
Chapter 322 - Desert Hallways (1)

Chapter 322 - Desert Hallways (1)

Finally, the day everyone has waited for is here.

In a few minutes, the names of the candidates that passed the selection will be announced.

The news has spread. Hence, the hall is crowded. The nobles are standing one next to the other, the shoulders touching. They're not annoyed by this occurrence because curiosity has taken over.

They're here to hear.

Alexander and I are standing not far from the throne, surrounded by people. We're in our usual place, as well as the Princess, standing a few steps to the Emperor's left.

The Dowager Empress is on the right of the throne. Any more closer and she could sit on the armrest. She's showing a power she doesn't have. I'm sure she already spread the news about the list far and wide.

It will be a fascinating show to see her proven wrong. Her allies will think twice before believing in her word next time. And she will speed up her plan, whatever it is.

Before losing even more ground, she will take hasty steps. And hurry is mistakes' best friend.

The Emperor's herald is calling the names of the ladies that will be further considered for the place of Empress.

Once reached half of the list, he stops. And he doesn't say one more word. The hall stays silent for a while, wondering why none of the court ladies has been deemed worthy to proceed further.

?Your majesty, is that all?? the Dowager Empress asks. She is more confused than shocked at the moment. ?There must be some mistake.?

?What kind of mistake, mother??

?All the ladies named are foreigners.?

?Yes, that's true. Anything to comment on it??

?The list is so short, your majesty.?

?That's why they call it a shortlist. Those are the ladies that passed all the tests our council proposed. Some of them surpassed all the expectations, as I've heard.?

?How can an illegitimate princess be more suited than all the daughters of our court, your majesty??

?Are you questioning the council's work, mother? If I knew you were interested, I would have appointed you to oversee the selection.?

?Of course I'm interested, your majesty. It's the future of our Empire that we're talking about. My worry talked for me; I apologise.?

Oh, she noticed, didn't she? I don't even have to do anything like this. His majesty is having a lot of fun. I bet he wanted to put that woman back in place many times before, but he never had the chance.

I observe the faces in the hall, and I start recognising the surprise and annoyance of those lied to.

Finally, the Empress's allies have a face.

This is far from over, but still... It's funny how easy it is to read their mind at this moment. They're questioning their choice and considering whether to change their faction before it's too late. Now, one last move from Alexander, and the harpy will be in a corner.

Balance has kept this court peaceful yet on edge long enough. It's time to shake some certainties.

?I know, mother,? the Emperor says. ?I know you want the best for Ethiro.?

If the Princess wasn't around, if I was far from here, if Alexander couldn't exercise any influence in the Palace... If any of these conditions wasn't like it is, the Emperor would have become a puppet in the harpy's hands. Not even the Empress Grandmother could have done anything.

Is this Alexander's mission? To bring peace to these lands?

I turn my gaze towards Asteria's delegation. They're rather disappointed. Most of them are clenching teeth and fists.

Not my uncle. He expected this result, didn't he?

There was such a tiny hope that Lorene could be chosen.

And now that she's out of the picture, they can return to focus on their better chance. Me.

?You're scaring me, Thea. Can you stop glaring at people?? Alexander whispers to my ear.

?I'm not glaring.?

?Well, they might think you want to kill them if you continue like this. But I won't complain if you look at me with such intensity. I am always available for your glares,? he adds.

?Don't you prefer a loving gaze??

?As long as it's intense,? he sighs.

This shameless husband of mine. He's talking love words with his wife in a hall full of suspense and disbelief. I should have taught him how to behave in public before starting the operation...

?Now, this is better,? he adds after a few seconds of gazing at him.

Meanwhile, the drama continues.

Some lords are asking explanations for such a choice; others are just leaving in silence. The chaos is total, and the centre of it is the Dowager Empress.

After she was publicly declared to have nothing to do with the selection, her influence disappeared for a moment. Everyone saw the greedy, desperate woman with nothing in her hands.

Not even a tiny piece of paper to write her last will.

?Shall we go?? I ask Alexander.

He nods, and we get out from a side door.

?It's such a nice day, sunny and warm,? I comment, dragging him to a bench. ?Let's stay here for a while.?

He nods again, and he surrounds my shoulders with an arm as we let time pass. We chat about something valueless, and we take note of the flow of people out of the throne hall.

?Now it's time,? I decide, at some point. I drag my dear husband towards one of the servant passages. ?I have something to confess.?

?Yes?? he murmurs, amused by my choice of words. ?What have you done??

?Last year, during our first weeks of marriage, I explored the servants' passages. I even tried to plan an escape.? It's not a secret; he knows it already. ?In the end, my husband made me change my mind with his love and care, but I had time to walk around quite a bit.?

And I even built a stock of wine. But this detail is better kept confidential.

?Are you going to show me one of your routes?? he asks.

?Yes, is that all right with you??

?Yes, of course. In case you want to run away someday in the future, I'll know where to start searching.?

?I don't think such a day will ever come.?

It's easier to run away from Stoneyard.

?Well, I'm relieved you think so, wife.?

?Now, keep quiet. You don't want to be discovered, do you?? I whisper, pulling him closer.

?Discovered doing what?? he replies, reaching my face with his lips.

Ah, I knew it. But I'm already used to this kind of reaction, aren't I?

He drags me into a darker corridor, and we exchange a couple of kisses in the shadows. His arm is on the wall, hiding my face from random bypassers.

Not that anyone would stare here for long. It's not like we're fuelling any gossip like this. We're married.

?Is this a new fixation of yours?? he murmurs before moving on my neck.

?Actually, I'm just wasting time. It's too early, but we shouldn't be seen nearby...?

?Is that so?? His teeth bite my neck, and I wince, wondering if he's trying to leave a mark on purpose, but he stops teasing and returns to the gentle kisses of before.

?Now it should be time,? I say before he can move the sleeve away from my shoulder. ?Let's go.?


?You'll see. Not far from here, my dear.?

We walk in the corridors for a few seconds, and we take a dozen stairs to the cellars. The hallway is not completely underground, and there are small openings that let us see part of the garden. There are bushes in the front, so we can't see a thing.

Not that we need to see, hearing will be enough.

We have to stay silent and focus on the events happening on the other side of the wall, but Alexander doesn't seem to care too much.

He returns to kiss my neck, and he licks my ear. I inhale abruptly and try moving his head away, but his clench is stronger.

I point towards the windows with my chin and then with my fingers, but he doesn't seem to understand the message.

He continues to gaze at me until I stop resisting and let him hug me again. Ah, where has all my stubbornness gone? Wasn't I a strong-willed woman once?

I even kiss Alexander's lips in a short, sweet exchange. His fingers reach my hair and undo the bun with a few swift gestures. It took him a couple of tries to learn how to do this, and now he can sink his hand in my hair and pull when my attentions tries to escape from him.

I have to reply to his kisses for a while before realising that I didn't come here to make out. I have a mission, a real one.

I open my mouth to whisper his name, but the words from outside are so clear that I close it back.

Every single breath can be heard here: these walls are useless!

?What's the meaning of this?? the Empress's voice says.

She's outside, in the garden. Finally!

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