
Chapter 146.2: Character Introduction *Includes spoilers up to Arc 6 (Part 2)

Chapter 146.2: Character Introduction *Includes spoilers up to Arc 6 (Part 2)

Order----Values rules and discipline, universal concepts, and emphasizes a well-organized society and law.

Chaos----Values individuals and their emotional thoughts, valuing will over social discipline and morality.

Neutral----Does not lean towards either Order or Chaos.

Good------Altruistic disposition. They put more importance on the morality they believe in than their own profit, and martyred for it.

Evil------Selfish disposition. Places importance on one\'s own interests and is willing to kick others down the road to achieve them.

Neutral------A moderate temperament that does not swing either way.

- How to read the names of the nobles of the kingdom

Example: (1) Gildanstein, (2) Kalnaros, (3) Vel, (4) Sarcarinea, (5) Alberan

1. Name: Gildanstein

2. The largest land in the area under his management: Kalnaros.

(This is simplified, originally, it\'s very long because it includes all of the areas under one\'s management.)

3. Male royalty with the right of succession to the throne: Vel. Female royalty: Vera.

4. Honorary title: Sarcarinea

5. Family (house) name: Alberan

Officially, between (4) and (5), military ranks such as Marshal or General, or words indicating royal court positions such as Prime minister, are added, or words indicating titles such as Grand Duke are added after the family name. However, since the horizontal letters are already too long, the necessary ranks and titles are written in kanji (Chinese characters) at the end of each sentence for the sake of clarity.

Basically, other than the family name, the title is not necessarily inherited by the child, but unless there is a particular problem, the legitimate son will customarily inherit the land and the title.

However, only the honorary title of 4, which indicates military exploits as a warrior, is not inherited.

- Height Profile Glossary (in cm)

The average height for men is around 175cm, and for women around 160cm.

+No entry: average height

+Medium build: average height

+High stature (tall/large): About 10 cm taller than average. In the case of men, if it is written as 6 shaku, it exceeds 180.

+Small stature (petite): About 10cm lower than average.

+Comparatively: Tall/petite is below average.

+Extremely (very): Tall/small is above average.

□ Survived until the end of Arc 6

◻ Died by the end of Arc 6

- ----Royal Prince Faction

◻ Gildanstein Kalnaros Vel Sarcarinea Alberan -- Order Evil

An aristocratic sommelier man who likes torture. Royal Prince. Archduke of Alberan Kingdom.

He used to be a virtuous prince who was gifted with talent and good character, pursuing only righteous ideals, but when he saw the reality of the political strife in the royal court and the corrupt noble society, he became sick because of his high ideals.

After that, he suddenly changed and began to enjoy entertainment using the weak.

He was sent to the battlefield by those who shunned him because he disgraced the royal family, but he won many victories and passed through the hellish battlefield again and again.

He is feared by the soldiers as the "Black Lion" due to his fearless courage and power, and the black armor he wears. He came to know that the ideals he sought still existed in the Bogan who risked his life on the battlefield to save his life, and the soldiers who wielded their swords for honor and cause. His evil deeds gradually faded away, but when he was falsely accused of usurping the throne by the Cursed Child, Kreschenta, he crossed swords with Bogan.

He succeeded in luring Krische to hunt down Selene, but was ultimately killed by Krische\'s single sword.

Even though he had fallen into the wrong path, he was still unable to forget his former ideals, but when he saw Krische defeat him with overwhelming power, he was finally freed from his obsession.

♦ Battle Command

An extremely aggressive commander. He prefers headhunting tactics above all else and aims to achieve decisive results by making the most of his abilities under any circumstances.

He prefers to be on the front lines, and prefers personal combat, but he also believes that victory is everything in warfare, and he will literally use any and all means at his disposal to achieve victory.

His obsession with victory is stronger than anyone else\'s, a dangerous being.

Appearance: Blond hair. Blue eyes. Tall and muscular. Beautiful.

Armor: Black lion plate mail.

→Krische: A monster left behind by Bogan, a demon born of the royal family. She is what the King he desired should be.

