
Chapter 93

“This place is splendid . ”

With a daunting pose, I gazed at the ocean unfolding before my eyes . The sunlight reflecting against the water added to the sparkling of the sea while the pleasant fragment of the salty water reached my nose . I couldn’t enjoy this sensation enough last time because of that giant octopus . It is really a splendid view .

“Are you pleased by this place, master?”

“Yeah, it’s just like you said . This is a nice place . ”

I answered Meru on my phone with a satisfied voice . The place where we are at currently was recommended by Meru . The surrounding sceneries were gorgeous and the few rocks that were placed here and there created some shadowy areas that seemed perfect for hiding from the sunlight .

“I’m glad, Desu . ”

Meru made a relieved expression after hearing my answer . She was wearing a swimsuit too . Apparently, she can wear anything she wants as long as she has its data .

“Your swimsuit is so lovely, Desu, master!”

“You think? I just casually choose a normal one to wear . ”

The swimwear that I was wearing was a normal navy blue swimwear . I wasn’t expecting anyone to praise it as it didn’t have anything that deserves praise .

“Master looks fabulous no matter what you’re wearing, Desu!”

“You’re probably the only one who could say something like that about me . ”

It looks like my favorable image to Meru will stay the same regardless of what I’m wearing . A bitter smile reached my face as I looked at Meru on my phone screen .

“Nevertheless, they’re pretty late . ”

It has been a few minutes since I was waiting for the girls to change and come back . They were supposed to be changing behind one of the giant rocks in the place .

As for their swimsuits, I was storing them all this time using my time-space magic skill . The infinite storages can be quite handy in this kind of situation, although I feel a bit dejected whenever I imagine Karen pulling me around the city to work as her luggage inventory . Earlier, I heard her saying “seems convenient for shopping” .

“A girl needs time to change, Desu . ”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is, Desu!”

Being told that with a strong tone, I dropped the conversation at that since it didn’t make much sense for me . A few seconds later, I heard a voice coming from behind .

“We’re back!”

I turned back to find Karen, Saya and Lina wearing their swimsuits .

“Took you long enough . ”

“I know, we had an unexpected hardship . ”

“Yeah, especially with Saya-dono . ”

Lina shifted her gaze to Saya who was standing behind her back and trying to hide the swimsuit she was wearing with an embarrassed face .

“Saya-dono, stop hiding behind me already . ”

“Wait . I’m still mentally unprepared...”

Urged by Lina, Saya gripped Lina’s shoulders with both her hands as she whispered . I wonder why she suggested for us to we go to the beach if she knew that she will feel this shamed wearing her swimsuit . While I was talking to myself, this time, Karen moved to encourage her to leave Lina’s back .

“Resolve yourself, Saya-chan . You can’t swim that way, you know . ”

“I know . But I just can’t do this...I thought I can somehow manage it at first...”

With a weak attitude, Saya curled up behind Lina . Both Karen and Lina tried their best to make her stand alone, however, Saya didn’t show a sign of leaving Lina’s back .

Very well . This might be a bit too forcible, but it can’t be helped .

Realizing that the Lina and Karen couldn’t make any progress, I thought of a certain a plan .

“Saya, the choice is yours . Either you willingly leave Lina’s back or I will forcibly teleport you from there . ”

“What’s up with these choices!?”

Saya overreacted to the two options I gave her . But still, the sunset was close, so I had to do something about it now or it will become too late . When Saya started to fluster, Karen who heard the plan cooperated with me .

“Saya-chan, if you don’t hurry up, this person will won’t teleport your swimsuit along . ”

“Karen-chan, not you too!”

Saya’s nervousness increased when she saw Karen teaming up with me . As expected from my little sister, she knows what should be done . I feel that the way she asked to hurry up was somewhat rude, but that’s fine now . What’s important is for Saya to stop hiding behind Lina .

“Now, Saya . hurry up . ”

“Saya-chan, come on!”

“Eh? Ah, wait, Eeeeh!”

As Karen and I slowly drew near her, Saya was gradually getting cornered . I heard her muttering “these siblings...” with a trembling voice, but I couldn’t care less of what she was thinking of us at that point . She was getting cornered slowly but surely .

