
Chapter 83 - The Secret In The Basement (1)

Chapter 83 - The Secret In The Basement (1)

After writing a draft for the budget and inventory, I check that I have all the documents I need. When I finish, it's already late. However, since I've woken up late, I don't feel sleepy.

I change into my nightgown and clean the make-up from my face, while my Duke shaves. He didn't do anything for the whole afternoon, but he preferred to stare at me than to improve his image.

Since my dressing room is one of the Lady's chambers, and since he shaves in another room, we meet in the waiting room. The nanny finished guarding the bedroom and is not around anymore, so we're alone.

?Come here,? Alexander mutters. He's still wearing day clothes, while I'm literally ready for bed.

Oh, right. I promised something to my Duke. I guess he doesn't see any reason to change clothes if we're going to get rid of them regardless.

He wraps my shoulders in a heavy mantle, and he checks that I'm wearing a pair of socks. I didn't take them off because the room was chilly. I wanted to do so in front of the fire, instead of the dressing room. I've also braided my hair, but I shouldn't have bothered.

The Duke takes out a scarf from his pocket and ties it around my eyes.

?What?? I inquire.

He already did something like this, but he could have waited for us to reach the bedroom first!

?I want to show you something,? he whispers. ?And I want it to be a surprise.?

?Is it far from here??

?I know a shortcut. A secret passage,? my Duke breathes to my ear. He's so close, yet I can't feel his presence. If it weren't for his hot skin, I wouldn't sense him at all. He's silent and fast.

?Are you bringing me to your torture room?? I ask while following him. One of the Duke's hands is holding mine, guiding me in the dark, while the other is on my back.

?Would you like that?? he chuckles.

?I wouldn't. I prefer being your adored wife, rather than a toy for your twisted games.?

?Duchess, you're so naughty today!?

?I didn't say anything weird,? I point out.

?What twisted games are you talking about, ah??

?You've blindfolded me, and you're bringing me to a cold place.?

?Oh, you'll love it, believe me!?

?I bet you'll love it more than me.?

?Not this time,? he chuckles. ?Let me carry you for a while. It's easier this way...?

He surrounds my waist with an arm, and I let him lift me by holding my back and knees. I just clench his shirt and lean my head on his shoulder. Every step further, the air gets chiller.

Is he going to make me freeze to death? Or is he trying to extort something?

?Alexander, what are you trying to do?? I ask.

?Just a minute more, my Duchess,? he sighs. ?You won't feel cold in a minute...?

Surprisingly, he's right. After a while, the air becomes warmer. He lets me down, and he guides me for a few more meters.

I start to smell sulphur and to understand what is waiting for me.

?Oh, awesome!? I exclaim even before Alexander removes the improvised blindfold.

He's visibly troubled that I already understood what's behind the door. And he's relieved that I'm happily jumping at his side.

On the other side of a small, black door, there is a hall with a high ceiling. There is a big pool decorated with big rocks and statues.

The water is so hot that the air is humid, but it's not too difficult to breathe.

The closest thermal springs to Polis are in a secluded cavern, in the mountains. Here in Kyre, they have them under the Lord's castle!

?You're a very very good party for a girl to marry,? I tease him, while Alexander starts to help me undress.

?Let's tie your hair first,? he murmurs, not paying attention to my joke. ?You can't walk around with wet hair, so pay attention when you bathe.?

He undoes my braid without difficulties, and I collect the hair in a lousy bun on my head. Alexander uses the same ribbon I tied the braid with, and he fixes the bun with it.

I can't help but be surprised by how easily he helped me. Is this a consequence of growing up surrounded by women? Did he learn how to tie ladies' hair while taking care of Princess Lyland?

?Leave your clothes in a safe, dry place,? he commands, and I nod without even realising.

?Can you...? I start, and he sighs and turns towards the pool. He starts getting rid of his clothes, so I take advantage of his distraction to take off the nightgown and the socks, and then to leave a large towel near the pool.

I step in the water, and the sudden contact with the hot liquid makes me thrill. It's so pleasurable that I moan.

I take a step forward, and the water reaches my knees.

I need some time to soak my whole body, so I forget about the Duke that's probably gazing at me from the side. However, he reaches me only when my shoulders are already under the water.

?This is amazing,? I comment.

He grins, happy that I'm enjoying this magic place.

?You were right: I love it!? I continue. ?Is this your secret place??

?It's not supposed to be a secret, but I don't want you to come here without me...? Alexander reveals.

I tilt my head, trying to find a reason to keep me far from such a snug place.

?Come this way,? he continues, without explaining further. He guides me to a corner of the pool, where big stairs make a cosy spot to sit down while staying in the water.

Alexander chooses the corner, and he drags me with him. He sits down and makes me sit on his lap.

We're both completely naked, so it's a bit awkward, for me. Just at the beginning, actually, because I soon get used to my Duke's presence.

When he notices that I've relaxed, he surrounds my waist with an arm and starts kissing the skin of my neck.

He grabs my chin and makes me look at him for a few seconds before taking possession of my mouth. His tongue caresses the inner part of my cheeks, and his teeth play with my lower lip. He sucks my lips until I start to feel numb, and only then he lets me take a breath.

?My Duchess looks a bit tired, today,? he comments.

?I'm all right,? I protest, but I indeed feel lost.

Part of my being is still captured by his kiss, while the rest is blankly staring at him and hoping he wouldn't just stop.

?You must be the one tired,? I point out.

?Why do you say so??

?Because you stopped,? I whisper, and his lips find my lips once anew. This time, he caresses my tongue and then retreats, to then come back and tease me again.

I start to feel numb and fizzy, while the grin on my Duke's face doesn't falter for even a second. He's like in his natural element, while I cling on him in search of this contact.

His hands stop on my waist, and he pulls me closer while kissing me deeper. I moan when his hand slips down and squeezes my butt. He pulls me in, making our bodies touch. I can feel his chest muscles under my fingers and torso. I run my hands around, exploring his skin for the first time.

I've been a bit worried or frightened till now. I wouldn't dare to put my hands on my Duke, so I settled for letting him do whatever crossed his mind, while I offered the least amount of contact every time we got intimate.

However, this time, I want to explore.

I don't know if it's because of the heat of the thermals or the thickness of the air, but I am selfish and curious. I want to know what my Duke likes and what he doesn't. I also feel that it's unfair that he's allowed to touch me wherever he desires, while I have to keep my wishes private and secret.

Alexander splits from me just for a moment. He gazes at my face before telling me his mind.

?The water is too hot, we shouldn't stay inside for too long,? he explains. ?We can come back later, though.?

His mischievous smile and the ways he didn't let go of me are telling me that he's not postponing our caresses. No, he's just asking me to change location.

?We will come back,? I nod, making him chuckle amused.

?Whatever my Duchess desires,? he whispers, and he pulls me out with his strength. He wraps me in the towel, and he does the same with his hips. He guides me to a sofa in a corner.

There's also a table with tea and some light snacks.

It's a resting area, with a comfortable couch and fresh food: the perfect place where to rest from the hot waters of a thermal pool.

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