
Chapter 406 - It Happens

Chapter 406 - It Happens

That day the hall screened the movie without any audience to watch yet it was sold out.

Dawn could help but think of the folly of her husband. She wanted to chide him, but all she could feel was love. She had changed back in her night pajamas and went to lie beside him. Since when had he started snoring? She watched his face for a long time and then slid his arm beneath her head. She had already eaten food. Sleep overcame and she heard Daryn smacking himself. A smile came on her lips and she went off to sleep. Little did she know that her husband was smiling at her. He had his phone on record mode to record her snoring.

Dawn woke up in the morning to feel emptiness near her. She felt the sheets beside her with her hand and found them cold. She got up only to see that Daryn was getting dressed for the office. "What time is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It is 9AM darling," he said as he adjusted his tie and came to kiss his sleepy wife.

She smiled and removed the comforter. After coming from the bathroom, she noticed that he was still adjusting his tie. "Should I help you with that?" she asked as she poured tea in her cup on the bedside table.

"Yes please!" he rasped.

Leaving the carafe on the table, Dawn got up and stood right in front of him to tie it properly. "I can't believe that my hubby is unable to tie a tie despite being the Alpha of his clan." She had to tease him.

"What has Alpha of the clan got to do with tying a tie? The Alpha of the clan is supposed to produce heirs. He is supposed to make his wife's stomach a balloon every other year. That's all the Alpha needs to do," he said with a broad chest.

"Hmm, really?"


"Is Alpha supposed to snore also?" she asked now in a complete teasing mode.

Daryn raised his eyebrow and scanned her face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that thank God we don't stay in a community, else your snores could bring down a building." She poked her cheek with her tongue after saying that and looped the last knot tight. "There, it is done," she said with a smug smile. It was so enthralling to tease him. She loved to watch his expressions. Usually his eyes became wide and then he narrowed them immediately. She walked back to the bed and poured the tea fully in the cup. She picked up the cup with élan and then looked at him with a smile. However, she gave a light frown when he didn't react the way he should have. So she sipped her tea and tried to enter his mind, but Gods… the man had put up his mental shields.

"I snore?" he asked.

"Mhmm… and pretty loudly. I couldn't sleep next to you. It was so disturbing," she waved her hand in disgust. "Maybe I should buy you one of those sleeping aids to lighten the snores. I am worried about my babies, you see."

"And I snore so loudly that buildings can break?"

She nodded with tightened lips and then crossed her legs. She knew she would have a feild day now. Suddenly her boredom was gone.

Daryn walked to pick his wallet and then wore his watch. She was surprised that he hadn't countered it at all and instead he was pretty quiet about it, but she didn't let the surprise come on her face.

He picked up his phone and then stood there to browse something as she watched him. She grew impatient and thought of adding a little more spice when suddenly his phone started playing a whirring sound. It was as if you put a cat to sleep and she would softly purr at regular intervals. She started laughing. "What is that?" she asked, keeping her cup back on the table. "Is that a cat purring?" She found the sound so hilarious that she placed a hand on her stomach as she laughed loudly. "And why are you playing that? Does it soothe you?" By now she was in splits. "Oh God! Daryn I am sure that if I put the sleeping aid on you, you would snore like it!" And then she slapped her thigh and went into another fit of laughter.

And Daryn… he just watched her laughing. When she settled a little, her hand was on her chest. She grinned smugly. This was her day. He walked up to her and showed her the video from where the sound was coming. Dawn… stopped. The video was of hers from the previous night when she was snoring softly in her sleep, and the damned recording lasted for almost three minutes. Her cheeks scorched with the heat of a thousand suns. From the phone when her gaze traveled to Daryn, she saw a half smile on his lips, which soon converted into a grin and then he was beside her rolling with laughter.

Once he stopped laughing he was breathless while she glared at him. He got up and cupped her face with his palms. "Dawn, I think you were imagining that I snored. It was your plain figment of imagination. It was you who snored and now I have that in recording too!" She opened her mouth to say something but he pressed his finger on her lips. "You don't have any evidence that I snored, but I have!"

She stared at him with bewilderment. He got up and pumped his fist in the air. He wiggled his eyebrows and said, "Don't look so stunned, baby. It happens. People dream and you dreamt." Once again he burst into a fit of laughter and walked out of the room.

For the next day and the next, Dawn had her phone ready at all times when he was sleeping just to record his snoring, but the guy was sly as fox. He just didn't snore and she didn't understand how that happened.

Meanwhile Neal had disappeared from the Silver House and was now found in Luna's Castle on a twenty four hour basis with one or the other excuse. According to him Daryn had sent him there with some work in Dawn's absence, which when David confirmed with Dawn came out to be completely untrue. What was even more intriguing was the fact that Neal Perry was mostly lurking around Ms. Cara's room. Since he didn't know how to approach her directly because it was the first time he had fallen head over heels in love, he would find odd excuses to be with her and the latest one was that she might need coffee. So Neal was standing with a cup of coffee in one hand and a parcel of pastries in his injured hand, in front of Cara's table, trying to look and feel as cool as possible, but looked like a mother hen.

It was afternoon 3PM. "C— Cara, I think you need to take a break." Although he knew that he spoke confidently, why were his lips quivering? Surely it was because of the weight of the soft pastries.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks Neal."

Suddenly his phone buzzed. It was Daryn. "What happened about the task I gave you?"

Cara got up to take coffee from him and her fingers brushed his.

The man gasped. "What task?"

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