
Chapter 109 - Pixies

Chapter 109 - Pixies

The porter ran back and brought him food. They all sat down on the rocky floor to have it. Daryn opened the napkin of the chicken sandwich and offered it to Brantley. He replied, "Thanks Brantley, but some other time. Beside, you should come over to Bainsburgh."

A smile tugged at Brantley's lips. He took the sandwich and started to chew it slowly.

Dawn had become absolutely quiet. King of Aztec? Why did he have the same dragon tattoo as hers? Did he know about Quetz? Was he a weredragon? What was the connection? How did he know Daryn? Where was destiny taking her? She was sitting beside Daryn in so much tension that she felt as though the time had stopped. Her thoughts raced a lot and she had to take control of them.

While she was musing those things, she glanced at Brantley and he winked at her. Dawn squeezed the skin between her thumb and her forefinger. A feeling of insecurity about Quetz surrounded her mind and the back of her neck prickled. A dull ache was beginning to form on the top of her tattooed index finger and she pressed it lightly.

Daryn and Brantley talked about their business ventures, while Dawn chose to remain quiet. Most other werewolves started to leave. While chewing on his second chicken sandwich, Brantley turned his attention towards Dawn. "So tell me about you, Ms. Wyatt? How did you manage to hold Daryn's heart? He is a tough nut to crack. Are there any secrets that you are holding against him?" He chuckled lightly.

Daryn raised his eyebrow. "Brantley, if anyone went after in our relationship, it was me," he interjected. "Had it been for Dawn, she would have run away from me at the drop of a hat." He rolled his eyes.

She shook her head and shrugged. "It was possible Mr. Daryn. You did take good care of me, so I don't think I can walk out on you now."

Brantley chortled. "Stop with that public display of affection. I will get indigestion."

But Dawn was in a mood to show that she wasn't scared of him. She turned towards Daryn and placed a light kiss on his lips. Daryn was so surprised that he blushed. When Dawn pulled away, Daryn had a huge grin on his face.

Brantley laughed but it was easy to notice that the excitement didn't reach his eyes. It was a shallow laughter. "Let us collect our bags and start with the journey."

"Yes, we should," Daryn said and looked affectionately at her.

She was rubbing her palms over her arms. "It is chilly."

"I told you to wear something more," Daryn teased her. He took a black shawl out of his bag that was hanging on Izar's side and wrapped her with it.

"Thank you," she cooed.

Once again they mounted their horses. This time Brantley joined them and his horse, a white stallion, was just ahead of them.

The ache in Dawn's finger increased slightly. She jerked her finger.

"What's wrong?" Daryn asked, holding her hand.

"Nothing much. This finger is paining," her voice trailed off.

Daryn held it and took it to his mouth. He sucked it lightly and said, "Once we reach Ulfric, show it to the shaman. He will give some cure."

"Don't you have a single doctor amongst the pure bloods here?" she asked not even knowing what a shaman was. It sounded like a man who knew black magic.

"Shaman will be able to help you better. However, I am sure there are doctors here. I will ask around."

Relieved, she rested on his shoulder. Not able to help himself, Daryn brought his hand under the shawl, her tank top, up to her breasts and squeezed them lightly. She swatted his hand and whispered, "Others are watching us."

"I don't care," he hissed and pressed his hardness against her.

"You must be out of your mind," she scolded softly.

"I am," he agreed. He traced the mounds of her breasts and then his fingers came down to her navel. He played with her skin near her belly button and then after opening the buttons of her jeans, he dug his hand inside.

Dawn's muscles clenched. She became slack as her breathing hitched. This was the craziest of all the places and her man was being so daring. Thinking that made her all the more excited.

Daryn cupped her crotch and then following the wetness to her sweet spot slowly slid a finger inside. With his thumb he pressed her clit. She let out a soft moan hoping that no one else heard her.

"Shh," he whispered. "Don't scream or shout or groan. This is your punishment for what you did in the office with me."

"Ah!" she said and then bit her lip in order to stay quiet. Damn him. He was horrible.

His finger reached inside and he softly brought it out. Once again he inserted it. Once inside, he pressed her walls with it and at the same time used his thumb to flick her clit. She buckled and wanted to clench her thighs. How dare he?

"Come for me baby," he whispered. His finger was wet in her juices. He nibbled her ear lightly to make her go lustier than she was.

She shook her head lightly in order to suppress her groan. "I won't," she resisted. She pressed his hand with hers to stop their movement.

"Oh you will," he replied sweetly. He left Izar's leash completely and then removed her hand from his. He held her hand firmly across her chest and inserted another finger. With two fingers coming in and out and pressing her walls on the inside, he could feel her muscles tightening around them

"Come baby," he insisted, almost urgently and pressed his hardness against her hips.

Dawn couldn't control any longer. She exploded around his fingers biting her lip harder to suppress her groans.

Daryn pulled his fingers out and held her tightly in his arms as her body cruised through pleasure of throes.

When she settled, she slumped on his chest and Daryn held the leash of his horse.

"I am going to give you back Silver!" Dawn threatened.

"I want it back, Wyatt!!" He smiled and bit her neck lightly.

She let out a suppressed laughter.

After hours of riding, they came out of the cavern, into a tunnel. The thicket of wines, which had started to become dense when they left the lake, thinned out and soon there were none. They were near the exit and the light of the bright moon lit the path ahead. She wanted to ask him questions regarding Brantley, but her back, her thighs and her entire body was aching so much that she didn't have the energy to speak anymore.

Her eyelids became droopy when she caught a glance of small specks of light glowing in front of them in some distance. They were tiny, yellow starry lights, which when moved, left a trail of yellow glimmer. They looked mesmerizing as they moved in lazy paths in the air. Fireflies, she thought and tilted her head feeling sleepy. But as Izar moved ahead, she saw that some of the fireflies had come and settled on Brantley. There was a line of them on his broad shoulders. A few flew towards them and they circled around Daryn's head and settled on his head and shoulders. Dawn immediately got up and moved her hand out of her shawl to catch them when one of them came right in front of her eyes and stopped. Dawn's eyes became wide. They were tiny little people with shiny hair and beautiful shimmery wings. Her whole body was trembling with wonder, terror and amazement. The one who was staring at her had bright pink hair. It fluttered her wings and flew towards her hair speedily and hid in her braid and sparkled. Was this a dream? A hallucination? She blinked her eyes and looked at the tiny one hiding in her hair. She didn't even dare to hold it, scared that it would get crushed in her hands.

Daryn didn't pay heed to them and continued to ride. Although, he could understand Dawn's state of mind.

"W— what— are these?" she croaked.


"What?" she turned her head sharply at him. She looked at him – perfectly composed and calm. The pixie in her hair fluttered out or her hair and all others on Daryn's shoulders and head also got flustered. All of them were airborne and circled them as if in panic.

Pixies only existed in fantasy lore. This world of Ulfric was making her dizzy.

"Don't scare them baby," Daryn said softly, encouraging them to come back.

Dawn pursed her lips as her heartbeat accelerated. "Pixies, as in the ones who exist in fairy tales?"

"Yes," he replied with poise.

The pixies started to settle on his shoulders again and the one that had approached her slowly fluttered towards her again. Once again she went and sat on her braid.

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