
Chapter 37

In the middle of a calm night, I opened my eyes as I awoke .

It was because the【presence sensation】skill reacted to something .

Someone is nearby . Though this time, they’re not inside the house, but outside . In other words, someone was observing me from the roof .

“Rouga . ”

“What is it chief~”

Calling out Rouga, she answered with a sleepy voice .

“Not sure if it’s an enemy, but someone is watching me . Let’s go confront them . ”


I was not sure who this person could be, but they’ve got some nerve to disturb me while I was sleeping .

Feeling a bit angry about being disturbed, I teleported behind the peeping Tom .

“What could be the matter this time, Peeping Tom?”


When I spoke to the spy from behind, the person abruptly turned around, surprised .

I couldn’t see the spy’s face since I wasn’t used to the darkness .

“I don’t really appreciate being spied on at this time of the night . Who are you?”


The spy remained quiet in response and slowly stretched a hand to me instead .

Then suddenly, a bright light came out of that hand .

“Guu! Rouga!”


I swiftly summoned Rouga before I closed my eyes unintentionally due to the light .

Summoned at that moment, Rouga leapt on the spy . In a split second, I heard the sound of a bite; looked like Rouga’s attack was successful .


The spy shook off Rouga, who was biting hard, then ended the light and escaped off the roof .

With my eyes flickering, I was about to follow before I realized something odd .

(I can’t sense the spy’s presence . Was it a concealing skill?)

I couldn’t track the spy location using 【presence sensation】 . There’s no way I’d be able to find the spy now . Turning back to look in the direction the spy ran, I couldn’t see anything but darkness . I let the spy get away .

The fact that the 【presence sensation】skill didn’t work on the spy was proof enough that it was not a normal person . As well as that light that was released from the spy’s hand .

“Chief- So-rry!”

Rouga walked towards me while being apologetic for getting shaken off by the spy .

“Don’t worry about it . You did well . ”

I replied to Rouga’s apology with a head pat .

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Apparently happy that I stroked her head, Rouga took back her lively ambiance and let out a happy whine .

I wonder who that had been?

Not having the least idea about who it could be, my doubts slowly vanished in the night’s dark .


Author’s note: A rapid development waiting in the next chapter



“Rouga, you’re a wolf, right?”

“That’s right~”

“Then why do you bark like a dog?”

“I dunno~”

“Maybe you’re a dog after all . ”

“I’m a wolf-!”

“Here, Rouga, a bone . Go fetch it!”


“... she went to pick it directly . ”

“I can’t win against my instincts~”

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