
Chapter 61 - The Results Of The Hunt

Chapter 61 - The Results Of The Hunt

We sit in the Duke's dining hall. He orders a couple of servants to bring the food.

?I thought I would be having a light lunch with the other women before the end of the hunt. You could have warned me that you would come back earlier,? I start.

?Don't pretend to be annoyed, I know very well that you're happy to see me.?

?You can think that if it helps you sleep worry-less nights.?

?My Duchess in my arms helps me sleep soundly. Your smile when seeing me is what makes me carry on my day awake.?

?You don't need to be this flirty.?

?I want to. Your red face is worth the trouble, my dear.?

?I'm not blushing!? I complain.

?No, of course, you aren't.?

He pours some water into our glasses, and I notice there isn't any wine on the table.

?We'll have to drink this evening,? he explains. ?It's better to avoid wine for now.?

I nod, simply. I don't really care about what's on the table, by the way. As long as it's edible, and that's the case since it's intended for the Duke.

?Let's eat now, we need to be there when the results of the hunt are announced,? he states while cutting the beef for me.

?And after that??

?We'll have to greet the Emperor, and we can come back to get ready for the banquet.?

?I will need some maids to get ready,? I say. ?Can you call them back? The old ones can do, it will be just for this once.?

The Duke passes my plate to me, and I start eating.

?Thea, no matter what happens later... Just don't get too far from me, all right??

?Will I have any reason at all to leave your side??

?Not if nothing weird happens.?

?Then you don't have to worry. You won't believe me, but I'm not really willing to explore the Palace hallways all alone. I prefer staying by your side.?

?I'll believe you, then,? he chuckles.

?Thank you for taking care of me,? I say, staring at my plate. In the end, Alexander isn't forced to be kind. He chose to.

After walking back, I notice that most of the nobles are already in the garden. The Emperor is sitting in the centre, surrounded by his most trusted men. Princess Lyland is at his side, and she's speaking to him as any other girl would to a younger brother.

That man George is nowhere to be seen. At least, I don't need to fear that he'll say something unforgivable at any moment.

?Who's the winner, this year?? a woman whispers from nearby.

I don't turn to her, but I listen to the conversation. I'm not really too curious about it, but I don't have anything else to focus on right now.

?I don't know, they haven't announced it yet. But I know what the winner caught.?

?What is it? Many deers were heading to the kitchens, and who knows how many birds... I saw a hundred rabbits, also. This year, it really was a great hunt.?

?The winner caught three wolves.?

?Wolves? Where could one find wolves??

?I don't know, but it looks that it was a person single-handedly slaying them. You should have seen the wounds! Two of the wolves have an arrow between the eyes, while the third has been killed with a sword.?

Killing a wolf with a sword? I'm looking forward to seeing this man's face. He must be at least two metres tall, and as much large. Not to mention the reflexes a knight needs to overpower a wild beast.

He also did a favour to the local farmers since wolves eat sheep and chickens.

?What are you thinking so earnestly about, my Duchess??

?I heard that this year's winner was truly exceptional,? I answer. Maybe, he'll feel a bit bad for ditching the hunt. A little smile on my face betrays my intentions, and the Duke just chuckles.

?We'll see if he's that exceptional,? he murmurs.

Oh, maybe it's working! Shall I over-praise the winner to see my Duke's annoyed expression?

?I heard he hunted wolves!? I exclaim. ?Can you imagine it? Can he be considered human? I'm curious to see what he looks like!?

?Just be patient, Duchess.?

I notice a young boy running towards the Emperor with a blue box. Then, he opens it to show the content to the people at the table.

?Let's walk closer so that my Duchess can see better,? Alexander murmurs. He drags me forward, and we reach the other Dukes and Duchesses.

There's a single chair left, so Alexander makes me sit down, and he stands by my side.

?I guess that you'll remember this day for a long time, dear cousin,? the Emperor says out loud. The Duke and I turn at the same time.

?I hope it's the same for everyone,? my husband replies. ?Thanks to your majesty's idea, this day became even more special.?

?Can you bear to leave your wife for a minute, or you'll suffer too much??

?I can bear it, your majesty. But only if it's a minute.?

Alexander grabs my hand and pecks it before walking to the Emperor.

?If I knew you were such a skilled hunter, I would have ordered you to stay in my entourage. I'd like to have seen your prowess.?

?I'm pleased for your praises, your majesty, but I don't think I deserve it.?

This husband of mine knows how to act in front of influential figures. He's politely smiling while agreeing with the Emperor. He also tries to hint that his value exists just because the Emperor acknowledges it, and not for any heroic feat he might realise.

After a few minutes of useless formalities, the Emperor's aide walks to my Duke and bows his head while delivering the blue box.

?This year's prize is especially beautiful and delicate,? his majesty comments. ?Just right for the Duchess.?

What is happening? Why is Alexander receiving the prize? And what about that poor man that caught three wolves?

Is it because my husband is more important? This isn't fair! He even left the hunt early because he's lazy!

I look around, subtly trying to understand if I'm the only one feeling frustrated because of this injustice. However, all the other nobles are so calm and composed. They must be used to it.

Ah, why did I have to end up in a place like this?

My husband walks back to me with a happy face, and he observes my solemn face with an amused grin.

?My Duchess will surely be wonderful with this necklace,? he murmurs while putting it around my neck.

I observe the small diamonds and rubies on it, and I can't disagree with my Duke.

It's so beautiful, and it somehow goes well with the green shade of this dress. It's very light, and the five red rubies are attracting sight. It's so elegant that I can't move my eyes away, so much that I don't even flinch when I sense the Duke's breath next to my ear.

?I hope you'll remember this day for a long time,? he whispers.

Oh, you just wait till we're alone. You'll soon hear my thoughts about this show.

I was a strict queen, back in the day. I've never allowed relevant officers to take the merit of young apprentices, nor high-ranked nobles to shadow those with fewer titles but more quick wits.

?A toast to Duke Kyre that won this year's hunt,? the Emperor starts, raising a cup to the sky. ?Today there will also be a wedding banquet. All the court is invited to celebrate, in the throne hall at dinner time.?

I straighten my back and try my best to smile delicately. I can't let all those people understand my feelings. It's part of their rules, and it's thanks to those rules that I'm here now. If I don't follow them, who knows what might happen to me?

?Now, since we all have to change clothes, this toast will be short. So that everyone has enough time to prepare. It has been a long day, thrilling for the hunters and tiring for the ladies that waited for them.?

All the people around already have a cup in their right hand. When a servant brings some in our direction, Alexander picks up two and offers me one.

I imitate his gesture when he lifts the arm with the cup, and I drink when he drinks.

Soon after the toast, the atmosphere relaxes abruptly. It's as if every person in here was holding their breath, waiting for this formality. Now, they're chatting happily and exchanging compliments.

Some noblewomen approach me to take a look at the necklace, and I have to smile and pretend to be proud of this husband of mine.

Luckily, not too many dare to talk to me.

Even Princess Lyland stays next to his majesty, probably following her protocol. She looks bored, from here, but I guess she's used to it.

When the time comes, and we finally retire, I take a deep breath preparing to speak my mind to the Duke.

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