
Chapter 315 - Old Matters To Settle

Chapter 315 - Old Matters To Settle

After freshening up and wearing a nightgown, I feed Lavinia. I eat some dinner while Alexander cradles the little ball to sleep.

Then, I lie on the bed and collapse out of exhaustion. I don't understand... Why am I so tired?

It was quick, so it shouldn't make me yawn this often. My muscles relax when I turn to the side, and I stretch my legs and arch my back. The sheets are cold, and a shiver crosses my spine. Yet, I close my eyes and sigh.

When Alexander lies next to me, I moan. My arms grab his clothes, and my head finds his chest. His warmth comforts me, and I sleep without worries.

Tonight's dream is one of those pleasant, it seems.

Alexander is eating dinner and reading a book about war strategies. It must be from the time when he still had challenging reads. Before he discovered naughty books.

I can recognise the book, it's from my library in Polis.

The doors open to let the Queen pass, and the book is closed to admire her figure. She sits next to Alexander, her eyes smiling content and... Excited? Is this how I look when I'm excited about something?

?This Queen is very tired!? she states with an overly dramatic tone. She leans in her husband's arms and cuddles in his embrace.

Alexander reaches out for the plates on the table, and I can feel his lips smiling. He collects some salad with the fork and offers it to the Queen. She bites it and chews in silence, enjoying being taken care of.

She looks at her husband without even blinking.

?Is my Queen so tired that she can't reserve some attention for her husband??

?I can try,? she states, but she opens her mouth to be fed.

When her stomach is filled, she moves her efforts on satisfying another part of her body.

?I've written a reply to your letter,? she states.

Oh, that letter.

Alexander made me believe that Queen Theodora scolded him after his shameless statements, but the woman in front of me is all but bothered.

Moreover, she wrote a reply!

I haven't yet. But this might be a good chance to get some inspiration.

I did write something cheesy for Alexander after he revealed everything about his past life, but it was because of the promise. His last letter, though, is still unanswered.

I can't help but feel annoyed that he used that same letter two... Ehm, several times, to get to me.

I'm looking forward to checking this reply, now.

Too bad that the envelope Queen Theodora left on the table is still there. She's gazing at Alexander, pressing her body against him.

Oh, how soft! It's so nice... Alexander wasn't lying when he said he preferred me a bit chubby. I'm even softer than this in real life, aren't I?

But it seems I'll have to wait to read the letter.

Alexander carries the Queen to the bed while she kisses his neck and caresses his chest. She even pulls his clothes up with a bit of hurry.

It's not the first time I witnessed this.

And my hubby and I are better at it.

But it's always awkward. The male body is different, and the feelings are new every time.

And this Queen is a bit lazy: she prefers to endure anything Alexander tries without much of a resistance. But she doesn't put any extra effort either.

Tonight, she's especially reactive. She even kisses her Consort... And he's happy about it.

But it's a bit boring. I wanted to get some new ideas.

I have to observe their lovemaking until they're both tired and satisfied. Only then, curiosity takes over Alexander's heart. He opens the letter and reads with a full heart.

?My dear Consort,? he reads. What Consort?

At least, she could write husband.

?I also missed you. I hope this day is not as long as it's promised to be, for I'm looking forward to being at your side.?

Uh? Just this? Oh, well, it's somehow sweet.

And I don't think the Queen could come up with something more intricate.

?Dutifully yours, Theodora.?

Oh, at least, she signed with her name.

This is the reply she worked so hard on. Two lines, counting the signature.

I've stayed in this dream for nothing. But I should still use this chance to let my hubby know that he's a manipulative jerk.

He used the same letter twice, and he made me believe he got punished the first time. While it's the contrary!

Knowing those two's usual engagements, this is something alike to a reward.

I need to get up now. There's a letter to write.

I open my eyes and sigh, waiting for the tingle in my lower belly to decrease. It was not that hot of a scene; yet... And Alexander's arms around me don't help in calming down.

When I'm back to normal, almost, the sun comes out. Light invades the room, and I can see enough to sneak out of bed and get ready for the day.

I find some paper and ink. I write the exact same thing as Theodora did, with a single difference.

?Mmm,? I moan, wondering whether to be less formal.

No. In the end, I leave the first line as it is: my dear husband.

I place the envelope on the pillow and get out to look for my baby.

She was a good girl yesterday. She didn't play with me before falling asleep.

She knew that Alexander would carry her around sooner like that, but let's overlook her bias for once.

I walk into the room, and I find two maids awake and guarding. Another is sleeping on the sofa.

Lavinia is in her cradle, and Kate is on the bed nearby, ready to get up at any moment. I didn't know my handmaid would like children so much.

I walk to the cradle and find a couple of dark eyes wide open and vigil.

?Hey,? I murmur, and they move on me. ?Someone has been waiting, ah??

The exact same moment she hears my voice, she starts crying out loud. She even disturbs the other people sleeping in here.

I pick her up and cradle her for a few minutes before sitting on an armchair to feed her. She's not too hungry, so she stops sucking after a few minutes. But then, she doesn't go back to sleep.

She continues staring at me with her big eyes.

Her head is growing some soft black hair. She'll be just like Alexander when she grows up. Only with gentler features.

For example, her nose is small. But all babies have a small nose, don't they? It might grow in the future.

Her eyelashes are as long as Alexander's and as thick. She will charm many young lads with these eyes of hers.

It will be difficult for her daddy to keep every suitor far away.

?Every day, she's a bit heavier,? I say out loud.

She grimaces at my voice. I suppose it's a smile.

?Yes, my Lady!? one of the maids replies. A bit too enthusiastically. Will I have to listen to a waterfall of praises again?

I already have Alexander talking about the same things over and over again. She moved her leg, she caught his finger... She blinked twice.

It becomes annoying, especially when it's something I've witnessed on my own.

?The young miss is growing steadily,? the maid starts. ?Her muscles are stronger now, and she can even raise her head!?

My little ball is indeed doing her best at surviving.

?We will need to go back to the north, sooner or later,? I realise. ?How are we going to make such a long journey with a baby??

I haven't thought about it before, but she's too delicate for Alexander's pace of travel. At the same time, I'd avoid taking a month to arrive home.

?She won't even notice we're travelling,? the maid giggles. ?Someone will hold her all the time.?

Ah, well, I know a place where she sleeps regardless of the weather or the bumpy trips. And I'm sure Alexander won't find it heavy to carry her.

?I don't know when we'll be free to go, so it's better to start preparing. We might need to get out of here in a hurry,? I point out. ?Let's start preparing. But don't pack the luggage yet. I don't want to be suspicious. Just careful.?

?Yes, my Lady.?

?My husband and I won't need much for the journey. Some blankets to keep us warm will suffice. But Lavinia is still little. You know better than me what her needs are. Keep enough necessities ready at any moment.?

?Yes, my Lady, we will.?

As a response, even Lavinia screams. She then opens her toothless mouth and giggles.

?You agree, don't you?? I murmur, offering her my hand to grab. ?You're as wise as your mother.?

When she has a hold of my hand, she seems happy and calms down. I don't even remember all the pain of giving birth to her.

Not anymore.

All I see, when looking at her, is the little treasure that stares at me, and the similarities she has with Alexander.

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