
Chapter 3 - New Discoveries (Part II) - Is That A ...??!

Kylie looked upon the scenes as they flashed by. As she watched her younger self of her past life in her school uniform, going to school and attending classes, it felt all so surreal. It wasn't just the lessons but her interactions with her schoolmates and teachers. She saw things about herself that she didn't realise then, but was made all so clear now.

Kylie mused as she watched herself not really interacting much with her schoolmates. She had been more content in keeping to herself, yet she wasn't a total outcast as she would join in for class activities. It was more of the fact that she never really put herself out there.

That could have been partially due to her strict parents that never allowed her out of the house other than for school; though it was also partly due to her own introvert nature. Kylie figured that her new life should mean a new person : she would no longer be in the sidelines but also in the thick of it. You only lived once ... no, wait. That wasn't right since she's going to be reborn.

Live life to the fullest, as if it's your last day.

That will be her mantra for now. Not many people would have this second chance at Life, and she aimed to do more. Live more. Be more.

Another thing that Kylie discovered was that she actually understood all her lessons easily. Her brain was like a sponge that absorbed everything she saw, and she hardly needed any time to think about it. Additional Maths that had her pulling her hair out and a subject she could never pass before, was now as easy as simple addition. It was only some basic formula. Physics? What used to be something that had her crying her eyes out in memorizing the tables and sequences now appeared as simple as following a recipe.

Although puzzled at first, Kylie figured it was most likely due to the fact that although her brain was still being formed, it carried the knowledge and experience of her previous life. It was the most plausible explanation that she had.

Well. It was the only explanation she could come up with. It's not like someone is going to tell her it is wrong. The point is .. ENJOY IT. So this is what it felt like to be clever or know what you're doing. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction was something that could not be described.

Since everything was so much easier to grasp and comprehend, Kylie actually found it all exhilarating. It was actually FUN! She didn't just replay her school lessons, she also recalled all the shows and documentaries that she used to watch in her previous life. Not only was she able to remember and re-learn the old things, but she also discovered to her utter delight that she could learn new things as well!

This was something she stumbled across when she decided to 'rest' for a while. She had been an avid fan of watching Anime and also Korean and Chinese Dramas, and on a whim, chose to spend some time re-watching her favourite shows and movies like Naruto, Goblin and Love O2O.

At first, she was reading the subtitles until a few episodes later, she realised that she actually understood their speech. Her eyes widened at that (figuratively speaking) and it was as if a light bulb switched on in her head. The only regret she had was that she didn't watch many foreign films in their original language before, so she could not pick up yet another language.

Still, knowing English, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean and Cantonese was pretty good already. Kylie giggled to herself, thinking how amazing she would be growing up.

You've got to forgive her for her self-inflated ego at the moment. Having lived a life of mediocrity, and now that there is a possibility of her being an 'elite' was so mind-boggling and exhilarating to the senses and heart. Kylie enjoyed this all, basking in the enjoyment of the learning process and gaining new knowledge.

After another month had passed, and the fetus developed more.

Kylie was now 4 months old. She decided to 'exercise' her body to take a break from the constant studying. She had eyelids now, though it still couldn't be opened. Fingernails and the reproductive organs were formed. With more bodily functions and parts having been formed, Kylie began to feel something wasn't quite right.

A bit alarmed, she decided to give herself a whole body check. It wasn't that she felt sick, but rather, her whole body felt weird in a strange way. She couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. It just was … Kylie shrugged and started.

She opened and closed her mouth, imitating a yawn. Lips and mouth ok. Check.

She moved her neck a bit, to the left and right. Neck ok. Check.

She moved each finger of both hands. 10 small movements. Fingers, check.

She closed and opened her hands, making a fist and letting go. Joints, check.

She wiggled her toes, counting them slowly. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Toes ... it was a struggle at first, but finally .... check.

She moved both of her arms up and down slowly, bending and straightening them. Arms, check.

She bent her knees and stretched them. She then closed her legs together … and that's when she felt something. It felt like there was a small, soft, squishy … No. It couldn't be. Kylie's brain was telling her what it was but she couldn't accept it. No, it couldn't be. Seriously. No. Is that really a …?!

Kylie gulped.

With her heart seemingly pounding hard and rapidly, Kylie slowly opened and closed her legs again. Doing it in slow motion this time, as if it would make what she felt an illusion. This time it would be different. It was all her imagination. She closed my thighs together, almost squeezing them together tightly.

The lump in her throat got bigger.

Yup. There was no doubt about it.

There was something in between her legs.

Oh God.

"I'm a boy?!!"

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