Strong points: Royal swordsmanship. Psychological insight. Entrapment. Tactics. Torture.

Likes: Battlefield. Wine. Women. Nobility.

Dislikes: those without pride. Those who have no attachment to their name.

Worries: None

◻ Felworth Zaran Driche Yagarinea Keithriton -- Order Good

A long-lived and knowledgeable grandfatherly man. Alberan Kingdom’s central general. Old (veteran) general. Alberan Kingdom’s Duke.

A legendary old general who has been active on the front lines for generations. He is over 100 years old and is the oldest commander, surpassing Eluga.

He has spent most of his active years on the battlefield, alongside King Alvarza, and his achievements have earned him the use of dragon-shaped armor and coat of arms, which were previously only allowed to royalty.

He learned royal swordsmanship from Alvarza and is Gildanstein\'s master in swordsmanship and tactics. He has known Gildanstein since he was a child and is well acquainted with his past.

He had always regretted that although Gildanstein was more talented than anyone else, he couldn\'t stand the world of the royal palace, where conspiracies swirled, and his heart suffered as a result.

He was also aware of the uproar over the treatment of Krische and Kreschenta, the Cursed Child, and was deeply distressed. However, he was also half-retired and knew that Alvarza, whom he had served, had killed the Cursed Child after much distress, so he could not interfere with the age-old custom.

He was the one who advised the previous king, Shervaza, who was troubled by infertility and infanticide, to temporarily imprison Krische.

In place of Aurugorn Hilkintos, who died in the civil war, he is now entrusted as the West General of the Kingdom.

♦Battle Command

His intuitive tactical command is of a very high level, born of his vast experience. His familiarity with the battlefield, which is in direct proportion to his experience, allows him to make calm decisions with a broad perspective in any situation.

Originally, he was not a genius and suffered many defeats in his youth, but by absorbing all of his experience, he has risen to the top of the kingdom. He has an eye for seeing through all kinds of tricks and schemes from his wealth of experience.

It would be difficult to defeat him unless you fight with a straightforward strategy based on superior military strength or innovative tactics, and even though he has stepped back from the line, he has not lost any of his power as a commander.

His fame reverberates throughout the Kingdom and even to neighboring countries, and it can be said that more than anything else his name is his greatest weapon.

Appearance: White hair. Blue eyes. Large build. Long beard. Narrow eyes. Wrinkled, tough face.

Armor: Platemail that resembles a dragon.

→Krische: A pitiful princess. An innocent (pure) girl.

Strong points: Royal swordsmanship. Tactics. Command operation.

Likes: Battlefield. Drinking. Reading. Sweet food.

Dislikes: Bitter black bean tea.

Worries: His own lifespan.

□ **Gertz Rinea Wiring** -- Order Good

A man who was not blessed like his fellow generals. The Kingdom’s former central general. Former Margrave.

A loyal soldier. He is an excellent general who rose from a centurion to a general with solid results in battle, but it was not because of talent, this is due to his blood-soaked efforts.

He is surrounded by an array of the Kingdom generals and corps commanders who could be called monstrous.

He is aware that he is inferior to them, and even so, he has worked hard without becoming rotten (let his ability rot), but he still cannot reach them.

He dreams of entrusting everything he had built up to someone else, and dreams of having his talented successor inherit everything, but Krische nipped it in the bud.

He has a similar personality to Dagra and is the kind of good soldier that Krische likes.

**Originally, as a central general of the kingdom, he was just a general who followed Gildanstein, who was a marshal, and is now under house arrest because of his surrender.

Although he lost his territories and had some of his personal property confiscated, Selene is satisfied with the result, and Selene is thinking about having him become a teacher at the military school once his mind and body settle down.**

♦Battle Command

He is a commander who has no talent, but has risen from a centurion to a general through hard work.

He is respected by the soldiers at the bottom of the ranks because of his long years of hard work, but he is not well received by others in the commanding ranks, who are strict to both themself and others.

