
Chapter 301 - Second Task (2)

Chapter 301 - Second Task (2)

A demon flapped his wings harshly and flew past Dawn. His wing hit her with full impact. The force of it sent her to the ground. When she looked up, she saw him hovering over her momentarily before attacking her with his clawed legs.

Before he could pounce on her chest, three arrows fanned out in the air and pierced his legs. He yelled in pain, and stumbled back in the air. Another set of two arrows pierced him in the thigh and he fell on the ground.

Brenda had been busy nocking white arrows, which were poisoned on their tips and sending them flying towards the beats. She would string three arrows at a time, turn the bow horizontal and then let them fly. The creatures would stumble back a little, but they would resume their action. A constant barrage of arrows kept them at bay. Her quiver never emptied and she wondered why.

When she saw the winged creature attacking her Luna, she did the same. The demon faltered, giving enough time for Dawn to get up.

Dawn rolled away from beneath him, bounced back in front of him and plunged the jambīya right in his heart. Went in like butter.

The demon cried in pain as the skin around it burnt with a sizzling sound forming a gaping black hole. Dawn pulled the dagger out. The demon dropped dead.

Brenda repeated her shots with skill and accuracy as if she was a master archer. At least ten of them staggered. Volara was swinging her iron staff at them battering their grey skin to pulp. Dawn took advantage of every blow that Volara and Brenda gave to the demons. Like a blur, she swept through the injured ones and stabbed their hearts. With the way she dodged the demons, she was faster than the Sedora could ever imagine. Compared to the three girls out there, the demons kind of moved in a slow motion. One after the other the demons plodded on the grass. The girls were careful not to step on their aíma.

Brantley had seen her honing the magic skill in Ensmoire a number of times. He had seen how quick she was while learning magic. He was the one who had saved her when she tried the water spell and had brought her to the Silver Mansion. He had also seen how she dealt with those werewolves just outside the Ensmoire and gave them nightmares, but this… it was never like this. He had never seen her surrounded by so many enemies.

The way she managed herself through the chaos, it was as if they were leading a team. The three girls worked in tandem. Brenda shot arrows, Volara hit freshly injured with her staff and Dawn plunged the jambīya in them bringing them to their end.

Her movements were… magnificent.

As soon as the first batch of fifteen was lying dead on the ground, another set came. Dawn moved towards the back of the arena to avoid the blood. The males in the audience swooned over her with lust in their eyes. They shouted how they would bed her and pleasure her. The females watched her moves with horror.

Dawn's next bout with the demons sent them to the ground with deep gashes that sliced through their torso from left to right.

Brenda sent the arrows flying through so beautifully that each and every arrow that flew from her bow, met the target. And she didn't know where all this was coming from. For God's sake she was a Lykae and a doctor. It was as if her hands had their own mind.

After slaying the second group, Dawn was panting. She looked with bloodshot eyes towards the remaining twenty creatures who were about to attack them. They had gone to the far end of the arena, towards the entrance.

Pia and Dolgra were still standing on the edge of the cage, watching her with narrowed eyes. Dolgra's breath was ragged when she saw that Dawn had killed the last of the demons in the third batch. Fear surged and to conceal that her anger boiled. The burning rage in her chest wanted to harm her. The beast in her turned to aggression.

And her rage destroyed any logic that was in her brain. It corrupted her sense to the extent that winning this round of the competition became a pressing matter. She was triggered.

When the last batch of five demons was left, Dolgra stopped them. She raised her hand and they stopped right where they were—flying a few feet above the ground. She walked to them followed by Pia. Her eyes met with Dawn's and suddenly her bat-like wings flared open.

There was a collective gasp in the audience.

Once again a distant rumble in the ground diverted Dawn's mind. She brought her attention back to the two women in front of her and the winged demons who were standing like her sentinels. Dawn wasn't shocked to see Dolgra's true identity. Her skin had turned grey and two thick horns emerged from her head. Her fangs grew longer and sharper and black claws jutted from her hands and legs. She was taller than any of the demons out there. Compared to her, Pia looked like a doll with a sword in her hand.

"You think that you can win over me?" Dolgra's raucous voice boomed in the arena. She eyed the jambīya in Dawn's hand and said, "I am giving you the last chance to hand over the king's scepter to me, else, I am going to gouge you, gut you and then take your intestines as a souvenir to my father!"

Pia chuckled. "Why give her any chance? Just kill her!"

Sweating and breathing heavily, Dawn jerked her head back with which her braid that was lying on the shoulder in front, swung back.

The males in the audience swooned over her again. One of them shouted, "Quit it Dawn Wyatt and be my wife. You are way too beautiful to be wasted over this demon!" The crowd broke into a loud cackle.

"I pity your primitive thinking Dolgra," Dawn said in a breathy tone. She held the jambīya as if it was an extension of her hand. She brought it up to look at it and so that Dolgra also looks at it. After Dawn examined the dagger, she tilted her head and looked at her opponent who was now hissing with rage.

No remorse…

What did Brantley mean?

Plunge the dagger.

With an ear–deafening cry, Dolgra charged at Dawn.

Pia came straight to Brenda.

The five demons charged at Volara.

The attack was divided.

Brenda turned away from Pia and ran. She nocked three arrows in her bow, leapt in the air, whirled and shot the arrows towards Pia. But Pia sliced them with her sword and began chasing her.

Volara swayed her iron staff with grace as she fought alone with the winged beasts. From the corner of her eyes, Brenda saw that she was fighting alone. She sprinted to assist her, leading Pia also over there.

Volara chuckled. "That was an interesting move Brenda!"

"Yes, why fight alone?" she replied with gritted teeth, as she strung more arrows on her bow. She wanted to kill Pia badly. She wanted to carry that honor back home, if she went back alive.

Dolgra flapped her wings to be airborne. With her horns aimed at her stomach, she charged with full speed towards Dawn.

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