
Chapter 106 - The Lady Wants Friends (3)

Chapter 106 - The Lady Wants Friends (3)

Anne Mary Wilhelm said that I didn't do anything wrong. Well, I'm relieved. However, there is no way my Duke is jealous. He just wants complete control over me.

The young woman is sitting comfortably on a sofa and checking her nails. She doesn't seem too interested in the conversation, since she just said what she wanted to.

Shannon Lynn is looking at her hands, joined in her lap, sad for her failure. The mother-in-law, though, is still gazing at me in search of a way to forge a relationship.

?Your gown is superb, my Lady,? she says once she's confirmed the other two women won't utter a word.

?Thank you,? I answer simply.

?Is that the style women use where you come from?? she continues.

?Not really. It has just undergone a few changes.?

The corset has been replaced by a double layer of clothes. The gowns have much volume, just like any empire dress, but the sleeves are large and fly around any time I move my arms.

?It dances around you as you walk, my Lady,? the woman continues. ?I'd like to get one for myself. Who tailored the one you're wearing??

?I have no clue,? I shrug, and Anne Mary Wilhelm chuckles, amused.

?I can't believe that wooden stick got out of his way for a dress!? she exclaims.


While lady Anne Mary laughs loudly, the other two women stare dumbfounded. They widen their eyes and closely follow my reaction.

?If I knew things were like this,? she mumbles when she stops giggling, ?I would also have asked my Lady for a favour of two...?

?I don't have the power to grant favours,? I point out. Why is this person making fun of me like this? I've done nothing to her!

Oh, right. I danced with this woman's husband.

But it was him that asked me! Maybe, it's because I made him look uncoordinated.

She's attacking my husband because I did the same with hers.

?But I bet that any request worded from you has a higher probability of being accepted, my Lady.?

As if.

?All the ladies out there are wondering who managed to bewitch Lord Kyre in such a way. Also, I bet Shannon here is more a fan than any other.?

The young woman blenches when she hears her name, and she looks at Anne Mary Wilhelm with a wounded expression.

?Whose fan??

She just told me that my Duke is merciless. What kind of fan is that?

?Yours,? lady Anne Mary mutters as if it was self-evident.

Shannon Lynn's face relaxes, as she understands what the other is implying.

?Oh well, I can be a follower of someone that can make Sir Johnard shut up,? she shrugs.

Johnard is a knight. Well, he was knighted by the Duke of some eastern place. However, he does act like a baronet.

Sir Johnard has a lot of opinions about everything. He's also got a round stomach and oiled moustaches. He's a few centimetres shorter than me, but he proudly keeps his shoulders and back straight.

When one says knight, Sir Johnard is definitely not the one that comes to mind.

?Once, when I accompanied my husband for the yearly meeting of the administrators...? Shannon Lynn starts, eager to explain. ?Sir Johnard complained and said that women shouldn't be allowed inside. He also started talking about difficult things, only to confuse me and prove that I'm not qualified to help my husband with his duties. It was a terrible moment for me. I felt useless...?

?He didn't seem so knowledgeable, to me,? I whisper.

I mean, he just mumbled random words one after the other. Furthermore, he kept quiet after I inquired about what he wanted to say. I can't even tell if it was really his choice or he didn't know how to answer.

?That's what I was trying to say,? she nods. ?Sir Johnard just fakes it! But he knows more words than me, so I never know how to answer. I'm better with numbers than letters.?

?You can learn as many words as you want, lady Shannon,? I chuckle. ?You just need a good book. And I happen to have a couple of them at my disposal.?

She blinks, not believing that her complaints succeeded where her strong character failed.

?Really?? she asks.

?Of course! I can lend you a book next time you visit, let's say... In a couple of weeks??

This means she will come here to meet me twice. To get the book and to return it. She will have two opportunities to get closer with the Lady.

?I was thinking of organising a tea party,? I try. ?Would you like to attend??

Shannon Lynn starts nodding convinced, and her mother-in-law clenches a handkerchief with a moved face. She looks proudly at the younger woman as if she was her own daughter.

?And you, lady Anne Mary?? I whisper, in an offer of peace.

?And getting on the wrong side of Lord Kyre? What if he skins me alive?? she mutters.

I pout my lips and look down, unhappy.

What kind of excuse is that?

?If I had as much influence over my husband, I would throw tantrums daily, my Lady.?


?I mean, you have the Lord of Kyre wrapped around your finger. You could ask anything, literally!?

What is this woman blubbering about? I already have all that I need.

?Ah, I'll risk my life and help you list your desires, my Lady. I guess the Lord will be happy to comply,? she smirks.

Ah, now she changed her mind? What the heck?

?I hope you'll remember how I put myself at risk, though...?

Oh, so she's just sneaky. Well, not that it works on me. I'm not easy to be manipulated.

?You don't need to worry,? I reply. ?I'm sure no ill will be done to you. After all, lady Lyana has been by my side for days without consequences.?

?Shall we ask her if there really weren't consequences??

My lady in waiting winces surprised to be dragged in such an odd conversation.

?I was done no ill,? she confirms, nodding in such a positive way.

Lady Anne Mary and I stare at her, dumbfounded. She was so fast at replying that one would think she has been tortured in this place.

She recognises the situation herself, and she covers her mouth with a hand. I squeeze the other, making her understand that it's all right, while the woman on the middle sofa bursts out laughing again. Anne Mary Wilhelm is a cheerful one, isn't she?

?I'm glad there is someone that can organise balls in this cold castle,? she exclaims after she's calmed down. ?Lord Kyre has been busy all his life, so we didn't have any excuse to come here and party.?

Too bad I'm a reserved person and won't organise parties as often as this woman is hoping. Still, there's no reason to tell her now and ruin her good mood. She will figure it out in a month or two.

?So, can I count on you as well? Will you come to a tea party in two weeks??

?Mhm, I'm free, yeah,? she nods. ?My Lady can come to visit my residence as well, once you get used to life in the north.?

?I'm adapting quicker to Stoneyard than the capital,? I shrug. With some luck, I'll soon visit a friend in their home! I've never done that!

?I can believe that,? she nods. ?The capital is a weird place. I prefer to stay here in the summer.?

?Your husband lets you??

?He's less eager than me to travel there, but duties are duties. This year, he also had the wedding of a dear friend, so it wasn't really a choice.?

?I'm sincerely tempted to stay here as well,? I chuckle. That would be so peaceful. The only downside would be the cold bed, but maybe, in summer, the weather is tolerable.

?I don't think your husband will accept to part from you, my Lady.?

?It's because we've been married for a few weeks. In a year, we'll behave like any married couple that's grown bored of each other.?

?Sure,? she scoffs.

?I also might ask you about a couple of tricks about marriage. I'm still new to this, so I'm not sure I'm doing fine enough,? I continue. Making people think they're useful is just a quick way to make them friends. Also, she's clearly interested in becoming a friend of mine.

She's using a risky tactic, but it's working marvellously. I wouldn't have relaxed this much if she was too obsequious. This way, I can tell she's not trying to suck up.

Queens are sensitive to that type of approach, even fallen ones.

However, if my Duke is friend with her husband, she can't be too dangerous. I would have been warned if that was the case, right?

Alexander just said not to stay alone. And not to follow odd maids around. He didn't mention any lady I need to fear in particular.

Even though I don't like Jeffrey Wilhelm too much, his wife seems interesting as a person.

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