His tactics are safe, and because he knows his own inability, he emphasizes basic tactics and does not take chances.

He has risen to the rank of general on his own merits, and his abilities are not low, but he is better suited to a supporting role than to a general role.

Appearance: White hair. Blue eyes. Muscular. Long beard.

Armor: Dark grey plate mail.

→Krische: A genius worthy of being called a monster that delayed the Dragon\'s Maw suppression. A ruthless killer.

Strong points: Lorca-style swordsmanship. Battlefield spearmanship. Tactical knowledge.

Likes: Honor. A proud soldier. Training the next generation.

Dislikes: Looting. Slaughter. Disobedience.

**Worries: Losing his meaning of life**.

- ----**Other Kingdom’s Noble

□ Dougleen Nakul Dogalinea Garhka -- Chaos Neutral

A man who is hopelessly unsuitable for formal appearance. A General in the southern part of the Kingdom. A Duke.

He was born as the eldest son of a noble family with royal blood, but he dislikes the noble way of being bound by various things, and spends his days drinking with commoners in bars.

As a result, he was shunned by his father and was thrown into the battlefield at a young age in a state of partial disownment, but there he demonstrated a rare talent and rose to become a general entrusted with the southern part of the Kingdom.

He loves the battlefield environment more than anything else, and he prefers drinking with his soldiers above all else.

His personality, which doesn\'t care about his social status, is well received by the soldiers, and they have a strong sense of loyalty to him.

He has had several drinks with Orugan, the famous general of Gulshan who uses various beasts, and is his most important playmate, even though they are enemies.

On the other hand, he is not good at dealing with the Holy Empire, which uses nomadic archers and cavalrymen to disrupt the rear, and he detests them.

Although his relationship with Gildanstein was not so bad, he was not interested in the civil war and refused to participate in it out of concern for Gulshan in the south and his debt to Christand in the war against the Holy Empire.

♦Battle Command

He is a fierce general who loves war itself and sometimes fights on the front lines himself to capture victory.

His character as a commander is similar to that of Kolkis, he values drills above all else and prefers straight-on, simple tactics.

However, because he often has to deal with Gulshan, who handles a variety of beasts including elephants, unlike Kolkis, he does not incorporate much heavy infantry, but rather increases the ratio of light infantry to increase the ability to deal with various situations.

Appearance: Hard black hair. Brown eyes. Muscular build of 6 shaku (~1.8 m). Bearded face.

Armor: Platemail with lion carvings.

→Krische: A genius acknowledged by Christand. If can he wish she would be his son’s bride.

Strong points: Battle axe. Zain swordsmanship. Face-to-face confrontation.

Likes: Sake. Woman. Battle. Personal combat. Elephant hunting.

Dislikes: Opponents who avoid fighting head-on.

Worries: Being ordered to reduce the southern defensive line.**

- ----**Gulshan Republic

□ Orugan -- Neutral Neutral

A man who is hopelessly unsuitable for formal appearance No. 2. The vice-chancellor of the Republic of Gulshan. Former royalty.

Although he was born into the Gulshan royal family, he disliked the widening disparity between rich and poor and the appearance of the royal family drowning in luxury, he stood up for the people and led a rebellion to establish a republic.

Having given up his status and power as a member of the royal family and fought for the people, he was a hero of Gulshan and had the power to take over anything he wanted, but he turned down the offer to become chancellor because he felt he would lose his original ambition if he himself, as a royal, was in the highest position.

His words were half true, but they weren\'t correct, and there was a strong part of him that simply hated being tied down by authority.

He preferred the battlefields where warriors fought with their pride above all else, and his subordinates, who knew him to be a war-mad maniac, believed that he rejected the position of chancellor because he didn\'t want to miss the battlefields.

Dougleen, a general in the southern part of the kingdom, is his favorite opponent, but their sympathetic upbringing and personalities make them friends, and they drink with each other after every skirmish.

However, they are war fanatics, and once they get into a fight, they can smile and kill each other.

♦Battle Command

He is a masterful commander of elephants and other beast soldiers in the army.

