the Raphshild race that exists today.

At present, there is a continuing debate to determine whether these monsters were brought about by Ratotil, or the Hero of the Shield.


As the Hero of the Fan, she saved the world.

Her legends live on in the lore of many countries.

She earnestly fought to prevent a process called world assimilation, she often appears in stories pertaining to the Hero of the Shield.

She seems to have been waiting for someone, but it is uncertain whether or not they were reunited.

Many plays and novels have her reuniting with, and marrying that person.


As the Hero of the Scythe, she saved the world.

She is the progenitor of the race that continues to protect Rock Valley’s God Tree to this very day.

Because of her, the God Tree continues to be praised as a symbol of world peace.

Later, it was said she married the Hero of the Gauntlet, but the truth is uncertain.


As the Hero of the Harpoon, she saved the world.

She has earned fame for acting as a parent to orphans that gathered at the village that became Rock Valley, and for acting as a counsellor to the Hero of the Shield.

She has been described as a major lover of alcohol, and it’s been said that she exchanged many drinks with the Hero of the Shield.

It has also been said that she was later blessed with his children.


As the Hero of the Ship, he saved the world.

It’s been said that he was a monster created by the Hero of the Shield, and a pure-bred of the Raphshild race.

After the death of the Hero of the Shield, he disappeared along with his Filo Rials.

Specialists question his existence, and attribute him to the accomplishments of a large number of Raphshilds being treated as a single entity.


As the Hero of the Carriage, she saved the world.

It has been said she was a Filo Rial raised by legendary heroes of times passed, but the truth is uncertain. She was a Filo Rial Queeen.

A Monster Hero who’s existence is up to much scrutiny.

As with the Hero of the Ship, specialists claim that the actions of many Filo Rials were attributed to a single character.


A legendary blacksmith who supported the Heroes from the shadows.

If he had not existed, it has been said the Hero of the Shield wouldn’t have existed either; an unsung Hero.

The Hero of the Shield’s beloved armor is known to be one of his many creations.

It has been said that after that, with the aid of the Hero of the Shield, he gave birth to many masterpieces, but when he died, the Hero of the Shield’s legend died with him. While his weapons lit the coals for many wars around the world, what put an end to them was also his equipment.

His name continues to be honored as the God of all Blacksmiths.

Trinemier Lucullan Lisella Tereti Quariz

A blacksmith who supported the Heroes from the shadows, and one who learned the art alongside Elhart.

A Demi-Human who, together with Elhart, supported the Heroes, and created many weapons.

He was good at looking after others, and had good features. It is recorded that he was quite popular within Rock Valley.

Together with Elhart, he is honored as a God of all Blacksmiths.

Imya Lucullan Lisella Tereti Quariz

A clothing maker who supported the Heroes from the shadows.

Niece to Trinemier Lucullan Lisella Tereti Quariz.

A good friend of the Hero of the Scythe, and one who made various garments.

Her bloodline continues to produce prodigious tailors to this day.

Elrasla Grilaroc

A Hengen Musou style inheritor who supported the Heroes from the shadows.

She’s the one who spread the once-dead Hengen Musou style to the Heroes, and the inhabitants of Rock Valley, and the style is still practiced to this day.

It has been said that in order to let the Heroes escape from a vicious plot of the ex-country of Faubley, she stayed behind, and was once killed.

She was later revived along with Melromark’s former Queen, and opposed the Heroes.

By the actions of the Hero of the Projectile, and the Hero of the Katana, the brainwashing affecting her was dispelled.

Whether or not she actually died once before is up to question.


A Slave Merchant who support the Hero of the Shield from the shadows.

This name is only a conjecture towards his true one.

Through the Hero of the Shield’s aid, his name was spread around the underworld, but not out of the range of speculation.


A Merchant who supported the Hero of the Shield from the shadows.

He was the founder and first president of the Hickwaal Company that exists to this day.

While his commendable commercial spirit did not earn him a place in the world of legends, he went on to found countless enterprises after his meeting with the Hero of the Shield.


A Merchant who supported the Hero of the Shield from the Shadows.

He was the founder of the Sweed Company that exists to this day.

Together with Hickwaal, he stuck his hands into much of the world’s circulating wealth.

It has been said that at first, he worked as a conman, but after an encounter with the Hero of the Shield, he gained an understanding of the true nature of business, and had a change of heart.

Elena Haven

A Comrade to the Hero of the Spear, and a merchant who conducted business on the Hero of the Sheld’s land.

For the Hero of the Shield, who was known to be overly suspicious when it came to business, she was a rare individual who could converse normally with him.

During the construction of Rock Valley, she lent her power, and later continued to pour in aid.

Presently, her descendants have married into aforementioned Hickwaal and Sweed companies, and have gained the status of nobles.

Whether she was a comrade of the Hero of the Shield or Hero of the Spear is still up for debate by specialist.

One theory states that Raphtalia extended her hand to her, but that voice is the minority.


A Chivalrous Thief who left his own legend around the time of the Heroes.

He stole the gold of evil nobles and merchants, and offered support to those going through poverty. IT is said that he was the head and founder of the Chivalrous Thieves Guild.

He was an acquaintance of the Hero of the Shield, and a theory points to him being a bandit reformed by him.

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