
Chapter 270 - Looking For A New Empress (1)

Chapter 270 - Looking For A New Empress (1)

The first time that his majesty asks for my presence comes completely unexpected.

I thought that the title of counsellor of the crown was just for appearances, but it seems I'll have to work for real.

Ah, I'm becoming lazy at the side of my spoiling husband. It will do me good if I find a job for a while. Pregnancy is a months-long waiting, so I might as well do something to fill these last weeks.

This time, I wasn't invited to the royal office. His majesty is waiting for me in one of the tea rooms of the imperial suite.

There's a chance I stumble upon the Dowager Empress, but she won't attack me just because. Right?

I'm still waiting for Alexander's letter. He promised one every week, but the first one hasn't arrived yet.

He will hear me out when he comes back. He said he would write, but then he must have forgotten due to work. He must be busy.

But he could write two lines and send them, for goodness! Should I be the first to contact him?

Ah, no! I ordered him letters; I didn't even say I would answer.

A maid offers me a cup of tea, and I scent the aroma before sipping. His majesty is late.

So much of waiting for me; it's the other way around! People in Ethiro love to show their power with tricks like this. They're so used to it that I believe they don't do it on purpose anymore.

?Duchess!? the Emperor exclaims while barging in. I wince on the couch but do not show any hint of annoyance. ?I hope you didn't wait for too long.?

?I haven't, your majesty,? I reply. I lean my palms on the border of the sofa, ready to get up and greet the Emperor when he waves to me and sits on the armchair in the front.

?Please, stay comfortable. There's no need to get up, not in your state.?

He looks at the round stomach with a smirk. Is he actually happy that he's going to have a nephew? Maybe, he's just considering the political implications my son's birth will have.

Should I worry? From what Alexander said until now, it doesn't look like the Emperor will feel in danger because of a baby. Yet, one can never be too sure.

?I hope you like the tea, Duchess Kyre,? he continues, reaching out for a pastry and munching it down in a second or two. He repeats the gesture with a second pastry.

Do they feed the Emperor at all?

?Tea is delicious, your majesty.?

?I wanted to talk with you, but the office is too impersonal and uncomfortable. I didn't want you to feel scrutinised by my aides. Nor I wished you kept your thoughts for yourself in fear of being judged or punished.?

?Is this the reason why I'm still here, conversing with your majesty, even after siding with her highness, the Princess, during our last chat??

?That's just part of it. No, rather... That conversation didn't have much impact on my opinion. I was pleased you didn't hold back your words, Duchess. I'm in need of sincerity, and the people surrounding me lack this quality the most. Only few can tell me without fear.?

?I'm sure her highness is among those few,? I comment.

?Indeed. She has always been, even when I was no one.?

Well, she did know who was going to inherit the throne. It was a smart move from her side. Alexander should have used it for his profit as well, instead of racing around to become... What? A more desirable husband?

Oh, I should stop thinking about him. It hasn't been so long. He won't be back for a couple of weeks more, so I should get used to his absence sooner than later.

?I wasn't taught how to show courtesy. The kind of diplomacy I'm used to is not that of a Duchess flattering her Emperor,? I explain, returning on topic.

I should focus now. I'm working.

?I was in a different position for most of my life, so I'm not yet proficient at talking politely, your majesty.?

?That's what makes your experience priceless. Nobody else at my court has your point of view and your qualities. You've guided a nation for as long as you can remember. You've resisted the most powerful Empire in the continent.?

?I've resisted to your Empire, your majesty. I resisted to Ethiro.?

?That is not your fault, is it? We attacked you, and you defended yourself.?

?There is no more you and us,? I point out. ?Now Polis is part of the Ethiro Empire.?

It's better to be careful about words. I can't afford to be misunderstood, and Ethirians know how to get offended with very little. Even though the Emperor showed me a tolerant side of his character, I can't forget it might all be a facade.

?But there were two parts. In the past, we were enemies,? he points out. ?What happened then should not influence our present, though. We should use what we learnt for the future, but without hatred. Do you agree, Duchess??

?Indeed.? I nod, now knowing how to reply.

?I just want to be sure you're not resenting us for having won.?

?What's done is in the past, your majesty. My resentment wouldn't bring anything to Polis. Nor to me. I have a new life, and I have accepted it. It would be pointless to question myself again and again.?

?I invited you here to talk about a matter of the Empire, Duchess. But I first wanted to make sure you would accept to help me because you want to. Not because an Emperor is asking you.?

My lips distend in a calm smile, trying to hide my calculative side. This is the moment I have been waiting for. Being able to actually influence this country's destiny.

?It's very difficult to convince this Duchess to do something she doesn't want to,? I say. ?Your majesty can rest assured. I'm not here against my will.?

?Well, then... Shall we start??

?Yes, of course. What is the matter??

?I need to find a potential Empress. I'm in no hurry to get married, but I need at least an engagement by the end of the year. The factions at the court are getting nervous. If the place next to me stands free for too long, I won't be able to control the power shifts in the Palace.?

?I understand.? I nod, looking at the cup of tea while pretending to consider the problem.

I've thought about it for so long that I have a whole series of solutions. But it's better not to let anyone notice.

Also, longer counsels are paid more and valued much. I will let his majesty hear all that I came up with bit by bit.

Having tea with his majesty is a sign of power, so the more we meet, the stabler my condition in the court will become.

Without exaggerating; I don't want to become a target.

?Do you have any suggestion?? he inquires, seeing that I haven't talked yet.

In fact, he didn't ask me anything. I had to wait for the question before starting, so I can now start with the operation.

His majesty has to stay free until Duke Grahm bets all his coins on his younger granddaughter and the faction supporting his majesty.

Once he fails at making her the Empress, he won't be able to back away from his political position, for there won't be other places where to be accepted.

Right now, he's playing with all three options: he has familiar bonds with Alexander, he's pushing his younger miss towards the crown. I don't know how exactly he's tied to the Dowager Empress, but I will eventually find out. I just need to be patient. There's no way he hasn't his hands in there.

If the third rebellious faction loses the support of someone like Duke Grahm, they will have problems surviving in the long term.

?I can tell my mind to your majesty,? I say. ?But I don't have a specific name I would recommend. Not yet, at least.?

?Is that so?? he murmurs, surprised. ?Your letters from Kyre didn't seem so vague.?

?Oh, I still think it's time to find a woman able to stand next to your majesty. I can write down names from all over the continent. But I'm not sure if those girls are clever, pretty and educated enough. Parents like to brag, but we can't risk accepting just any young lady because of political bonds. Your majesty is the Sun of the Empire. Your majesty's marriage isn't just politics; it's much more...?

?I understand,? he sighs. ?It won't be as easy as picking a suit from my royal wardrobe.?

?It won't be easy at all, your majesty. Moreover, the lady has to be likeable enough to make her presence at least tolerable at court.?

?Is it that relevant??

?It is, your majesty. The Empress will spend the rest of her life here.?

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