He prefers a bold head-on breakthrough by disrupting the enemy line with an elephant, but if that does not work, he will use surprise, ambush, or any other means to win the battle.

He believes that war is fought to win, and he uses all kinds of tactics to hunt down his enemies, but he does not surprise attack (foul play).

He is a hero in Gulshan, and his army maintains extremely high morale, even among conscripts.

Appearance: Stiff black hair. Dark brown eyes. Muscular build of less than six shaku. Bearded. Hairy. Sweaty. Tanned skin.

Armor: Lion carved plate mail.

→Krische: The opponent who reminded him of the fear that was about to be forgotten. A great enemy.

Strong points: Great curved swordsmanship. Operation of beast soldiers.

Likes: Drinking. Fighting. Personal combat. Strong man.

Dislikes: surprise attack (foul play).

Worries: Worried that Elsren will interfere with his fight.**

□ **Salvag -- Neutral Neutral

A hard-working man with a very difficult boss. He is the chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Gulshan. Formerly a shoemaker.

He used to be the son of a humble shoemaker, but when his young sister was killed by a nobleman, he swore revenge and joined the rebel army.

He had never held a sword before, but his prodigious talent with the sword awakened on the battlefield, and he became the head of the Gulshan army and its commander countless times on the front lines.

As the best swordsman in Gulshan who came from a commoner\'s background, he is known in Gulshan as the Orugan’s Sword.

He is mild-mannered and does not like to do rough things, but he has sworn allegiance to Orugan, who rebelled against and defeated the royal family and nobles of the time, and after the war, he continues to work to support Orugan as he has done before.

He is a man of ordinary appearance and lacks flair, but he has a brilliant mind and can speak four languages other than his native language Shaan.

♦Battle Command

Although he is more gifted as a commander of a century than as a commander of a large army, he is competent enough to command and operate an army.

He usually spends most of his time as Orugan’s assistant and bodyguard, which gives him a wide field of vision.

He hates to see his troops die in vain and is cautious by nature, but when he leads his own troops, he shows a different kind of aggression.

Appearance: Black hair. Dark brown eyes. Tall and slender. Bearded. Thin face (presence).

Armor: Lion carved plate mail.

→Krische: An amazing girl who cleaned her hands in front of other dignitaries after shaking their hands. A skilled swordsman.

Strong points: Curved sword swordsmanship. Caring for shoes.

Likes: Sweet food. Self-discipline.

Dislikes: nobility.

Worries: Orugan is looking forward to war with the kingdom.**

- ----Arna Imperial State

□ Miko (Shrine Maiden) Princess -- Order Neutral

A woman dressed as a young beautiful girl in a see-through costume. Leader of the Arna Imperial State.

She has been in power for 40 years and is the de facto leader of the Arna Imperial State, as well as the head of the priests.

In the Imperial State, the faith that worships the ancient dragon Yagernaus is more respected than anything else, she became a Miko at the age of 15, at which she gave up her name and assumed the role of a Miko princess.

Counted from Kreschenta and many generations ago, she has been associated with King of Alberan since the one before the last (two generation) and is the leader of the pro-kingdom faction.

In the Imperial State, there is a division between the northern faction and the kingdom faction, which believes that the relationship with the northern island countries should be deepened and developed rather than the kingdom, but she values harmony and stability above all else, and since her reign, the Imperial State has been very stable and has adopted a policy closer to the Kingdom.

She suspects that Kreschenta may have caused the current civil war in the Kingdom but does not consider it important in and of itself, and is simply trying to determine whether or not she is in the best interest of the Imperial State.

Appearance: Long black hair. Long, slanted blue eyes. Tall and slender. Mole under the eyes. Graceful (beautiful).

→ Krische: Same as Kreschenta, a Cursed Child. Would like to meet her once.

Strong points: Magic Crystal Technique Engraving. Public Face. Etiquette.

Likes: Basking in the sun. Taking care of flowers.

Dislikes: anything that disturbs the harmony of the Imperial State.

