
Chapter 326 - The Second Princess

Chapter 326 - The Second Princess

In the end, I chose the blue dress. It's the one I like more.

It's dark in colour, has a tiny waist but doesn't constrict breasts. The sleeves are large and fly when I raise my arms. The cleavage is chaste, and that must be what Alexander likes in this gown. The skirt is large and bulky, but I'm getting used to this kind of model.

It's a combination of different styles. The noblewomen will love it.

It makes me look elegant and fresh at the same time.

?It's done, your highness,? the maid says. She bows her head and takes a few steps back.

I check my appearance in the mirror, and I nod to her.

?My handmaid will take care of my hair. You can all go.?

As the Palace maids leave, I turn to Kate. She has the comb ready in her hand, as well as a few accessories to embellish my hair.

Right now, my blond locks are tied in a convenient bun. When Kate removes the ribbon keeping everything in place, they flow down and cover my back. The contrast between the dark dress and my light hair attracts the eye. Should I leave my hair down? Not all of it, of course. It wouldn't be fit for a woman of my position.

But a few locks should be all right...

Also, there's a love bite to cover behind my ear.

?I will leave this part down,? Kate sighs. I don't even need to tell her.

She knows, already, what kind of thing happens whenever I have to dress up.

These past couple of days, I couldn't look at a table without blushing. Not even coffee tables are spared from my lewd glances anymore.

I don't know why since they're rather uncomfortable. I prefer a mattress. Or, at most, a couch.

While I'm lost in my proper thoughts, Kate finishes arranging my hair. She collects the locks from the front and ties them on top, forming a rose with them. Then, she arranges the rest of the hair so that it frames my head with intricate patterns. Her fingers are magic because the end result is wonderful.

The hair that flows on the dress is wavy, while the entwined braids and locks are tidy. I feel younger like this.

?Where is Lavinia?? I inquire, getting up to look for my daughter. I haven't seen her since the moment I started getting ready, hours ago.

Is she hungry? Oh, she's most probably sleeping.

I hope she won't mind the crowd too much. I'll show her to the court and then tell the maids to bring her to a more intimate place. She doesn't need to cope with people at such a young age.

Not to mention that most of the eyes on her will be malicious.

I find daughter and father playing with each other. Alexander is ready, splendid in his dark blue suit. He's wearing the brooch the Empress Grandmother gifted us the first time we visited her together.

I also made a hair accessory of the sapphire intended for me, and it's now in my hair, attracting light with its brightness.

Lavinia, on the other side, is wearing a light blue tunic. A ribbon is the only detail of it. Kate made a hat for her, but the little ball frowned when we put it on.

She moaned in complaint until she was distracted by one of her toys and stopped thinking about it. She even has shoes.

More similar to socks than shoes, to be sincere. But she can't walk: what difference does it make?

?Aren't we cute, Thea?? Alexander asks, looking at me when I walk in.

Even Lavinia screams a loud ?Aaaeh!? when she sees me.

?Very cute,? I sigh.

Even though, with his hair combed back and fixed with wax, cute isn't the right word for my husband.

Will I have a hard time dealing with squealing ladies? I should lock him up so that others don't see him...

?What are you thinking about now?? he inquires, tilting his head and raising his brows. ?This is a new face. I can't imagine what must be going on in your head...?

Better he doesn't know.

?Let's go. We shouldn't be late,? I say out loud, forgetting all the thoughts of the last few minutes.

I should get ready for battle before stepping into the hall.

Alexander delivers the little ball to a maid, and he reaches me in a few steps. He offers me his arm after landing a light peck on my lips.

?Aren't you excited?? I ask him while we walk in the hallways. ?You will be able to show off your wife and your daughter at the same time.?

?I'll be the most envied man in the Palace.?

?Sure,? I chuckle.

?You're beautiful today. Even more than usual.?

?Your eyes are broken, husband. I can't risk believing your judgement on this matter...?

?You're right,? he sighs. ?I might be biased.?

When we reach the hall, the herald announces us.

?His highness, Archduke Alexander of Kyre, and her highness, the Archduchess!? he declares.

We walk in, and many eyes turn to us.

?Her highness, Princess of Saffron,? the herald continues. Is this how it's going to be? My daughter announced separately? But her title is indeed her own.

Will she be able to make use of it when she grows up? I'll have to teach her properly from when she's little so as not to let her be blinded by this shiny world.

The nobles' eyes now turn to her. No matter how handsome or pretty, Alexander and I become invisible for a few moments.

Lavinia is sleeping in the maid's arms.

Even the uniforms of the two maids and Kate are a special design for this day. They're wearing light coloured gowns, simple yet pretty.

The Emperor arrives a few minutes after us, and he walks in with his usual royal steps. He turns to the baby and smiles.

It's a genuine smile, cute and sincere. I've never seen his majesty react like this. And his face is more childish when he bows down to look more closely.

?Hello, Princess,? he chuckles.

Lavinia observes the new face in silence, quietly pondering whether to like him or not. She doesn't start shouting just yet, nor does she frown.

Ah, her eyes are so similar to Alexander's. There's no way his majesty gets offended for her cold behaviour, right? He knows it's a baby he's talking to, right?

?Don't worry yet,? Alexander whispers. ?Our daughter can conquer any heart. She's too cute to pass unnoticed.?

Well, I would prefer a dull baby no one pays too much attention to. And she's not as pretty as Alexander says. Just a regular baby like there are many out there.

?I've brought my own gift for the second Princess of the Empire!? his majesty declares when his battle of stares with my winning daughter ends. Kate can keep watching way longer than the Emperor; what a disappointment.

The main doors of the hall are opened, and the servants bring inside a lot of boxes. There are clothes, toys, jewels of many kinds...

Just like this, Lavinia has now her own little richness. Marriage offers will flock, won't they?

As soon as it's heard that she's favoured at court, even international delegations will inquire about her hand. It will be tiring to turn everyone down.

But my daughter won't be a political toy for others to use. She'll choose her own fate when she's old enough.

And Alexander doesn't seem intentioned to let her get married soon and somewhere far. We'll see if it changes through the years after he has other children and Lavinia becomes an adult. But I hope his love isn't a momentary sentiment.

He loved Queen Theodora through two lives: he's definitely capable of staying attached to his child.

One of the gifts is a small cage with a canary.

?This will sing to my niece when she has trouble falling asleep,? the Emperor explains.

The bird is pretty: small, coloured, and cute. Is it still a youngling?

Lavinia seems interested in the animal. She hasn't seen one yet, now that I think about it. Shall we find a puppy for her?

Oh, when she grows up some more. She won't be able to play with it until she can't sit on her own.

For the moment, a canary is really the best choice.

?Thank you, your majesty,? I say. ?Lavinia already likes it. She can't move her eyes away.?

?I always wanted a pet when I was a child,? the Emperor replies. ?The only one I was allowed was a little bird. It didn't sing, but it kept me company. As such, I realised that even the Princess might like one.?

?It's a thoughtful present, your majesty. We're honoured by your consideration. And I'm sure Princess Saffron is, too,? Alexander adds.

?Now,? the Emperor says, louder than before. ?Let the celebrations begin!?

As music fills the hall, he shows a small door to the servants.

?It's not the best place for a child this little. You can rest there,? he says.

Thank goodness, my little ball won't have to look at the drama ready to unfold. She's better safe in a nearby room.

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