
Chapter 285 - A Family To Protect

Chapter 285 - A Family To Protect

From when Alexander returned, no one dares to reach this wing of the Palace. I spend a few days resting.

When Lavinia wakes up in the middle of the night, Alexander gets up to carry her to the bed. It doesn't happen too often, as our daughter is a calm baby, but I don't need to walk, not even to the cradle.

Lavinia's serenity is not because of the sleeping drug the midwife gave her. Kate said that the poison isn't in the little ball's body anymore. It's just her character.

Breastfeeding becomes less painful with time, so I eventually can look at my baby without a constant frown. She's turning pretty: Alexander was right about this too.

And I'm slowly forgetting how difficult it has been to bring her to this world. It's early to think about it, years early, but I might be brave enough to attempt giving birth to Elias as well.

The only person that crosses the door to visit me, other than the Princess, is Duchess Prim.

She sits on the armchair, observing me for a while. I'm wrapped in a blanket, still wearing a nightgown. I don't have enough energy to stand long enough to wear a dress, so she'll have to bear with my shameless attire.

?I'm glad to see you're all right, your highness,? she starts. ?Has the delivery been difficult??

?It wasn't easy, indeed,? I sigh.

Her voice is uncertain as if she was probing out what happened.

She was the one calling for the midwife, but it doesn't mean she was part of the conspiracy as well. I can't picture Duchess Prim plotting for my and my baby's death.

?The... The midwife isn't anywhere to be found. The whole court is wondering what happened to her,? she continues.

In the end, she's always the same, open Duchess Prim. She takes more confidence than one allows her, but she's easy to read.

?Has she made any mistake??

?No, she hasn't,? I reply, tilting my head and waiting for her reaction.

?I see... I also heard some rumours, but I didn't want to believe that a royal midwife would... Oh,? she sighs. ?I was the one telling you to be in her care. It's my fault if you suffered more than it was necessary.?

?What do you think happened, Duchess?? I ask, more to understand what the court thinks than to check her intentions.

The Duchess wouldn't have come here if she had anything to hide. She would have pretended that nothing happened.

She came here to soothe her sense of guilt with an apology.

?Your baby is a descendant of the late Emperor. She has royal blood in her veins.?

?By both sides,? I remind her.

?True. The midwife of the royal family is the most skilled among the women in medicine. She was chosen for that position after careful thoughts decades ago. I would have never imagined...?

?What happened, Duchess??

?The midwife tried to kill the baby, didn't she? Thankfully, she failed. I wouldn't have been able to live with it if she succeeded.?

?You wouldn't have heard any rumour if she succeeded because I would be dead too.?

?Oh,? the Duchess realises.

?This is how being a member of a royal family is. At all times, especially when one is defenceless and needs help.?

?Who would have imagined that she would dare?? Somehow, I understand that she doesn't refer to the midwife but to a more powerful, poisonous woman.

?It wasn't an easy deal, in fact. Alexander's people surround me at all times. They had to choose with concern how to approach me, and they found the perfect way,? I reply.

?Do you think that woman gave the order??

?The Dowager Empress? Sure. Even though it's laughable. She has never had a child, so how does she have such a close relationship with the midwife??

?I don't know. But I can tell you the name of the person reminding me that the midwife would help give birth to your baby. I heard it's a daughter, is it true??

?Yes, it is.?

?Wonderful,? the Duchess exclaims with a smile. Then, she realises it's the contrary of what other people would say. Everyone was expecting a son, me included. ?I mean, she won't be targeted as much as a potential heir to the throne. It's a turbulent period to be born. I hope that you'll have a son when this is all over...?

All over? I don't think it will be that easy.

Alexander was a bit hurried with executing the midwife and her maid. Now, it's more difficult to find traces of the Dowager Empress's implications.

?You can tell me who reminded you of such a detail,? I state.

After all, it is well known that Duchess Prim spends a lot of time with me.

I'm not sure if they had a backup plan, or they were just hoping I would begin the delivery before Alexander came back.

Even Count Grahm's failure now seems suspicious. I was expecting him to do so earlier, but then there wouldn't have been any chance to give birth while Alexander was away.

