
Chapter 272 - To Hell With The Rules!

Chapter 272 - To Hell With The Rules!

"Well, the gist is that I told her sternly that if she was unwilling to sign the document, then you won't handle her business. This was just a security measure." Geoffrey pulled out the papers to show to Dawn. "So she took her time. She asked me to leave instantly, which I did. However, with the way the business is doing, she called me again, and this time even her lawyer, Hertz, was present. It seems that her lawyer drilled sense into her. She signed the papers reluctantly."

A huge grin appeared on her face for the first time in twenty-four hours. Lily had signed power of attorney. "Lovely!" This was a huge victory. It meant that now Dawn could easily handle the business without restrictions and on her terms and conditions. She looked up at heaven and closed her eyes. 'For you father…' she said on the inside. Suddenly, she wanted to share the news with Cole. So she pulled out her phone and sent a message to him.

[Dinner at your favorite Thai restaurant with your sister in the evening?]

He replied to her instantly.

[What's the occasion? Alone?]

She chuckled.

[Something very huge! You will love it.]

[Hmm… and emoji with a thought sign. Okay. But I have a lot of homework.]


She replied and then went ahead to book a table for them over there. The excitement of the victory, of the fact that she was actually going to go back to handle her father's business—made her joyful. Only if Daryn was here with her… Sadness crawled.

"And I managed to pull one more thing," Geoffrey said with a twinkle in his eye.

Dawn raised her eyebrow.

"The Wyatt's have to give you an annual salary of twenty million dollars."

"What?" Dawn's eyebrows shot to the sky.

Geoffrey shrugged. "Just in case Lily decides to hoard the profits. I had to trap her. She isn't trustworthy."

Dawn burst out laughing. Best ever deal. Lily Wyatt was trapped completely.

"Geoffrey, you are too good!" she said in between her laughter. She had to tell this to Daryn. He would be so happy. And once again thinking of Daryn wiped all the happiness on her face. Where was he? Her skin prickled with disquiet. She rubbed her arms with her hands.

"Are you okay?" asked Geoffrey when he saw her changed expressions. Why did she appear so lonely and sad?

She nodded with a forced smile. "Everything's fine!" She took a deep breath and then said, "When do I have to join?" She didn't want to join before Daryn came back. She couldn't have…

"Lily wants you to start as soon as possible. She is desperate."

Dawn pursed her lips. She turned her head to look at the blooms in the garden. "I am not ready right now." She wanted to be with Daryn. How could she say that? "How about from next month? We have been through a lot lately…"

Geoffrey pinched the bridge of his nose. "See I would suggest that you take the reins as fast as you can."

"I understand but I want to give myself time."

He started collecting the documents. "Okay. I won't pressurize you. Do as you wish and more important do when you can. As the Luna of my clan, I would only go with your decision."

Dawn smiled at this display of loyalty. Sedora must have been so lucky to have this always during her time as the Luna. She sighed. "Thanks Geoffrey. I appreciate that."

Fifteen minutes later Geoffrey left after receiving her signatures on the document.

Dawn wanted to go shopping, but her instincts pulled her back to Ensmoire. 'I am coming!' she announced to Quetz.

'I am waiting,' he replied in a serious tone. 'Be careful. It is raining again.'

'I will be,' she said and went to her room to retrieve the raincoat. At these times she so wished that she had a car to reach the forest or could just appear there on will. Even after the news that should have sent her into a jubilation mode, she wasn't able to shrug off the ominous feeling. She zipped her raincoat and started for the forest.

When Dawn walked amongst the old giant trees of the surrounding forest, they seemed to drink up the colossal rain. She made her way through the puddles of water and wet mud and hiked up fast in order to reach Ensmoire. However, something was not quite right. The usual smells of the woods, of the flora and occasional lone werewolves weren't there. Maybe it was because of the rain that the scents were washed away. The downpour was so heavy that if she weren't a werewolf, she wouldn't have been able to see things properly.

Did she hear a growl in the distance?

Dawn increased her pace.

The growl came from her back? Werewolves? Shouldn't that be normal?

She broke into a jog and then into a sprint.

But she knew that the growls were nearing her. She heard their paws splashing the puddles of water she had left behind. Were they about to attack her? 'Quetz!' she called.

'Dawn, they are after you. Why?' he sounded nervous. 'Come to the mist quickly.'

The fog that surrounded the forest was almost a ten-minute jog from where she was. 'I am trying!' she replied.

The growls became menacing. There was a pack of at least five wolves chasing her. Who the hell were they?

All of a sudden she sensed quick movement. Dawn ducked and a beast leapt over her. It landed right in front of her, halting her speed. She skidded on the ground in order to not bang into it. When she stopped she was gazing into the yellow eyes of a werewolf. It certainly didn't belong to her pack. They were from a different pack because they didn't respond to her when she lowered her mental shields.

Rest of the pack came behind her and now they were circling around her. They growled menacingly, baring their sharp, long fangs.


And they wanted to murder her.

Were they from Pia's pack?

This looked pretty planned. How long have they been waiting for her? Did they track her movement from the past few days? Then they must have known that she was going inside the fog. She became scared for Quetz.

"Who are you?" she asked as she turned her head around. Her chest was about to leap in her mouth.

In response only more growls came. The werewolves crept near her simultaneously.

'Dawn, get them here!' She heard Quetz flapping his wings in agitation. 'I will roast them!'

But Dawn didn't respond to him because if she did, then the wolves would know about his presence. She snarled at them and showed her fangs. But there were five of them against her. There was no chance that she could win against them in a fight. She had no other option left—

Magic. To hell with the rules of not practicing it out of enchanted worlds!

She looked up and thought of using the bolts at them. How would she who they were if they were killed? She closed her eyes and a moment later, blue lights crackled around her hands, which crawled up to her elbows.

Dawn thrust her hands in the air. "Somnum Exterria!" she rasped. The light struck the werewolves together on their heads.

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