“If I count down from 10 and you’re still there, I will have to teleport you . 10...... 9...... 8......”

“Eh? No, wait! Don’t do that!!”

She pleaded me to stop my abrupt countdown, but I made sure she notices that I wasn’t intending to stop . The closer I counted to 0, Saya’s impatience amplified further as she nervously groaned .

“3...... 2...... 1......”

“I get it! Okay, I will get out! I will leave on my own!!”

Finally, her strong resistance against getting forcibly teleported made her give up . Everything went according to the plan . Karen and I looked at each other’s face while we both smirked .

“O-Okay... Here I am . ”

Following her proclaim, Saya took a deep breath while her nervous expression was still showing up on her face, then she slowly left Lina’s back .

“H-How is it?”

I inadvertently let out a voice of admiration to Saya who enquired for my impression on her swimsuit with an insecure attitude .

“Ooh, it looks so great on you!”


“Y-Yeah . ”

Hearing my positive impression, she finally went back to her usual self . Of course, I didn’t lie when I said that the swimsuit looked great on her . It was an orange bikini with a cute design on it . I felt that it was kind of daring for her to wear it, but that didn’t change the fact that she looked sexy on it . The thing is that there was something else on her that made me almost lose my words .

So she’s the type who looks less developed while wearing clothes...

“Yato-kun... you’re staring too much...”

“Ah, my bad . ”

Noticing my gaze, Saya bashfully covered her chest with both of her hands . I hurriedly shifted my eyes to somewhere else .

Oops, I guess I stared there for too long .

Even Karen and Lina have noticed the same thing as I did and moved back their glances to their own chests while seeming slightly gloomier than usual .

“Breasts, huh...”

“Quite unfair...”

The both of them seemed to be hurt in someway . I guess that’s normal for girls in their age . Well, it’s not like they’re small or anything . It was just that Saya was fairly above average . I wouldn’t mind that much difference if I were in their place . As I was pondering about the true cause behind differences, Meru who was quiet all this time addressed me a sudden and sharp question .

“Master, so you like them big?”


That single phrase had the terrific consequence of halting time for all of us who were in that place .

“What are you asking all of a sudden?”

“I noticed that you were staring at Saya-sama’s breasts for a while, so I thought that you might be the type of person referred to as ‘huge breast lover’ on the internet . ”

“Meru, stop learning weird things on the internet . ”

I didn’t want to hear that word coming from a little girl’s mouth, honestly . But still, I had to answer her question for I think that a person should act honestly in these kinds of situations . The only problem was the awkward feeling which I will probably get when I will answer her in front of everyone . The three girls were all waiting for my answer while still freezing in their places . Contemplating the most suitable answer for a little while, I eventually opened my mouth .

“I don’t have a particular preference . If I were to give a better answer, I’d say that I’d like the breasts of the person I love . ”

“Then why did you stare at Saya-sama’s chest, Desu?”

“Any man would do the same if he was in my place . There wasn’t any hidden meaning in my gaze . ”

Finally convinced by my answer, Meru drew back and apologized .

“Is that so? I apologize for doubting you, Desu . ”

“Careful of what you ask next time . ”

I did my best to come up with the optimum answer and luckily it went well . I didn’t say a single lie by the way . Loving a person means to love everything in them; including their breasts . That’s completely normal . And I don’t really have an inclination when it comes to that topic . What made me stare at Saya too much was the shock of finding out that her chest was bigger than what I was assuming . Receiving my totally objective answer, the three girls silently looked at their chest . Let’s stop thinking about it now . It will only cause me to go through more awkward experiences .

“Well then, shall we go for a swim?”

“... I guess you’re right . ”

“Let’s go!”

“Okay . ”

Let’s all stop thinking about it . When the three of them came to that same conclusion, they all cheered up and rushed to the sea . It’s not a matter of life and death, after all .



Internet .

“Do you usually pick new words from the internet, Meru?”

“That’s right, Desu . The internet has a lot of words and information; it is very helpful . ”

“Hmm, what did you learn from it recently?”

“Recently, I thought of studying the human body, so I used the R-18 books from——”

“Meru! I forbid you from reading those R-18 books from now on . ”

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