That is the reason why the Duke didn't insist on being the one solving what his son misdeed. He had a counter-move ready.

I'm playing with adversaries more dangerous than I thought. Differently from Alexander, they have no morals. They would kill children to get what they desire.

?It did feel weird, at that point of the conversation, but I thought she was trying to get out some juicy gossip or something similar... Never would I have imagined... Oh, for goodness.?

?I will let my husband know about it,? I say. ?He won't let it slide.?

?There is also something else, but I'm not sure if...?


?I also heard that some nobles use to gather in secret circles to plan some change in power. I was sure that your husband was out of it, but lately... There are rumours, your highness. Be careful about it. And talk him out of it while he's still in time. If the gossip doesn't stop, there's a chance it reaches his majesty's ears... It would be the end for your whole family. You just had a daughter: you should think about it!?

?You're assuming I am the one pushing my husband in that direction,? I comment, tilting my head.

?It's because of the moment. His highness, the Archduke, never had a single word that would sound off. He started behaving suspiciously only after marrying you. What more, when you two are expecting a child.?

?Is that so??

?This is how things look from my perspective. I'm not assuming anything, of course.?

I relax on the couch and sip some tea.

So, it's working. Perfect, now we should speed up the critical phase. Since Alexander wants proof before accusing anyone, I will help him and get it over with.

?Your highness, you're still young. Do you need more power, for real? Don't you see that you have so much richness in your daughter? You'll have other children and a safe place in the north where to raise them...? the Duchess continues, sure that I'm a greedy bitch that wants power and revenge.

Oh, well, if only I could tell her the truth. All I want is to get rid of Duke Grahm and that harpy, the Dowager Empress. Not because of power but safety.

?My father was already dead when I was born. And I was already Queen. The coronation wasn't even held after my birth. They blessed me while in my mother's womb,? I say. ?They were so disappointed that I was a girl, but it was too late to undo the ritual. And there wasn't anyone else. No one asked me if I wanted to be Queen, but I liked my role. And I was good at ruling. Young, impressionable, and easy to manipulate, but I wasn't doing too bad. People loved me, the city was prosperous... It all was manageable until the Empire struck.?

The Duchess opens her eyes wide, worried and secretly excited to see my true self.

?When I lost my crown, I lost myself. Queen Theodora died, and she won't come back. Not even another crown, throne, or sceptre could relive her.?

I'm a different person. And I believe I'm wiser than the original Theodora, the one Alexander fell in love with during his first life. I don't dislike this new me. And for sure, I won't risk it becoming a shadow of that woman.

?A part of me is dead, and so will stay.?

The Duchess nods, visibly relieved. I'm not in a suicidal attempt to reach greatness. I'm just a woman defending herself in the ways she knows.

?Oh, I really like being the Lady of Kyre. It's a beautiful place, and people treat me with respect. Most of them, at least,? I continue, changing tone to make the conversation easier to maintain.

The hard part is over; let's focus on the bright sides.

?Not to mention the months spent here in the Palace. Working as a counsellor for the crown is such a huge responsibility, but I hope I'll be of help to the Empire.?

?These last few days, there has been such a crowd. Ladies from all over the continent are arriving every day. There isn't a single unmarried miss that isn't doing her best to look desirable in his majesty's eyes...?

Oh, I almost forgot about the selection.

?It will be an interesting month,? I chuckle.

A month where the Dowager Empress will be more focused on looking for the perfect prey to have as a daughter in law. She won't have time for me.

?Is it an idea of yours, your highness?? the Duchess inquires, observing my smart grin.

?You could tell, right??

?Yes,? she sighs. ?It was too exotic to come out from another brain but yours. This is how brides are chosen in Asteria, isn't it??

?You're right, Duchess. It makes everything a little too obvious for my tastes. Hopefully, the girls won't discover it too soon. I was asked to be in the council to shortlist some names to propose to his majesty. But it would be difficult if they were to hear that I have any decision power.?

?Oh, don't worry, your highness. You're gifted at discerning the true natures of people. You won't be tricked by those young ladies.?

?I hope you're right, Duchess Prim...?

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