Worries: The two Cursed Child of the Kingdom.

□ Zanalibea -- Order Good

Unexpectedly, a man who loves honey. High Priest of the Arna Imperial State.

He is the oldest of the four High Priests, aged over 90.

He is the person most trusted by the Miko princess and is a pro-Kingdom figure.

In the empire, the faith that worships the ancient dragon Yagernaus is valued above all else, and when he became a priest, he abandoned his family name and devoted himself to the empire as a priest.

He has been involved in national politics for a long time, often serving as an emissary to the Kingdom, and has met Kreschenta before.

However, he was unable to see her true nature, and she had the lead in negotiations.

He has a big, sweet tooth and his taste buds are similar to Krische and Kreschenta.

Because of Kreschenta relationship with Bery, he considers Kreschenta to be a Cursed Child, but not a bad one.

Appearance: Gray hair brushed back. Brown eyes. Thin build. Deeply wrinkled face.

**→ Krische: A girl who exudes the power to push through the impossible. Sweet tooth. A sweet Cursed Child.**

Strong points: Negotiation. Diplomacy. Etiquette.

Likes: Tea. Honey. Cookies.

Dislikes: Bitter things.

**Worries: Cookies from the imperial State doesn\'t satisfy him these days.**

- ----The village of Kalka

◻ Grace -- Order Good

Scatterbrained, maternal girl. Krische adoptive (foster) mother. Gallen’s daughter.

She is a good woman who raised Krische, who was an abandoned child, and is the beginning of everything.

Without her, there is a strong possibility that Krische would have become a bandit.

She is the one who noticed from an early stage that Krische was distorted, raised her with strong affection as if she were her own daughter, and corrected her into a straight girl through repeated and diligent education without ever giving up.

Most of the values that Krische has in her mind were given to her by Grace, and thanks to her teachings, she is able to lead a proper life on the surface.

She is scatterbrained, clumsy and rough (crude).

It is no exaggeration to say that it was the bad taste of her cooking that led her to meet Krische to cook.

The homely side of Krische is largely made up of Grace\'s clumsiness and crudeness.

She was adored by the women of the village for her good nature and outgoing nature, and was a central figure in their lives.

Killed by Gado.

Appearance: Long black hair tied back. Dark brown eyes. Slender build. Large breasts. Freckled beauty.

→Krische: A gift from God. She is a bit unusual, but she is clever and well-behaved.

Strong points: Creating a good atmosphere. Clumsy. Education.

Likes: Household chores in general (bad at them). Gathering together.

Dislikes: Thug (Hooligan).

Worries: Leaving Krische alone.

◻ Gorka -- Order Neutral

A young, starry-eyed man with a strong popularity. Krische adoptive (foster) father.

He is a skilled hunter and organizer of the hunters. He is the one who picked up Krische when she was a young, abandoned child and raised her.

He found her in the woods on a hunting trip and took her to the village.

Without him, there is no doubt that the story would have ended there.

He was unsure whether to treat her as an abandoned child of the nobility because of her beauty and the clothes she was wearing, but when he saw his wife Grace taking care of her so diligently, he fell in love with her and decided to raise her as his daughter.

Like Grace, he has a strong affection for Krische, but he is also concerned about her chipped part, and he worries about them all the time.

In his true feelings, he is unable to completely deny the gossip about her having killed a child her own age.

Killed by Gado.

Appearance: Short black hair. Dark brown eyes. Tall and slender. Fearless. Mustache.

→Krische: Hardworking, kind, His proud daughter. She is a genius, but at the same time she is somewhat twisted.

Strong points: Command of hunters. Archery. Forest.

Likes: Hunting. Bow. Drinking.

Dislikes: outlaws.

Worries: Died not being able to protect his wife and daughter.

□ Gala --Neutral Good

An auntie with a lot of guts. She is Grace\'s older sister.

If Grace is the most beautiful woman in the village, Gala is the strongest woman in the village.

She is a big, lively woman who is in a position of being the leader of the women, and has been friends with Krische since she was picked up by the village.

