
Chapter 229 - A Thousand Kisses

Chapter 229 - A Thousand Kisses

After talking with Diogenes, Alexander decides that we can ask them to bring us to Polis.

My husband makes it look like I'm the one deciding, by nodding at my words and holding my hand in obedient silence. He offered to take a ride on a pirate ship with a calm smile, and I understood there was no point in arguing.

And I want to go to Polis too.

Changing ship is a whole adventure.

The pirates add another footbridge, and Diogenes helps me pass on the other side under Alexander's grudging stare. Then, once safe and with my feet on the vessel, I turn back and gaze at my husband.

He looks at the wood and jumps up regardless of his sickness. His face has turned green in the last few minutes.

I signal to Diogenes to help him, and my former aide follows on the spot.

?It would be bad if we lost the Duke of Kyre now,? I remind him. ?He hasn't signed anything yet.?

And the Duke of Kyre accepted to proceed by sea regardless of his discomfort. All to show me that Polis is safe and in order.

?Sit down for a moment,? I suggest to Alexander when he reaches my side. ?You're not looking well.?

I wipe away some sweat from his forehead.

?You should rest now,? I continue. ?And we might continue the trip another time...?

?No, no,? he murmurs. ?I'm fine.?

?You stubborn husband!? I whisper, pinning his chin between two fingers and forcing him to look at me. ?All right, then. But we're going back by ground roads.?

?If that's what my wife wishes...?

His relieved sigh tells me more than his fake words.

?My Queen, you can use my cabin for this voyage,? Diogenes yells from the other side of the deck.

Mhm... It's in the upper part of the ship. Hence, the waves are less annoying. It will help Alexander's health, to stay in the captain's cabin instead of the hold.

?All right,? I accept and get up. Alexander follows me in silence, somehow unbalanced. Should I keep him stable while walking?

?The Duke can sleep with the rest of the crew. There's enough space for another hammock,? Diogenes adds with a small grin.

?No, he'll sleep on the floor,? I murmur while pulling Alexander with me. ?Right now. There's no need to suffer in the open just because. The knights will oversee that all our belongings find a place. Come on...?

While I make sure that my Duke eats some bread and soup, the rest of the ship returns to its usual activities. Every single sailor knows its place and tasks, and we part from the merchants in no time.

The other pirate vessel, acting as a decoy, reaches us a few hours later.

?Done?? a man shouts from the other side.

?Done!? Diogenes replies. ?What took you so long??

?Problems with the helm. We solved it, but now we don't know what to do with the goods. The merchant just fled away...?

?We're going to sell it by ourselves,? Diogenes informs his comrade.

Only after turning the corner, I can wave to the man there. He looks at me with surprise for a moment or two, and then he recognises me.

He opens his eyes and mouth at the same time, at a loss of words.

I don't know his name, but he's one of the lower officers in the Palace. He worked in the financial department and sometimes brought documents to Diogenes.

?Sell where?? he asks, remembering the conversation left at half.

?Polis,? Diogenes shouts, and the man confirms my identity.

I bet it's hard to recognise me with exotic clothes and a tidy bun instead of my usual braid.

As the news about the plan spreads in the other vessel, I return to the cabin to check on Alexander. Two weeks of travel will be long, especially for him.

?You recognised Diogenes, didn't you?? I ask him after closing the door.

He's lying on the bed. This one is larger than the one we had on the merchant ship.

?Yes, that's correct.?

His voice is feeble but stable.

?You had much control not to shout his name out loud,? I chuckle. ?I don't know if I would have figured that it wasn't a good idea to call a stranger the first time we meet in this life.?

?I'm used to it.?

?You were also in a difficult position with a sword raised to protect your wife.?

?That's my duty.?

?You did a good job,? I chuckle.

He observes me for a moment before returning to his shameless self.

?Can I get a reward?? he tries, smiling as if there wasn't any bad intention behind his expression.

?You already have it,? I point out. ?You're lying in bed and not on the floor.?

?You're cold.?

?It's a part of my role. I wouldn't be your Duchess if I wasn't cold.?

I sit next to him and land a peck on his forehead.

?Better, now??

?Mhm... Better... I'm surprised you take care of me, Thea. I thought you would throw me in the sea at the first chance.?

?And why would I do that??

?To be finally free and sail towards Polis to organise a revolution.?

?We can do that together, can't we??

?Indeed,? he chuckles. ?But a revolution should be our last choice. We can find another way...?

?One less bloody,? I finish for him.

He's right. That's my most pressing concern: Polis can't get its freedom without a massacre, and the Empire won't just sit and stare as we declare independence.

It has to be done more cunningly.

?What do you propose?? I inquire, smiling at Alexander.

?You're looking at me like that,? he whispers, bringing my hand to his lips. ?Like you used to, once.?

?I don't understand.? I'm not glaring in rage nor trembling in fear.

What does he mean by once?

?I love you, Thea. So much that I'd destroy the world for you.?

?I know, Alexander. You've already proven that.?

It's evident how far he would go for his Queen.

?No, Thea. I haven't yet. I haven't proved it to you, only to the woman in my memories. And if you still think that you're another person, then I have to show you my feelings in some way.?

?Your words are enough,? I reassure him, caressing his hair as if he was a feverish child.

?But I want to help you regardless.?

?I won't throw you in the water, Alexander. There's no need to act this pitiful.?

?I'm not pitiful, just a bit seasick. Tomorrow, I'll be like new. I promise!?

?Don't make promises like this. There's a risk that I believe you.?

?I'm afraid you'll trick me and disappear in Polis.?

?Then, why are you bringing me there if you're so afraid??

?Because it's the right thing to do. I can't bind you to me. I can just pray that you will stay even when you have the possibility to leave.?

?Oh, you're so right about that. You can't keep me by your side with chains and cages,? I murmur.

?And with pleas??

?You words turned out pretty effective till now, didn't they? I'm still here. And I had my chance to escape.?

His lips curl up, and he turns on one side. He pats on the spot next to him, and I lie down in his arms.

?Can I get my reward, now?? he inquires, his breath hitting my ear.

?I haven't promised anything.?

?But I did a good job!?

?You tried doing a good job and then left me to fix it.?

?It's not my fault if my wife is more efficient.?

?What do you want, then?? I sigh. He won't stop whining if I don't at least pretend to be conceding.

?A thousand kisses.?

?My lips will fall apart.?

?Not just now. You can give me a kiss each day for a thousand days. Or you can kiss me more often and be done sooner...?

I turn to him and peck his cheek.

?One,? I say before moving on his forehead. ?Two... Three...?

I count up to twenty-something before giving up and focusing on the task. In the end, a thousand kisses mean thirty a day for a little more than a month. With this pace, I'll be done with a thousand by the end of the journey.

Instead of complaining about my strategy and protesting that simple pecks aren't kisses, not the kisses he's interested in, Alexander just closes his eyes. He enjoys my small attentions with serenity.

Even his seasickness seems to have given him a break.

?I will keep count for you, wife. Don't worry and just do your part,? he says when I move on his neck.

I bite him, and he winces, surprised. He moans in a complaint but doesn't stop me.

?This can't be considered,? he states. ?It's not a kiss if it leaves your teeth's sign.?

?I don't say a word when you do the same to me,? I point out.

?It's different. You're tougher than me, and you can bear with it. I can't: I'm delicate.?

?As delicate as a flower,? I murmur while returning to my tedious work.

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