
Chapter 118 - A Dozen Crossed Lines

Chapter 118 - A Dozen Crossed Lines

The carriage's shaking is getting?on my nerves, so I naturally move on Alexander's lap and lean my head on his shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes.

I almost fall asleep, but the wine doesn't let my mind rest. I stay between slumber and consciousness for the whole time, so when we arrive, I feel more tired than when we departed.

My Duke carries me out, and I try to thank him. However, my throat is sore, and I only manage to moan.

?Are you all right?? he asks me, and I nod against his shoulder.

I'll be all right unless he lets me go.

I open my eyes and observe his solemn face and deep pupils. He's not bothered by me, even if I'm such a burden.

?I want to wash before sleeping,? I reveal. The clothes on both of us are dirty, and we sweated a lot during the day, especially while riding towards the village.

?Of course,? my husband chuckles. He already knew it, there was no need to say it out loud.

He leans me on the sofa after barely fifteen minutes, and the two maids assigned to the master chambers follow us. One of them helps me undress, and I'm so fizzy that I can't do a thing. I just look at a point on the floor while the dress is peeled off.

When I'm wearing only a chemise, Alexander dismisses the maids.

I look at him and notice that he's ready for bed.

Oh, no! I wanted to watch him change, but I forgot to!

He soaks a towel in some warm, scented water, and he wipes my face. Then, he cleans my shoulders and arms. It's not that late, it must be around dinner time. However, I want to nestle in bed and rest.

After wiping my legs from the dust that I collected after tripping, he decides it's enough for today.

?Tomorrow, you can take a bath,? he murmurs before I can protest. I would usually be very displeased by the discomfort of lying in bed without cleaning myself properly. Today, though, is an exception.

I hold my husband's hand and follow him by inertia.

I lie down and snuggle on one side.

?Do you feel sick?? he inquires, moving a lock of hair away from my forehead.

I shake my head and bend an arm under the pillow. I feel all right, now.

?I'll be back in a moment,? he whispers. ?You can sleep in the meantime.?

?This Duchess can't use her hands, that's right,? I realise.

He's not eager to stay, since I can't fulfil my duty like this. Would it have been better if I scratched my knee and face, instead of my hands?

?This Duchess can use her tongue, though!? I exclaim, finally finding a way.

?Thea, sleep.?

?No cuddles??

?Later, I have something to do now. I'll come back before you fall asleep, all right??

?But I don't want you to think that I'm slacking off with an excuse.?

?I won't think that.?

?Oh, then this Duchess can rest.?


I sit up on the bed and lift my arms.

?This Duchess wants a hug,? I state.

Alexander just surrounds me with his arms, and I inhale his scent. I enjoy this long embrace with my eyes closed, and my heartbeat stabilises after some time.

I haven't even noticed, but the incident before frightened me a bit.

?Thank you, Alexander,? I whisper. ?You're always with me when I need you. One day, I'll return my debt to you.?

?No need to return anything, Thea.?

?It isn't all that bad, after all,? I chuckle.

?What isn't bad??

?Owing to you,? I reveal.

Then, I lie down and decide to relax. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

I barely notice when Alexander joins me in bed. I just turn to him and clench his nightclothes, while his lips peck my temple.

?You don't owe me anything, my love,? he utters. Maybe, I've just imagined it.

The following days pass rather quickly. There's no trace of the person that poisoned the horse, so Alexander doesn't dare to lower his guard.

Instead of a single knight, I'm now followed by two or three anywhere I go. I'm only allowed alone in the Lady's office, but lady Lyana always accompanies me there, along with a maid or two.

I don't feel scared, even though I really risked my life in the stable. I was too drunk to realise it, but it was a dangerous situation.

I recall how Alexander forgot what he's done in a drunken state, but I haven't been graced by the gods to disremember as well. I clearly recollect most of what happened.

Especially how my mouth phrased indecent sentences and used naughty words. At least, my audacity prevented my husband from killing the innocent horse.

Time passes, and everyone thinks that everything is over. That it was just a coincidence or a sporadic attack. Everyone but my cautious husband.

It's night, and I've just woken up all of a sudden. I don't know the reason, though.

I turn in bed, sighing. Maybe, some noise disturbed my sleep.

I roll over to Alexander, but my back shivers nervously.

I lean my head closer to my Duke when his arms tighten their embrace on me. I almost flinchwince, but this is nothing too unusual for me.

The room is in complete darkness, and it also seems rather chilly. Fortunately, the blanket is warm.

When Alexander's hand lands on my neck, and then on my face, I start to wonder whether he's also awake.

I try to move my lips to whisper something, but his hand is pressed against my mouth. His actions are gentle and slow, like always, but this is the first time I can't understand his intention.

He pulls me closer to him, and he passes his leg around mine. He presses me down with his weight, leaning on his knee.

A moment later, a rustle breaks the silence in the room. It was not caused by my Duke or me, we haven't moved a muscle right now.

I straighten my back and understand what's happening.

There is someone in the room, and my Duke noticed their presence. He's shielding me with his body.

I don't want him to get hurt because of me! I'm the target of the assassination attempts, there's no need for my Duke to be in danger.

I try to push him back, but he's unmovable. He already set his mind and there's nothing I can do about that.

When I feel some air hitting my cheek, I freeze in place. My teeth press my tongue to prevent me from shouting.

Alexander rolls over me, pivoting on his knee. The blanket uncovers my whole body in a moment, and I shiver at the cold. After a couple of hits and a few gasps, the battle is over.

I can't move because of panic. I don't need to, anyway.

If my Duke won, then there's nothing to fear. If he lost, it's not like I have any chance of escaping. However, knowing my husband a bit, I'm positive he wouldn't have perished so fast.

?Alexander,? I voice while touching around in the dark.

?Come with me,? he whispers, and I sigh relieved. He's alive.

Our fingers meet in the black night, finding their path rather naturally.

He drags me in his arms and out of bed.

?Once out of the room, do not say a word,? he breathes to my ear. ?I'm not sure this one was alone.?

I clench my hold on his hand to show him that I understand, and we venture towards the door. Once there, Alexander pushes me behind him, and he opens it slowly.

I cling on his shirt, holding my breath.

On the floor, just behind the door, there is a lantern. The flame has been tuned down to a minimum, but it still enlightens the surroundings.

The waiting room is empty and silent.

Alexander bows down and takes the lantern.

?Seems clear,? he sighs.

He finally turns to me and lets me find comfort in his embrace.

?It was close, this time,? he mutters. ?But now, they crossed the line. They crossed a dozen lines, actually, including one they shouldn't have.?

?They walked in a ducal room,? I nod. ?There's no way to tell whose life they were after. Hence, you can take action against the sender if you find out who he is.?

?This was definitely the wrong move,? he says. The spot on my back where his left hand is landed is hot and wet, so much that it's sticky.

?You're wounded,? I breathe in a harsh tone.

?It's nothing serious,? he chuckles, and we reach the hallways and call for guards.

Nothing serious, he said. I bet he stopped a blade with his bare arm. I hope he's all right, though. I wouldn't be able to repay him if he got seriously injured while protecting me.

?How are you, wife?? he asks, selfless like always.

?My heart worries,? I admit. Alexander won't realise that this worry isn't directed to my own persona, but to his safety. And I'm not itching to let him know it.

Does this make me a slightly better wife, though?

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