She had an oven in her house, so Krische would often come to her house to bake pies.

She has a son who was killed by Krische, and when she was contemplating suicide due to her grief, Krische came to her house to borrow the oven and comforted her, which led her to develop a strong affection for her without knowing that she was the enemy of his son.

She is a person who was made unhappy and happy by Krische. Even after Krische leaves the village, she takes care of the house where Krische used to live so that she can come back whenever she wants, and occasionally bakes pumpkin pies to remember her.

**Although she learns the truth about the past because of Krische’s returns, she understands that she couldn\'t hold a grudge against Krische, and she still shows Krische, unchanging love on behalf of Grace and the others.

Krische had already become such an existence for Gala.**

Appearance: Black hair tied back. Brown eyes. Good build. Relatively well-rounded face.

→Krische: A person to whom she owes a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. She thinks of her as her own daughter.

Strong points: Housework in general. Funny story.

Likes: Baking pies. Taking care of her oven.

Dislikes: Bandits.

Worries: Disappeared.

□ **Pell --Neutral Good

Boy whose first love is Krische. Kalka\'s vigilante group.

A boy who loved Krische as "the neighborhood\'s beautiful One-san".

Krische’s character was quite different from others, but he took good care of her and honestly liked her.

Whenever Krische shows up at the vigilante training, he always gave her sword lessons, and after she left, he realized that it had been a faint first love.

His dream is to become a soldier and become a hero, but he eventually gives up after his childhood girl friend cried and he will probably lead a peaceful life as the leader of the vigilante group in the village of Kalka, that kind of boy.

Appearance: Short black hair. Brown eyes. Slim and muscular. Quote a good face.

→Krische: A beautiful neighborhood girl. His first love. Very strong. Quite different from others.

Strong points: Swordsmanship. Brawl.

Likes: self-discipline (self-improvement). Heroic stories.

Dislikes: Bandits. Adults who made Krische as the bad guy.

Worries: love at first sight for Bery.**

- ----**Kilnan Village

□ Mia Family

>Mother, Myrna <

A fine mother who raised six children! She is the best weaver in Kilnan!

She may appear strong-willed and straightforward, but in fact she is a surprisingly compassionate and admirable mother!

Despite her appearance, she is crazy about her husband Durza! When she was young, she made a tremendous approach to Durza in order to win him over!**

**>Father, Durza<

A splendid hunter father with good skills! He was very popular when he was young!

He looks like a fearless, masculine and impeccable father, but he\'s actually very dense!

In his youth, he ignored the appeals of many women, including Myrna, thinking if they were joking around!**

**>Eldest daughter, Mies<

Beautiful and a genius weaver, she is a high-spec sister who has inherited the parents\' charm to the fullest!

Older sister is kind and can do anything, the older sister among older sisters, Mia’s admired older sister. But unfortunately, she has also completely fatally inherited the flaws of her insensitive father!

Most of the men in the village had their pure heart trampled on by Mies\' denseness!

She may look kind, but she\'s an incredibly wicked woman!**

**>Second daughter, Mii<

Compared to Mia\'s concept of model older sister, she\'s a general-purpose older sister without any sharp edges!

She is smart, beautiful and skillful! She\'s a witty and kind person, but sandwiched between Mies and Mia, who are completely out of the ordinary, she has a lot of hardships!

She found her favorite partner earlier than Mies, got married normally and left home!**

**>Two little brothers<

Their name is Daz and Korda, in case you were wondering!

The two are mischievous and naughty. Occasionally, they learn about a hunter from Durza!

Maybe it\'s because they’re surrounded by strange sisters, but they have a lot of misconceptions about women!**

**>The youngest child, Melia<

She can be said to be the culmination of Mia family, she is a very clever and talented woman!

Perhaps because she was born properly, she has become an a promiscuous kid who is exasperated at the denseness of Mies and Mia!

Unusually for the Mia family, she is extremely active and a little devilish!

She\'s a bit of a strange girl who likes guys that don\'t seem to be able to get up!

