
Chapter 309 - A Young Heart (1)

Chapter 309 - A Young Heart (1)

?Archduchess, what brings you here at this hour?? the Emperor inquires without moving his eyes from the documents he's signing. ?It's lunchtime.?

?I'd like to ask your majesty to grant me permission to visit the royal archives.?

?What for??

?To study the story of the Empire and better know what it needs to survive such a turbulent period,? I declare. I've prepared this sentence beforehand.

?How much of the archive do you need??

?The more, the better.?

?I can't just open it to you without a valid motive,? he sighs. ?But, on the other hand...?

He looks at me, his mouth crooked.

?I really wish I could,? he states

?Am I not one of your majesty's advisors? I need new information to give better suggestions.?

?Your suggestions were right on the spot till now. Do you need more effectiveness??

?I don't want to risk giving the wrong advice because of my ignorance. Some things aren't too clear, and I don't know who to ask. Your majesty is too busy to resolve my doubts.?

?Indeed,? he says.

The Emperor opens a drawer and passes me a golden plat.

?This will grant you access to any part of the imperial offices. Just show it to the guards, and they'll let you pass.?

?Thank you, your majesty! I'll become a better advisor thanks to this, and the Empire will have some advantages for sure!?

?Where are you hurrying to, Archduchess? You're not thinking about leaving so soon? Have lunch with me.?

?As your majesty wishes,? I reply, releasing the armrests and leaning back on the chair.

I'll have to postpone the explorations for later.

?Is there anything urgent to discuss??

?No, I just prefer eating in company rather than alone.?

?The Palace is crowded with young, unwed ladies. Is your majesty certain that you want to have lunch with the old Archduchess??

?I am certain. Please, come with me.?

We cross the left door of the study and reach a cosy resting room. It's not large, but there are a few couches and even a table next to the window. From here, one can watch the happenings in the royal gardens.

Or gaze at the flowers and enjoy the natural scenery.

But it must be the best place in the whole Palace where to catch some good gossip!

?I'd like to talk about the ladies, in fact,? he says after sitting down.

The table is already set for two, and most of the food is light and healthy. A royal head can't be oppressed by slumber, hence the light meal.

?How is the conquest going?? I inquire. The reports I received didn't show favour from the young lass towards the Emperor. But it's not like anyone is asking about her opinion.

It would be better if she agreed with her own free will, but I don't have time to waste on that right at this moment.

?The lady is rather... cold,? he sighs. ?Every time I meet her by chance, she tries to flee and apologises for the disturbance. I feel like hunting a rabbit, sometimes. I don't think lady Eliza wants to be Empress.?

?Oh, well, she's not the only candidate,? I point out. ?If your majesty doesn't like her temperament, there are others that suit the place. I've already delivered my restricted shortlist. Any of them would be perfect.?

?It's not that I don't like her,? he murmurs. ?It's her that doesn't like me.?


This would be a good tactic if only the lady wasn't sincere. But she runs away because she doesn't want to be too much in contact with the Emperor.

?You said she would be seeing a saviour in this offered position,? he continues, with a pout that is all but royal.

Do I have to hearten a teenager, now? For real?

?I suppose it's because of Georgia, her sister. In my first plans, Eliza would have been sent here with the order not to come back. She would have been the only possible link of Myrya to Ethiro, for the moment being. That would have led the King to make her believe that her life would have been uncomfortable if she failed.?

?But now, they expect the older sister to be the one to succeed, right?? he mumbles.

?Georgia is a daddy's daughter. He didn't ask her to become Empress: he just sent her here because she asked. Like this, any hint Eliza gives that she's interested in the selection would anger her sister and put her in danger.?

?Women are scary,? he comments. ?Should I send the sister away??

?It wouldn't solve anything. It would be seen as a diplomatic offence towards Myrya. Also, there's the chance that Eliza retreats from the selection and travels back home before time.?

?But she doesn't seem to like the idea...?

Oh, a teenage boy, doubting his charms.

?I can assure you, your majesty, that she's very appreciative of the treatment we reserved for her. The room, food, and other trivialities were all to her liking. She won't hate the thought of coming back here after the engagement period.?

?You talk as if I've already decided,? he comments.

?I do not dare to make such assumptions. My talk is too free, I admit it, but it's for more immediate communication. If your majesty is interested in any other lady, I can collect information.?

?What about... Lorene?? he murmurs.

Oh, damn it. But she's not on the shortlist.

?My cousin?? I say. ?It wouldn't be too much if two cousin girls were married to two brothers??

I can't just say she's a spoiled little brat with the intention of making this place crumble into pieces for her own gain.

Actually, there is a chance that her greed prevails, and she keeps Ethiro safe to maintain her position as Empress. But even in that case, she would accumulate power rather than solve the mysterious duties the Ethirian Empress has to.

But badmouthing a girl in front of a young boy that is potentially infatuated isn't wise. Especially if the said boy is an Emperor.

?Also, we can't risk taking an Empress from Asteria. It would bring a new imbalance to the court,? I add.

?I know,? his majesty sighs. ?A pity...? he whispers, maybe not realising that I can hear.

?She's pretty, indeed,? I comment. ?But your majesty will have as many pretty women as you'll ask for. There's no need to bind yourself for life just because of beauty.?

And lady Eliza is pretty as well. What makes his majesty dubious about her?

?I can try talking with Eliza and find out how she truly feels. I'm sure your majesty is in her heart already, but she's a bit shy.?

?Rather than shy, she's cold.?

?Or maybe, reserved. Lady Eliza doesn't think she stands a chance. Her position in Myrya is precarious. We can't resent her for being cautious. She doesn't want to suffer.?

?The last few days, she hasn't left her sister's side!?

Oh, that lass. Using such a trick to keep the Emperor at a distance. But... why?

It seems I don't have a choice. I'll have to solve this matter too.

?Your majesty shouldn't worry too much about her will...? I start. But then, I realise.

I'm pushing a girl into a marriage that she maybe doesn't want.

I was lucky with my husband, so I forgot how I felt the first days. I shouldn't force her into a bond that will keep her here for the rest of her life. There are so many undesirable aspects of being an Empress. Just by looking at how the Empress Grandmother spent her last years, I should have understood earlier.

?I will talk with her first,? I say. ?I will determine her real feelings and report to your majesty. If the girl doesn't want to get married, she won't be able to hide it from me.?

?If that's the case?? the Emperor asks, looking out of the window. The glass is especially clear, letting all the light pass.

?The final decision won't be mine,? I sigh. ?But an unwilling Empress will be no good. She will create more trouble than bring solutions.?

?You have the talent of finding arguments for your personal, sentimental beliefs, Archduchess Kyre,? the Emperor chuckles.

As the ladies in the garden walk around, I realise how come Lorene left such an impression on the Emperor.

From here, one can see her perfectly during her afternoon walk. She always takes the same path: I've been informed of that.

And the reason for that path is to be seen by this very window.

How much information does my Uncle have about Ethiro's inner situation?

That little fox has played by the rules because she has been a step ahead of the others. If I wasn't ready to take out the other doves from the cap, she would have succeeded in conquering the Emperor's young heart.

?I think it's time to send the ladies back, your majesty,? I comment. ?Some distance will help your decision, and they're needed back home.?

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