
Chapter 346 - Ten Years Later (1)

Chapter 346 - Ten Years Later (1)

The sea is not as calm today, but it doesn't matter too much. I can see Polis in the distance, which means we'll be there by evening.

The usual breeze moves my hair, which I let loose on my back, and my clothes follow the sails with their waving.

If he wasn't bedridden, Alexander would enjoy this view and feelings with me. But since he can't even walk around after a month of journey by sea, I let him rest in the cabin.

He must be the only person in the world whose seasickness worsens with time instead of decreasing. But it's one of the things I like the most: one of his few weaknesses.

To think that a man like him would surrender to the waves... Ah, he's so unlucky to have wed a former sea queen.

?How much time?? I inquire when a sailor passes by.

?Three hours, my Queen.?

Can I even say sailor?

While we were on the way, Diogenes decided to attack a ship and steal part of the cargo. Not all, since he hasn't transformed into an evil pirate captain, but enough to make some money.

Some things never change, and his parsimony won't disappear ever. Even as a pirate, he doesn't spend a cent more than necessary. It's almost a waste for the pirate economy, now that I think about it.

When Alexander realised that we were stealing, he got angry as a devil and tried to stop the misdeed. And he ended up vomiting his soul out.

It was kind of cute. I had to take care of my hubby after, so I had a chance to act like a proper wife and pat his back while he threw out. And then to caress his forehead while putting him to rest.

A few days later, he let go of the grudge. And Diogenes thought it was better to go straight to Polis before the Consort died of seasickness.

I couldn't find enough patience to explain that there couldn't be a Consort without a Queen, so we just let him do and enjoyed the feeling of being called like in our first life.

I enjoyed it more than Alexander, as he's still recovering.

?I haven't been home for months. And I always become nervous when we're nearby. I'd row towards there if only I could,? Diogenes comments while observing the horizon.

I haven't heard him walk here.

This vessel became his home, and he's now a real captain: he moves on his ship as if it was part of him.

?The last few days are the hardest, and the four hours we need to get there when we finally see the harbour, oh, those last forever...? he sighs. ?I always hope to see you there, my Queen. We haven't gotten used to not being ruled. We miss the royal family and our traditions...?

?Things change, Diogenes. And as long as I'm alive, I'll make sure no harm is done to Polis. That's all I can do, so I hope it's enough.?

Actually, I'm nervous.

The exile was lifted officially a few weeks ago. Alexander organised the departure as soon as he got the news.

This time, we're travelling with reliable escorts and a few maids and servants. We don't want to waste time with bandits and similar obstacles. Even his majesty sent a missive to tell us to be careful.

Apparently, there is a fleet of cruel pirates roaming in Ethirian waters.

I'm returning officially after ten years of exile. I'm afraid of how my people will react to me. After all, I abandoned them. I left the city as if I was a martyr, and then I survived.

It's not easy to forgive such events...

I sigh as the initial nostalgia is shadowed by this new, apprehensive feeling.

Maybe it's too early. Maybe, I could try another time. Are we late to sneak into the city in secret and visit our places?

I collect my gowns and head into the cabin. Alexander is still lying on the bed, with an arm on his eyes and a grimace.

?Wife?? he moans when he hears the door.

?How are you feeling??

?Like yesterday.?

?A couple of hours more, and we'll reach Polis.?

?Land?? he says, grabbing my hand out of instinct. He doesn't even need to move his arm away from his eyes. He doesn't need to see me, to know where I am.

?Yes,? I reply while sitting down next to him. I caress his hair and wait for his second reaction. In fact, his hand slides up on my arm and reaches my elbow.

Before he has time to caress even higher, I bow down and land a kiss on his forehead.

?It will be over soon. And your suffering will be rewarded.?

?Mhm?? he moans, this time opening his eyes. ?How??

He's not sick anymore, apparently.

No, rather, his brain is focused on something that isn't the waves.

?Why don't you tell me how?? I bounce the question back. ?What is your brain up to this time??

?Oh, there's something this husband of yours wanted to do... But I'm afraid my wife will look at me with disgust and leave forever,? he pouts. ?I do not dare ask.?

I roll my eyes and sigh. How many times has he said something like this already? It's once every few weeks. I wonder how long his creativity will last.

I bow down and peck his lips.

?What is it that's so perverse??

?There's a terrace in the royal palace, there in Polis...? he murmurs.

Oh, he's again at it. He wants to do it out in the open.

I've rejected him a few times already, yet he always asks again.

Once, it was in the middle of a hunt. For goodness, it was the first time we were hunting together! I didn't want to waste time and roll in the bushes...

He's always so inspired in the woods.

I've done many naughty things all these years, but all hidden in our room. I've been a pervert with decency.

The thought of being spotted by someone in such a private moment would turn any hint of excitement off. For me, not for Alexander.

And now, he's proposing the balcony of my former room.

Doesn't he have any shame?

?I knew you would say no,? he sulks.

?Then, why did you ask??

?Because hope is the last to disappear. What if, pitied by my suffering, you would have conceded? I would have been the happiest man alive.?

?Aren't you happy already?? I tease him. ?Now, now... Is your content based on how often your wife shares your bed? That's a lame way to live, my dear.?

He seems to think about it, even though he has the reply ready. His eyes graze on the wood of the roof, pass by the candle fixed on the table, and finally return to me.

?You're right,? he sighs. ?I'm a lame man. My only luck is that my wife accepts my wickedness. From time to time...?

?From time to time? You...? I whisper. ?You're a shameless Archduke! What else would you want from me? All these stories just because I said no a couple of times??

?I'm trying to look pitiful to make you accept,? he points out. ?I have the right to do my best!?

?You're making it sound as if I treat you badly,? I murmur.

His arms surround my waist, and he drags me on his chest. His lips land on my neck, and his tongue tickles my skin.

?Say it again,? he whispers. ?Complain about me some more...?

His face dives in my bosom, and he bites my right breast through the clothes.

?Say that you don't like this,? he continues. ?Tell me not to touch you anymore.?

?Don't be this extreme,? I breathe. ?I don't complain about everything.?

One of his hands slips down, cupping my butt.

?We already talked about it,? I say. ?I don't want to be spotted.?

?All right,? he nods, his nose still in between my breasts. ?I'll find a way to become invisible.?

At least, I'm sure he won't insist. Once I say no, or a couple of times when he's in the mood, he doesn't compel me to fulfil his desires.

Being both stubborn, it's a continuous fight for some kind of supremacy. But it's worth it.

?Good hubby,? I mumble while caressing his hair. ?Now, shall we get ready? Aren't you looking forward to visiting Polis??

?To set foot on land,? he corrects me.

A knock on the cabin startles us.

?My Queen, we're landing!? Diogenes shouts.

The clarity of his voice makes me understand that if I were to moan a little harder, the sound would be heard in the hallway. One of the disadvantages of a ship. Thank goodness I managed to contain myself these two months.

?Are you ready, Thea?? Alexander inquires. His face reappears in front of me, and I peck his cheek.

?I am!? I exclaim, now full of enthusiasm and energy. ?And you, Xander??

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