She\'s madly in love with the gentle Bazel and desperately appeals to him, but she\'s still too young to be taken seriously at all!**

□ Victim


A kind farmer, Oni-san!

He\'s the poor guy who have always loved Mia since he was a kid but was kept being ignored at every turn!

He\'ll be consoled by Melia, and someday she\'ll make an undisputable fact and make him happy!**


He is one of the best young hunters!

He was a student of Durza and fell in love at first sight with his daughter, Mies!

But when you open the lid, shock, a natural wicked woman!

It took him ten years just to make her realize he was hitting on her!

But now that he have managed to seduce her, he\'s very happy!

He doesn\'t think of Bazel as a stranger, and love him like a younger brother!**

- ----Others

◻ Roland Seva -- Chaos Evil

A male villainous harem protagonist. He is the representative of the Kirzaran Firm.

He used to be the owner of a store, but he became a big merchant by trading with bandits including slave traders. He is a well-known merchant in the kingdom and is a wealthy merchant who is known by all those who do business for a living.

He has a strong complex about his own appearance, and when he was young, he was ridiculed by the woman he had a crush on, which led him to seek greater power and wealth. He is even willing to lick shoes if necessary, and he has risen to his current position thanks to his greed and his original talent, which he uses any means to achieve his goals.

He loves beautiful women more than anything else, but he is a coward who can’t touch them unless he has the higher position. He was the one responsible for the downfall of the Argan family, and in fact it was almost a fraud.

He was executed after being tortured by Krische by having all of his flesh removed.

Appearance: Thinning brown head of hair. Dark brown eyes. Short stature. Obese. Hideous (repulsive).

→Krische: Cursed Child. He would like to play with her if the chance arises.

Strong points: Business. Scheming. Deception. Entrapment.

Likes: beautiful women. Submissive and irresistible women. Bondage.

Dislikes: Stout-hearted (brave, firm, tough) women. People without money.

Worries: Dying in the greatest amount of pain imaginable.

□ Dagris -- Neutral Evil

He is a man who wags his tail to the strong. He is a secret agent of the Kirzaran Firm. Former assassin.

He is a skilled assassin who has been active in Kielzaran for a long time and is said to be a man whose name is known throughout the region. He never had a family and was not attached to a house, and was valued and feared by all organizations for his stoicism in completely cutting off any weaknesses for the sake of his work.

After retiring from the front lines, he mainly works as an intermediary for secret agents and assassins, but he still sometimes works on his own to complete a job depending on the request.

He is tired of his long life and would like to gain some kind of (political, authority) power and lead a stable life.

Appearance: Dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. A face with no features.

→Krische: A monster you shouldn’t make into an enemy. One who must not be crossed.

Strong points: Assassination. Espionage. Poison concoction.

Likes: Strong people. Outwit his opponent.

Dislikes: Weak people with no money or power.

Worry: Although his skill is not dull, he is physically old.

□ Yals -- Neutral Good

A good person peddler. A merchant affiliated with the Versler Firm.

He is a merchant from the northern part of the kingdom. He is a man who does business by placing the highest priority on building trust with his customers.

He sometimes does business without regard to the profitability for his customers, which is why he was late in getting his own store, but thanks to the trust he has built, his business is thriving despite his late bloom.

He has known Karka since he was a peddler, and has known Krische since she was a child. The sight of her always clutching her pocket money and coming to buy ingredients was a source of comfort to him during his peddling days, and he has been worried about her unfortunate situation since she left the village.

Appearance: Short brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender and tall. Slightly wrinkled face.

→Krische: A hardworking, pretty girl. A traveler\'s healer. Clever and good looking.

Strong points: Travel. Socializing.

Likes: Sincere partners. Hard worker. Accumulation.

Dislikes: Profit-driven business.

Worries: Krische\'s future, who has become a soldier. He wants to help her as much as he can.

◻ Nora -- Order Good

A girl who is caught between love and conscience. She is a servant in the Royal territory. The nanny of Krische and Kreschenta and their personal attendant.

She is from a middle-class noble family and took care of the young Krische and Kreschenta. She cared for Krische, who was imprisoned as a Cursed Child. Krische was called a Cursed Child, and she was creeped out by the fact that Krische was clearly different from the others, but as she cared for her, she realized that she was a young and honest child, and gradually came to love her.

When the decision was made to kill her, she refused, but her position made it impossible for her to refuse, so he finally decided to kill her in the forest near the village of Kalka and left her there. She regrets leaving Chrissie, who was no more than three years old, behind, and he desperately tries to save the second Cursed Child, Kreschenta, so she won’t be declared a Cursed Child, but she is tormented by guilt when he learns that Kreschenta is killing the people around her for her own self-preservation.

Kreschenta, who was almost killed soon after her birth as a Cursed Child, is excessively frightened of those around her. She knows that it is not malice, nor pleasure, but the security (“relax”, relief, peace of mind) that she rightfully deserves that she seeks, and she is the only person she can trust, and she cannot betray that. Unable to stop her, she cooperates with Kreschenta in the midst of her inner turmoil.

Although she feels as if Kreschenta was her own child, her sense of guilt remains, and when she finds someone other than herself to protect her, she turns herself in to atone for her own sins and those of Kreschenta.

A loving person who martyred her own conscience until the very end.

Appearance: Black hair tied back. Brown eyes. Slender build. Normal chest. Well-formed but shallowly sculpted face.

→Krische: A child who is just a little different from others. She has done unforgivable things to Krische.

Strong points: Organizing. Cleaning.

Likes: children. Sewing.

Dislikes: herself.

Worries: not being able to give Kreschenta real relief (relax, peace of mind). Leaving Krische behind.

□ **Vanatella Faren– Chaos Good

Nosy, relatives woman type. Margrave Faren\'s wife. Eluga\'s wife.

She was born into a powerful noble family.

She is beautiful and above average in everything she does. She is a woman of talent and beauty, but she is very strong-willed and dislikes the closed-mindedness characteristic of noble society, and perhaps because of her birth, she is very strong-minded and idealistic.

Because of that, she was sent back after three days from where she married and was treated as a tumor in her parents\' house.

Her brother was a corps commander in the same army as Eluga, but he disliked him, and out of rivalry with him, he took a solo action that was close to violating an order, and as a result, he fell into a dangerous situation and was saved by him.

However, at that time, he resented the fact that he had been judged incompetent because of that and worked to block Eluga’s career――Knowing that fact, Vanatella personally went to Eluga and apologized to him.

Because of that connection with him, She was intrigued by Eluga’s face and gentle nature, which was different from what she had heard about him and visited him every once in a while. At some point, she realizes that it has turned into love and presses him to marry her.

Eluga refused saying that the age difference is too big, and that her house wouldn’t allow it, but she threatened that if she was rejected by a man with an evil appearance like Eluga, it would be a shame for life, and that she would commit suicide, and so she married him forcefully.

Although she was disowned after a dispute with her brother who inherited the family, she herself is satisfied and doesn\'t particularly care.

She often hurls harsh words at Eluga without any reservation, but that was just her not being able to be honest in truth she has a strong affection for him, and she basically respects his opinion whenever there is a dispute.

She is prouder than anything that she was able to achieve a love marriage, and her hobby is to meddle here and there about how a marriage should be and is a walking marriage counselor.

She also matched Berry\'s older sister Lazura in personality and got along well with her.

Appearance: Long, graceful blonde hair. Brown eyes. Slender and tall. Normal breasts. A beautiful woman with tight proportion who is beginning to show some signs of aging.

→Krische: A young beautiful girl that her husband seems to be taken to. She has an air of more than just being on good terms with Bery.

Strong points: Quibbles. Love Consultation.

Likes: Love consultation. Love story.

Dislikes: Restrictions that bind emotions.

Worries: Her son cries every time he sees Eluga’s face. It\'s even worse because he\'s been making difficult faces all the time lately.**

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